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Next Generation Modelling and Forecasting of Variable Renewable Generation for Large-scale Integration in Energy Systems and Markets

The development of data science and increasing quantities of data collected opens new possibilities for renewable energy (RES) forecasting. The EU-funded Smart4RES research project aims to substantially improve the entire model and value chain in RES prediction by proposing the next generation of RES forecasting models. The project is focused on improving weather forecasting with a particular focus on the needs of the RES industry. It will exploit very high-resolution weather predictions and a wide range of data from different geographical areas and ownerships while respecting privacy and confidentiality constraints. Smart4RES targets include providing outstandingly accurate forecasts that result in increased benefits when used in applications like storage management and that support grid operation and RES participation in electricity markets.



  • Acronym

  • Start

    01st November 2019
  • Global Budget

    3.999.915,00 €
  • State

  • Effective End

    30th April 2023
  • End

    30th April 2023
  • Responsible

    Ricardo Jorge Bessa
  • Financing

    408.312,00 €