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  • Name

    Pedro Miguel Madeira
  • Role

    Research Assistant
  • Since

    04th April 2018
  • Nationality

  • Centre

    Applied Photonics
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Measuring Water Vapor Sorption Hysteresis of Cement Paste through an Optical Fiber Sensor

da Silva, PM; Coelho, LCC; de Almeida, JMMM;


Water vapor sorption is a powerful tool for the analysis of cement paste, one of the most used substances by mankind. The monitoring of cementitious materials is fundamental for the improvement of infrastructure resilience, which has a deep impact on the economy, the environment, and on society. In this work, a multimode fiber was embedded in cement paste for real-time monitoring of cement paste water vapor sorption. Changes in the reflected light intensity due to the build-up of water in the cement paste's pores were exploited for this purpose. The sample was 7-day moist cured, and the relative humidity was controlled between 8.9% and 97.6%. Reflected light intensity was converted into a specific surface area of cement paste (133 m(2)/g) and thickness of water through the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method and into a pore size distribution through the Barret-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method. The results achieved through reflected light intensity agree with those found in the literature, validating the usage of this setup for the monitoring of water vapor sorption, breaking away from standard gravimetric measurements.


Real-Time Monitoring of Cement Paste Carbonation with In Situ Optical Fiber Sensors

da Silva, PM; Mendes, JP; Coelho, LCC; de Almeida, JMMM;


Reinforced concrete structures are prevalent in infrastructure and are of significant economic and social importance to humanity. However, they are prone to decay from cement paste carbonation. pH sensors have been developed to monitor cement paste carbonation, but their adoption by the industry remains limited. This work introduces two new methods for monitoring cement paste carbonation in real time that have been validated through the accelerated carbonation of cement paste samples. Both configurations depart from traditional pH monitoring. In the first configuration, the carbonation depth of a cement paste sample is measured using two CO2 optical fiber sensors. One sensor is positioned on the surface of the sample, while the other is embedded in the middle. As the carbonation depth progresses and reaches the embedded CO2 sensor, the combined response of the sensors changes. In the second configuration, a multimode fiber is embedded within the paste, and its carbonation is monitored by observing the increase in reflected light intensity (1.6-18%) resulting from the formation of CaCO3. Its applicability in naturally occurring carbonation is tested at concentrations of 3.2% CO2, and the influence of water is positively evaluated; thus, this setup is suitable for real-world testing and applications.


Optical fiber sensors for monitoring cement paste carbonation

Da Silva, PM; Mendes, JP; Coelho, LCC; De Almeida, JMMM;

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

The use of concrete has been widespread in our society in housing and infrastructure, despite the environmental cost associated with its production. Its decay poses a social, economic, and environmental problem. Currently, the carbonation of cement paste is monitored through the measurement of its pH, with several optical fiber sensors (OFS) have been produced for this purpose. In the current work the focus is, also, on the carbonation monitoring of cement paste through an OFS, but not through pH measurements. Single fiber reflectance spectroscopy, previously employed to measure cement paste durability, is used to monitor the discoloration of cement paste caused by carbonation. As the carbonation front reaches the fiber tip embedded in the cement paste, the signal reflected onto the fiber increases. The accelerated carbonation of two limestone cement paste samples in an atmosphere of 100% CO2 was successfully monitored. The applicability of the sensor for operational use with ambient CO2 was confirmed through the measurement of carbonation at 3% CO2. The cross interference from water ingress and egress was also evaluated, and it didn't hinder the measurements of carbonation. Therefore, a novel OFS capable of measuring cement paste carbonation and durability, was achieved. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.


Single Fiber Reflectance Spectroscopy for the Monitoring of Cement Paste

da Silva, PM; Coelho, LCC; Almeida, JMMMD;


Reinforced concrete structures are an essential part of our modern society, and monitoring their structural health is of paramount importance. Early detection of decay allows for the reduction of repair costs and, more importantly, the prevention of catastrophic failure. For this purpose, a single fiber reflectance spectrometer was embedded in cement paste samples for the monitoring of water at the fiber tip through its sensitivity to changes in the refractive index. It monitored the curing of samples with different water-to-cement ratios (w/c), between 0.45 and 0.60, measuring the water exhaust during the hardening of the cement paste. It also measured the capillary coefficient from cement paste samples of 0.50, 0.55 and 0.60 w/c: 0.668 & PLUSMN; 0.002 mm/& RADIC;h, 1.771 & PLUSMN; 0.052 mm/& RADIC;h and 6.360 & PLUSMN; 0.269 mm/& RADIC;h, respectively. The capillary coefficient values agree with gravimetric measurements of sorptivity and are further confirmed through porosity measurements made with a scanning electron microscope. Thus, single fiber reflectance spectroscopy can be a gateway to inexpensively measure the entire life cycle of cement, from its curing until its eventual decay, assessing, in situ, its durability through the capillary coefficient.