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Evolução da ferramenta de planeamento da produção e integração com ERP – SAP, Fase 2, Implementação

Production planning tool and integration with ERP - SAP, Phase 2, Implementation Amorim & Irmãos is currently implementing the ERP SAP group wide. In this first phase of the implementation, it was decided to keep the current production planning tool and integrate it with the new ERP, however proceeding with a technological update. The partnership between Amorim & Irmãos and INESCTEC in this project aimed, in a first phase, to support the Amorim & Irmãos team in structuring and documenting the process described above. In the 1 month period (17/01/2019 to 19/02/2019), a joint team of Amorim & Irmãos and INESCTEC produced a vision document and a specification and design of the new planning system, including interfaces with SAP and an innovative production planning concept in order carry out order promise with confidence. Adjustments to the existent user interfaces in EXCEL were also specified. It is intended in a 2nd phase of the project, object of this proposal, to develop, test and put into operation the planning concept specified and designed in phase I.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st April 2019
  • Global Budget

    0,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    27th July 2020
  • End

    30th March 2020
  • Responsible

    Luís Guardão