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European commoN EneRgy dataSpace framework enabling data sHaring-driven Across- and beyond- eneRgy sErvices

The shift from fossil fuels to sustainable and renewable energy sources is a top priority in the EU, and the sharing of energy data can play an important role. In this context, the EU-funded ENERSHARE project will facilitate the sharing of energy data. Since, in the energy sector, data sharing is lagging due to trust and privacy concerns, ENERSHARE will develop a reference architecture for a European Energy Data Space that combines cloud security solutions with integrated digital security and global artificial intelligence and data exchange architectures. It will carry out pilots and use cases. By enhancing interoperability, establishing trust, and increasing the value of data building blocks, ENERSHARE will tailor solutions to the needs of the energy sector.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st July 2022
  • Global Budget

    9.593.822,50 €