Soluções inteligentes para uma agricultura sustentável, preditiva e autónoma
The Smart Farm 4.0 Project will enable (to different sizes of farms) the transition to digital farming, though: - Design and development of affordable solutions based on I4.0 technologies (IoT, IA, big data, cyber physical systems, robotization) for application in horticulture, fruit and viticulture. - Spread sustainable, predictive, autonomous and high value-added farming practices in the Oeste Region, nationally and internationally. The project is led by Tomix, integrates 8 companies and 9 R&I entities, and will constitute a first platform for materialization and projection of SFCoLAB's strategy. This will enable new solutions to be brought to market - equipment, specialised services and systems - designed to optimize resource use, sustainability and resilience of agricultural systems and its profitability and added value. Four sub-projects (PPS) will be carried out, focusing respectively on the pursuit of sustainable, predictive, autonomous agriculture and on the dissemination of these good practices, having as its main results: - Specialized services for efficient and circular agriculture Interactive digital platform (integrating multi-source data and sensors) integrated with: - Early detection system of diseases and pests - Low cost sensing structure - Soil and crop fertility diagnostic tools - Remote sensing tools for crop management application - AI solutions for production and maturity date estimation - Solution for Prediction of Production Quality Potential - Modular autonomous vehicle capable of performing different operations, and Payload for robotic fruit picking (integrated in the vehicle) - Roadmap for the transition to smart agriculture? to be disseminated and to enhance the adoption of Smart Farm 4.0 solutions by the companies