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Publications by HumanISE


Delivering Critical Stimuli for Decision Making in VR Training: Evaluation Study of a Firefighter Training Scenario

Monteiro, P; Melo, M; Valente, A; Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


The goal for a virtual reality (VR) training system is to enable trainees to acquire all the knowledge they need to perform effectively in a real environment. Such a system should provide an experience so authentic that no further real-world training is necessary, meaning that it is sufficient to train in VR. We evaluate the impact of a haptic thermal stimulus, which is of paramount importance to decision making, on trainees performance and knowledge acquisition. A thermal device was created to deliver the stimulus. As a proof of concept, a procedure from firefighter training is selected, in which sensing the temperature of a door with one's hand is essential. The sample consisted of 48 subjects divided among three experimental scenarios: one in which a virtual thermometer is used (visual stimulus), another in which the temperature is felt with the hand (thermal stimulus) and a third in which both methods are used (visual + thermal stimuli). For the performance evaluation, we measured the total time taken, the numbers of correctly executed procedures and identified neutral planes, the deviation from the target height, and the responses to a knowledge transfer questionnaire. Presence, cybersickness, and usability are measured to evaluate the impact of the haptic thermal stimulus. Considering the thermal stimulus condition as the baseline, we conclude that the significantly different results in the performance among the conditions indicate that the better performance in the visual-only condition is not representative of the real-life performance. Consequently, VR training applications need to deliver the correct stimuli for decision making.


A systematic review on the use of immersive virtual reality to train professionals

Narciso, D; Melo, M; Rodrigues, S; Cunha, JP; Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


The main goal of this systematic review is to synthesize existing evidence on the use of immersive virtual reality (IVR) to train professionals as well as to identify the main gaps and challenges that still remain and need to be addressed by future research. Following a comprehensive search, 66 documents were identified, assessed for relevance, and analysed. The main areas of application of IVR-based training were identified. Moreover, we identified the stimuli provided, the hardware used and information regarding training evaluation. The results showed that the areas in which a greater number of works were published were those related to healthcare and elementary occupations. In hardware, the most commonly used equipment was head mounted displays (HMDs), headphones included in the HMDs and handheld controllers. Moreover, the results indicated that IVR training systems are often evaluated manually, the most common metric being questionnaires applied before and after the experiment, and that IVR training systems have a positive effect in training professionals. We conclude that the literature is insufficient for determining the effect of IVR in the training of professionals. Although some works indicated promising results, there are still relevant themes that must be explored and limitations to overcome before virtual training replaces real-world training.


Could Virtual Reality Substitute the ‘Real’ Experience? Evidence from a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Northern Portugal

Losada, N; Jorge, F; Teixeira, MS; Melo, M; Bessa, M;

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

Virtual Reality could be useful for heritage management and preservation by complementing or, even, by replacing the ‘real’ visitation to more threatened destinations. The objective of this study was to empirically test the level of similarity perceived by a group of students between VR experience and the ‘real’ visit in a UNESCO World Heritage Cultural attraction in order to assess the capacity of VR to act as a substitute of the ‘real’ visit. Ridit analysis was conducted in order to rank the level of agreement perceived by respondents concerning to similarity between the VR experience and the ‘real’ visit. Results revealed that VR experience could act as a complement, rather than a substitute of the ‘real’ visitation. This is, the feelings and emotions derived from the ‘real’ visit could not be replaced by the VR experience. VR could be an effective marketing tool to encourage sustainable tourism behaviors, rather than to substitute the ‘real’ visit. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.


Development and Evaluation of an Outdoor Multisensory AR System for Cultural Heritage

Marto, A; Melo, M; Goncalves, A; Bessa, M;


Enhancing tourist visits to cultural heritage sites by making use of mobile augmented reality has been a tendency in the last few years, presenting mainly audiovisual experiences. However, these explorations using only visuals and sounds, or narratives, do not allow users to be presented with, for example, a particular smell that can be important to feel engaged or to better understand the history of the site. This article pursues the goal of creating an experience that puts the user in a scene planned to evoke several stimuli with SensiMAR prototype - a Multisensory Augmented Reality system that aims to be used in cultural heritage outdoors. When using SensiMAR, the user will be involved with visual reconstructions, surrounded by the soundscape of ancient times, and is exposed to a particular smell very common that time. Given the novelty of this proposal, ascertaining the usability of such a system was raised as a foremost demand. Thus, in addition to its development and implementation specifications, an experimental study was conducted to evaluate the usability of the system in end-users' perspective. The results obtained from random visitors of an archaeological site were analysed according to their sex, age, previous experience with augmented reality technology, and provided condition - audiovisual condition, and multisensory condition, with visual, audio, and smell stimuli. Results were collected from a total of 67 participants and show that this multisensory prototype achieved good usability results across all groups. No statistically differences were found, demonstrating good usability of the SensiMAR system regardless of their sex, age, previous experience with the technology or provided condition.


Hands-free interaction in immersive virtual reality: A systematic review

Monteiro, P; Goncalves, G; Coelho, H; Melo, M; Bessa, M;


Hands are the most important tool to interact with virtual environments, and they should be available to perform the most critical tasks. For example, a surgeon in VR should keep his/her hands on the instruments and be able to do secondary tasks without performing a disruptive event to the operative task. In this common scenario, one can observe that hands are not available for interaction. The goal of this systematic review is to survey the literature and identify which hands-free interfaces are used, the performed interaction tasks, what metrics are used for interface evaluation, and the results of such evaluations. From 79 studies that met the eligibility criteria, the voice is the most studied interface, followed by the eye and head gaze. Some novel interfaces were brain interfaces and face expressions. System control and selection represent most of the interaction tasks studied and most studies evaluate interfaces for usability. Despite the best interface depending on the task and study, the voice was found to be versatile and showed good results amongst the studies. More research is recommended to improve the practical use of the interfaces and to evaluate the interfaces more formally.


Immersive Virtual Reality for Foreign Language Education: A PRISMA Systematic Review

Peixoto, B; Pinto, R; Melo, M; Cabral, L; Bessa, M;


Immersion is a proven method of learning a foreign language and using Virtual Reality to achieve that immersion has high potential educational benefits. However, there are no recent systematic reviews that combine both foreign language education and immersive Virtual Reality. This systematic review aims to identify features, educational methods, technologies, and gaps of immersive virtual reality for foreign and second language education. PRISMA method was followed to carry out the systematic review. From the analysis of the results, two main conclusions were drawn. Firstly, the relation between immersive Virtual Reality and foreign language learning is quite positive, particularly when compared with conventional pedagogical practices. Not only that, the connection between immersive Virtual Reality and the user's motivation and satisfaction is also quite positive. Lastly, limitations such as the low sample of studies and gaps in the literature are addressed, and directions for future work and the area's progress are pointed out.

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