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Pedro Neto is a MSc in Computer Science from the Aalto University, Finland and a PhD candidate at FEUP. Simultaneously, he works as a research assistant at Centre of Telecommunication and Multimedia at INESC TEC, developing, as part of the CADPath project, computer-aided diagnosis systems for colorectal and cervical cancers. Besides his work on the project, Pedro is also researching biometric systems, for instance face recognition or presentation attack detection, as well as the interpretability and explainability of artificial intelligence models.



  • Name

    Pedro David Carneiro
  • Role

    External Student
  • Since

    14th October 2020


Model compression techniques in biometrics applications: A survey

Caldeira, E; Neto, PC; Huber, M; Damer, N; Sequeira, AF;


The development of deep learning algorithms has extensively empowered humanity's task automatization capacity. However, the huge improvement in the performance of these models is highly correlated with their increasing level of complexity, limiting their usefulness in human-oriented applications, which are usually deployed in resource-constrained devices. This led to the development of compression techniques that drastically reduce the computational and memory costs of deep learning models without significant performance degradation. These compressed models are especially essential when implementing multi-model fusion solutions where multiple models are required to operate simultaneously. This paper aims to systematize the current literature on this topic by presenting a comprehensive survey of model compression techniques in biometrics applications, namely quantization, knowledge distillation and pruning. We conduct a critical analysis of the comparative value of these techniques, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages and presenting suggestions for future work directions that can potentially improve the current methods. Additionally, we discuss and analyze the link between model bias and model compression, highlighting the need to direct compression research toward model fairness in future works.


An interpretable machine learning system for colorectal cancer diagnosis from pathology slides

Neto, PC; Montezuma, D; Oliveira, SP; Oliveira, D; Fraga, J; Monteiro, A; Monteiro, J; Ribeiro, L; Gonçalves, S; Reinhard, S; Zlobec, I; Pinto, IM; Cardoso, JS;


Considering the profound transformation affecting pathology practice, we aimed to develop a scalable artificial intelligence (AI) system to diagnose colorectal cancer from whole-slide images (WSI). For this, we propose a deep learning (DL) system that learns from weak labels, a sampling strategy that reduces the number of training samples by a factor of six without compromising performance, an approach to leverage a small subset of fully annotated samples, and a prototype with explainable predictions, active learning features and parallelisation. Noting some problems in the literature, this study is conducted with one of the largest WSI colorectal samples dataset with approximately 10,500 WSIs. Of these samples, 900 are testing samples. Furthermore, the robustness of the proposed method is assessed with two additional external datasets (TCGA and PAIP) and a dataset of samples collected directly from the proposed prototype. Our proposed method predicts, for the patch-based tiles, a class based on the severity of the dysplasia and uses that information to classify the whole slide. It is trained with an interpretable mixed-supervision scheme to leverage the domain knowledge introduced by pathologists through spatial annotations. The mixed-supervision scheme allowed for an intelligent sampling strategy effectively evaluated in several different scenarios without compromising the performance. On the internal dataset, the method shows an accuracy of 93.44% and a sensitivity between positive (low-grade and high-grade dysplasia) and non-neoplastic samples of 0.996. On the external test samples varied with TCGA being the most challenging dataset with an overall accuracy of 84.91% and a sensitivity of 0.996.


Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data

Tame, ID; Tolosana, R; Melzi, P; Rodríguez, RV; Kim, M; Rathgeb, C; Liu, X; Morales, A; Fiérrez, J; Garcia, JO; Zhong, Z; Huang, Y; Mi, Y; Ding, S; Zhou, S; He, S; Fu, L; Cong, H; Zhang, R; Xiao, Z; Smirnov, E; Pimenov, A; Grigorev, A; Timoshenko, D; Asfaw, KM; Low, CY; Liu, H; Wang, C; Zuo, Q; He, Z; Shahreza, HO; George, A; Unnervik, A; Rahimi, P; Marcel, S; Neto, PC; Huber, M; Kolf, JN; Damer, N; Boutros, F; Cardoso, JS; Sequeira, AF; Atzori, A; Fenu, G; Marras, M; Struc, V; Yu, J; Li, Z; Li, J; Zhao, W; Lei, Z; Zhu, X; Zhang, XY; Biesseck, B; Vidal, P; Coelho, L; Granada, R; Menotti, D;

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2024 - Workshops, Seattle, WA, USA, June 17-18, 2024



Massively Annotated Datasets for Assessment of Synthetic and Real Data in Face Recognition

Neto, PC; Mamede, RM; Albuquerque, C; Gonçalves, T; Sequeira, AF;


Face recognition applications have grown in parallel with the size of datasets, complexity of deep learning models and computational power. However, while deep learning models evolve to become more capable and computational power keeps increasing, the datasets available are being retracted and removed from public access. Privacy and ethical concerns are relevant topics within these domains. Through generative artificial intelligence, researchers have put efforts into the development of completely synthetic datasets that can be used to train face recognition systems. Nonetheless, the recent advances have not been sufficient to achieve performance comparable to the state-of-the-art models trained on real data. To study the drift between the performance of models trained on real and synthetic datasets, we leverage a massive attribute classifier (MAC) to create annotations for four datasets: two real and two synthetic. From these annotations, we conduct studies on the distribution of each attribute within all four datasets. Additionally, we further inspect the differences between real and synthetic datasets on the attribute set. When comparing through the Kullback-Leibler divergence we have found differences between real and synthetic samples. Interestingly enough, we have verified that while real samples suffice to explain the synthetic distribution, the opposite could not be further from being true.


MST-KD: Multiple Specialized Teachers Knowledge Distillation for Fair Face Recognition

Caldeira, E; Cardoso, JS; Sequeira, AF; Neto, PC;





Explainable Artificial Intelligence - Getting insights from Deep Neural Networks for Interpretable and Fair Face Recognition

Ana Dias Teixeira de Viseu Cardoso
