Visão estratégica, arquitetura e roteiro para a Rede Elétrica Nacional no Quadro do PNEC2030
The project VEARREN had the following main objectives: - Identify the main architectures planned for electrical energy metering, monitoring, management and control as well as the communication solutions that support these architectures, involving different agents (network operators, aggregators and suppliers) and that allow establishing the technical requirements that lead to the development of an intelligent LV network capable of integrating large volumes of renewable production, maximizing the integration of electric mobility and providing local and global flexibility services to the electrical system. - Analyse market models for electric energy and ancillary services transactions (local and global), for scenarios characterized by large volumes of integration of electricity production from renewable primary energy sources and the increased need to use balancing ancillary services and flexibility. - Submit relevant contributions to the terms of reference and to the program of a public tender for granting concession for the exploitation of LV electricity distribution networks in Portugal. - Propose a methodology for assessing the security of electricity supply by 2030, in scenarios of high penetration of renewable generation (targets defined in PNEC2030) and the generalization of smart grids with large participation of consumers capable of providing flexibility.