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Ricardo Bessa was born in 1983 in Viseu, and received his Licenciado (5-years) degree from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal (FEUP) in 2006 in Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2008, he received the M.Sc. degree in Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in the Doctoral Program in Sustainable Energy Systems (MIT Portugal) at FEUP in 2013. Currently, he is Coordinator of the Center for Power and Energy Systems at INESC TEC. He worked on several international projects such as the European Projects FP6, FP7 SuSTAINABLE, FP7 evolvDSO, Horizon 2020 UPGRID, Horizon 2020 InteGrid, H2020 Smart4RES, H2020 InterConnect, HORIZON ENERSHARE, and an international collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy. At the national level, he participated in the development of renewable energy forecasting systems and consultant services about energy storage and AI. Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy and received the ESIG Excellence Award in 2022. He is co-authors of more than 60 journal papers and 120 conference papers, and IEEE Senior Member.



  • Name

    Ricardo Jorge Bessa
  • Role

    Centre Coordinator
  • Since

    01st February 2006


Budget-Constrained Collaborative Renewable Energy Forecasting Market

Goncalves, C; Bessa, J; Teixeira, T; Vinagre, J;

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Accurate power forecasting from renewable energy sources (RES) is crucial for integrating additional RES capacity into the power system and realizing sustainability goals. This work emphasizes the importance of integrating decentralized spatio-temporal data into forecasting models. However, decentralized data ownership presents a critical obstacle to the success of such spatio-temporal models, and incentive mechanisms to foster data-sharing need to be considered. The main contributions are a) a comparative analysis of the forecasting models, advocating for efficient and interpretable spline LASSO regression models, and b) a bidding mechanism within the data/analytics market to ensure fair compensation for data providers and enable both buyers and sellers to express their data price requirements. Furthermore, an incentive mechanism for time series forecasting is proposed, effectively incorporating price constraints and preventing redundant feature allocation. Results show significant accuracy improvements and potential monetary gains for data sellers. For wind power data, an average root mean squared error improvement of over 10% was achieved by comparing forecasts generated by the proposal with locally generated ones. © 2010-2012 IEEE.


Uncertainty-Aware Procurement of Flexibilities for Electrical Grid Operational Planning

Bessa, RJ; Moaidi, F; Viana, J; Andrade, JR;


In the power system decarbonization roadmap, novel grid management tools and market mechanisms are fundamental to solving technical problems concerning renewable energy forecast uncertainty. This work proposes a predictive algorithm for procurement of grid flexibility by the system operator (SO), which combines the SO flexible assets with active and reactive power short-term flexibility markets. The goal is to reduce the cognitive load of the human operator when analyzing multiple flexibility options and trajectories for the forecasted load/RES and create a human-in-the-loop approach for balancing risk, stakes, and cost. This work also formulates the decision problem into several steps where the operator must decide to book flexibility now or wait for the next forecast update (time-to-decide method), considering that flexibility (availability) price may increase with a lower notification time. Numerical results obtained for a public MV grid (Oberrhein) show that the time-to-decide method improves up to 22% a performance indicator related to a cost-loss matrix, compared to the option of booking the flexibility now at a lower price and without waiting for a forecast update.


A review on the decarbonization of high-performance computing centers

Silva, CA; Vilaça, R; Pereira, A; Bessa, RJ;


High-performance computing relies on performance-oriented infrastructures with access to powerful computing resources to complete tasks that contribute to solve complex problems in society. The intensive use of resources and the increase in service demand due to emerging fields of science, combined with the exascale paradigm, climate change concerns, and rising energy costs, ultimately means that the decarbonization of these centers is key to improve their environmental and financial performance. Therefore, a review on the main opportunities and challenges for the decarbonization of high-performance computing centers is essential to help decision-makers, operators and users contribute to a more sustainable computing ecosystem. It was found that state-of-the-art supercomputers are growing in computing power, but are combining different measures to meet sustainability concerns, namely going beyond energy efficiency measures and evolving simultaneously in terms of energy and information technology infrastructure. It was also shown that policy and multiple entities are now targeting specifically HPC, and that identifying synergies with the energy sector can reveal new revenue streams, but also enable a smoother integration of these centers in energy systems. Computing-intensive users can continue to pursue their scientific research, but participating more actively in the decarbonization process, in cooperation with computing service providers. Overall, many opportunities, but also challenges, were identified, to decrease carbon emissions in a sector mostly concerned with improving hardware performance.


The Role of Batteries in Maximizing Green Hydrogen Production with Power Flow Tracing

Dudkina E.; Villar J.; Bessa R.J.; Crisostomi E.;

4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, SGRE 2024 - Proceedings

Hydrogen is currently getting more and more attention in the European climate strategy as a promising enabling technology to decarbonize industry, transport sector and to provide a long-term, high-capacity energy storage solution. However, to truly contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, hydrogen must be produced respecting a principle of additionality, to ensure that it is produced using renewable energy sources and that its production does not decrease the green energy supplied to other loads. This study tracks the share of renewables generation in the energy mix used to produce hydrogen by applying a power flow tracing technique integrated with an optimal power flow analysis. This method allows the minimization of the system operation costs, while maximizing the green hydrogen production and considering the additionality principle. The system cost function is also modified to include the sizing and allocation of conventional batteries in the grid, and assess their ability to further increase the share of green energy in hydrogen production.


Stochastic optimization framework for hybridization of existing offshore wind farms with wave energy and floating photovoltaic systems

Kazemi-Robati, E; Silva, B; Bessa, RJ;


Due to the complementarity of renewable energy sources, there has been a focus on technology hybridization in recent years. In the area of hybrid offshore power plants, the current research projects mostly focus on the combinational implementation of wind, solar, and wave energy technologies. Accordingly, considering the already existing offshore wind farms, there is the potential for the implementation of hybrid power plants by adding wave energy converters and floating photovoltaics. In this work, a stochastic sizing model is developed for the hybridization of existing offshore wind farms using wave energy converters and floating photovoltaics considering the export cable capacity limitation. The problem is modeled from an investor perspective to maximize the economic profits of the hybridization, while the costs and revenues regarding the existing units and the export cable are excluded. Furthermore, to tackle the uncertainties of renewable energy generation, as well as the energy price, a scenario generation method based on copula theory is proposed to consider the dependency structure between the different random variables. Altogether, the hybridization study is modeled in a mixed integer linear programming optimization framework considering the net present value of the project as the objective function. The results showed that hybrid-sources-based energy generation provided the highest economic profit in the studied cases in the different geographical locations. Furthermore, the technical specifications of the farms have also been considerably improved providing more stable energy generation, guaranteeing a minimum level of power in a high share of the time, and with a better utilization of the capacity of the cable while the curtailment of energy is maintained within the acceptable range.



Data driven optimization of integrated energy systems

Pedro Miguel Cardoso Félix



David Gomes de Almeida Rocha

David Gomes de Almeida Rocha



Optimization of EV dynamic tariffs in hybrid PV and storage charging stations

Filipe Manuel Gonçalves Lobo



Energy management and storage to decarbonize high-performance computing centers

Liliana da Silva Torres Rodrigues



State Estimation for Evolving Power Systems Paradigms

Gil da Silva Sampaio
