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Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para a definição de preços

Silos de Leixões (SdL) is a company that operates in the area of food logistics and holds the concession of the silos in the perimeter of the Port of Leixões. SdL's main services include receiving, moving, storing, shipping and transporting agri-food commodities (grain, cereals, flour and other products), serving national and international traders and the food and feed industries. SdL receives and handles agri-food transported by ship, with or without storage service included. It is also responsible for the bulk shipment of bulk material after the storage period. It can also receive bulk reception for bulk storage. The pricing practiced by SdL is conditioned by the values of the concession agreement, which establishes maximums for particular values of storage time. In practice, the public price list closely follows the amounts stipulated in the concession contract, but SdL negotiates individualized prices with its main customers. SdL wants a system that supports decisions related to the negotiation of these price lists.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    28th January 2017
  • Global Budget

    0,00 €