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Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies

M-NEST-I is conceived as the first phase of a larger activity aiming to establish a robust and sustainable structure to host all types of activities that target the empowerment of people building the European manufacturing community of the future, from young students to teachers and researchers, from apprentices to technical managers. The idea is to create from scratch a distributed Teaching and Learning Factory building on complementary Innovation Hotspots priori??zed by each Factory Unit, using the respective manufacturing clusters as test beds and pilot demonstrators, and strategically capitalise from and create synergies with ongoing Key Complementary Activities of each partner and its facilitating layer, as well as with local educational programmes. ‘Manufacturing Technologies for Materials and Processes Hybridization’ will be the technology focus to trigger this process within M-NEST-I, based on the current high industrial challenge and related learning needs.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st January 2020
  • Global Budget

    30.000,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    31st December 2020
  • End

    31st December 2020
  • Responsible

    Ana Cristina Simões
  • Financing

    30.000,00 €