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Portugal AutoCluster for the Future

PAC - Portugal AutoCluster for the Future? (“PAC”) Project is a mobilizing project led by Simoldes Plásticos, S.A. and closely aligned with Mobinov Cluster | Cluster Automóvel de Portugal??s action plan. Through a set of activities with a high knowledge content, the PAC Project aims to address technological challenges specifically identified in the national automotive sector, which may leverage the competitiveness level of the entities operating within the automotive sector in Portugal and their position (and prominent) in an worldwide context. In view of a structuring effect in the value chain/ranks of the automotive sector and in line with the foreseen automotive sector?s evolution, it was established that the critical technologies to be developed, prototyped, tested and attested within the scope of the PAC Project would focus the following core areas: ? Future vehicles? architectures ? Interiors of the future ? Structures and exteriors of the future + Connectivity and sensor technologies +Flexible and digital production technologies The PAC Project will encompass a set of skills specifically addressed to the technological challenges established under the Project, gathering enterprises of the national automotive industry, entities of the Portuguese Research and Innovation System, as well as entities (Technological Centers) with advanced technical knowledge regarding the automotive industry. Indeed, the PAC Project will be developed by a comprehensive consortium involving: ? 9 enterprises with high technical and scientific knowledge, which are positioned as users or producers of nuclear technologies, and ? 12 non-corporate entities recognized by their highly developed skills of Research and Development in the identified core areas. This mobilizing project was structured with a duration of 36 months, involving the allocation of 180 highly skilled Human Resources (31 researchers with a PhD level).



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st July 2020
  • Global Budget

    7.998.174,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    30th June 2023
  • End

    30th June 2023
  • Responsible

    Germano Veiga
  • Financing

    212.222,00 €