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€ 4M and Portuguese contribution to increase the wireless communications speed up to 10 times

After three years, with the collaboration of 11 international partners and EUR 4 million funded by the European Commission, transmission speeds that achieved 10 Gbps (when the normal is 1 Gbps) were demonstrated for the first time at a global level. All thanks to some devices called resonant tunneling diode (RTDs), which are new wireless transceiver technologies that resembles small, low-cost and energy-efficient chips that allow the ultra-fast data transmission integrated with the optical fibre network.

Date 26th July 2018

Portuguese woman wins for the first time the best doctoral dissertation in Europe

Margarida Carvalho is the first Portuguese woman awarded the EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award, a distinction that recognises outstanding doctoral dissertations in the operational research (OR) field. This is the first time that a Portuguese researcher wins this award that assesses the uniqueness and novelty of the thesis, the relevance for the OR field, the range and depth of the results, the inputs in the research areas and the quality of the corresponding publications.

Date 23rd July 2018

Porto receives world experts on blockchains - new solutions will be presented

The city of Porto will receive next Monday and Tuesday (9 and 10 July), 17 world experts on blockchains from academics to business experts from countries such as USA, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Switzerland, Austria and, of course, Portugal. In addition to the current situation of the existing solutions, the experts also will disclose new solutions in the field. The challenges of the blockchain technology that involves academia, industry and laboratories and research centres will also be on the agenda. The name of the conference is “Chain-in: The International Industrial & Academic Conference on Blockchain Technology” and it was organised by the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC).

Date 05th July 2018

New Portuguese news platform awarded with EUR 10M

The new Portuguese news aggregation platform is called “Conta-me histórias” and has just received EUR 10 thousand for the first place under the Prizes 2018. The award ceremony took place yesterday afternoon, 3 July , at the Science Summit 2018, in the plenary session "New frontiers of the digital age in Europe and in the world", which was attended by the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation of the European Commission, Carlos Moedas.

Date 04th July 2018

Unmanned robots capable of monitoring borders with Portuguese signature

The European Union, especially the Mediterranean countries, have been facing a number of challenges with illegal border crossing. The need of enhancing the border security in order to control migrations and especially the fight against crime that occurs during these crossings, has caused the EU to fund the project SUNNY at almost EUR 10 million. The project, which involved 16 European entities, developed a smart sensors network that are carried on-board of unmanned aircraft. These aircraft, best known as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or RPAS (remote piloted aircraft systems), aims to monitor the border areas which, when it comes to SUNNY, are especially the areas related to the ocean environment.

Date 26th June 2018

The European project InteGrid discusses the best in the smart grids field in Europe

This Wednesday, 27 June at 10:00 a.m., Lisbon will be the meeting point for dozens of European institutions related to the energy sector. From enterprises related to the industry, such as General Electric (GE), Águas do Tejo Atlântico, REN or SAP, to power distribution enterprises such as EDP Distribuição, or to institutions and enterprises related to research, namely the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and the University of Comillas (Madrid). The goal is to present the best in the energy field in Europe. The debate will take place at EDP headquarters, in the number 12 Avenida 24 de julho.

Date 25th June 2018

Portuguese researchers see energy related technology patented in USA

There is one more technology with Portuguese signature granted in the USA. It’s called ACDC Cube and consists in a more compact and efficient electronic power converter. The technology was invented by a group of three Portuguese researchers: Diogo Varajão, former researcher of the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and current Head of Research and Development (R&D) of AddVolt, Luís Miguel Miranda senior researcher of INESC TEC and Rui Esteves Araújo, INESC TEC’s researcher and Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

Date 21st June 2018

INESC TEC and EFACEC sign their collaboration protocol for a further 25 years

The Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and EFACEC celebrate this year their 25 years of partnership. That is why tomorrow at 15:30 p.m., a letter of intentions between the two institutions will be signed for the next years in the auditorium of the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), in Porto.

Date 21st June 2018

Portuguese SME have the opportunity to present technological solutions to European Energy Leaders

The Portuguese market is composed in more than 90% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), that despite having several technological solutions, they are not always able to reach the so-called manufacturing leaders in order to present the technological solutions they develop. It is precisely to bring together the Portuguese SMEs from the largest European energy companies that the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and EDP Distribuição have launched a competition.

Date 22nd May 2018

European consortium with Portuguese participation selected by EU to present at international event

The €15M European project SENSIBLE has just been selected by the European Commission (EU) to pitch at the Cleantech Capital Day in Malmo, Sweden, as an innovation project in the field of energy. Cleantech Capital Day is one of the most emblematic events in the sustainable innovation sector, joining around 200 professionals, such as industry, investors, public sector or start-ups. This year the event is held during May 22 and 23.

Date 16th May 2018

A digital innovation network for the industry is born in the North of Portugal

A Digital Innovation Hub was born, a Digital Innovation Network for the industry in the north of Portugal, aiming to foster the digital transformation of manufacturing companies and to nurture their respective innovation ecosystem of the region. The iMan Norte Hub was the name given to this network that will officially launch on 25 May at 2 p.m. in the Infante D. Henrique Auditorium in the Porto Atlântico Marina, situated at Leça da Palmeira (Matosinhos).

Date 15th May 2018

INESC TEC organises a technological exhibition on communications and multimedia applied to various sectors of activity

On 11 May, the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) will organise a technological exhibition about Communications and Multimedia and some of its effects in the areas of Telecommunications, Digital Media, Health, Safety, Energy, Sea and Agri-food. The “Open Day” of INESC TEC’s Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) will take place at 2 p.m at the Great Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and will include a discussion between scientists and entrepreneurs about the challenges and opportunities that Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings in communications and multimedia.

Date 26th April 2018

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