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Publications by HumanISE


Wind Speed Forecasting Using Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network

Machado, EP; Morais, H; Pinto, T;

Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1: 18th International Conference, DCAI 2021, Salamanca, Spain, 6-8 October 2021.



Sparse Training Theory for Scalable and Efficient Agents

Mocanu, DC; Mocanu, E; Pinto, T; Curci, S; Nguyen, PH; Gibescu, M; Ernst, D; Vale, ZA;

AAMAS '21: 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Virtual Event, United Kingdom, May 3-7, 2021.



Electrical Load Demand Forecasting Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks

Machado, E; Pinto, T; Guedes, V; Morais, H;


The higher share of renewable energy sources in the electrical grid and the electrification of significant sectors, such as transport and heating, are imposing a tremendous challenge on the operation of the energy system due to the increase in the complexity, variability and uncertainties associated with these changes. The recent advances of computational technologies and the ever-growing data availability allowed the development of sophisticated and efficient algorithms that can process information at a very fast pace. In this sense, the use of machine learning models has been gaining increased attention from the electricity sector as it can provide accurate forecasts of system behaviour from energy generation to consumption, helping all the stakeholders to optimize their activities. This work develops and proposes a methodology to enhance load demand forecasts using a machine learning model, namely a feed-forward neural network (FFNN), by incorporating an error correction step that involves the prediction of the initial forecast errors by another FFNN. The results showed that the proposed methodology was able to significantly improve the quality of load demand forecasts, demonstrating a better performance than the benchmark models.


Upgrading BRICKS-The Context-Aware Semantic Rule-Based System for Intelligent Building Energy and Security Management

Santos, G; Pinto, T; Vale, Z; Carvalho, R; Teixeira, B; Ramos, C;


Building management systems (BMSs) are being implemented broadly by industries in recent decades. However, BMSs focus on specific domains, and when installed on the same building, they lack interoperability to work on a centralized user interface. On the other hand, BMSs interoperability allows the implementation of complex rules based on multi-domain contexts. The Building's Reasoning for Intelligent Control Knowledge-based System (BRICKS) is a context-aware semantic rule-based system for the intelligent management of buildings' energy and security. It uses ontologies and semantic web technologies to interact with different domains, taking advantage of cross-domain knowledge to apply context-based rules. This work upgrades the previously presented version of BRICKS by including services for energy consumption and generation forecast, demand response, a configuration user interface (UI), and a dynamic building monitoring and management UI. The case study demonstrates BRICKS deployed at different aggregation levels in the authors' laboratory building, managing a demand response event and interacting autonomously with other BRICKS instances. The results validate the correct functioning of the proposed tool, which contributes to the flexibility, efficiency, and security of building energy systems.


Prosumer Community Portfolio Optimization via Aggregator: The Case of the Iberian Electricity Market and Portuguese Retail Market

Faia, R; Pinto, T; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;


The participation of household prosumers in wholesale electricity markets is very limited, considering the minimum participation limit imposed by most market participation rules. The generation capacity of households has been increasing since the installation of distributed generation from renewable sources in their facilities brings advantages for themselves and the system. Due to the growth of self-consumption, network operators have been putting aside the purchase of electricity from households, and there has been a reduction in the price of these transactions. This paper proposes an innovative model that uses the aggregation of households to reach the minimum limits of electricity volume needed to participate in the wholesale market. In this way, the Aggregator represents the community of households in market sales and purchases. An electricity transactions portfolio optimization model is proposed to enable the Aggregator reaching the decisions on which markets to participate to maximize the market negotiation outcomes, considering the day-ahead market, intra-day market, and retail market. A case study is presented, considering the Iberian wholesale electricity market and the Portuguese retail market. A community of 50 prosumers equipped with photovoltaic generators and individual storage systems is used to carry out the experiments. A cost reduction of 6-11% is achieved when the community of households buys and sells electricity in the wholesale market through the Aggregator.


MARTINE-A Platform for Real-Time Energy Management in Smart Grids

Vale, Z; Faria, P; Abrishambaf, O; Gomes, L; Pinto, T;


This paper presents MARTINE (Multi-Agent based Real-Time INfrastruture for Energy), a simulation, emulation and energy management platform for the study of problems related to buildings and smart grids. Relevant advances related to buildings and smart grid management and operation have been proposed, focusing either on software models for decision support or on physical infrastructure and control approaches. These two perspectives are, however, complementary, and no practical assessment can be achieved without a suitable interaction and analysis of the impact that decision-making models have on physical resources, and vice-versa. MARTINE overcomes this limitation by integrating, in a single platform: real buildings with the associated devices and resources; emulated components that complement the ones present in the buildings; simulated resources, players and buildings using multi-agent systems, real-time simulation with hardware in the loop capabilities, which enables integrating virtual and physical components; and a knowledge layer that incorporates all the required decision support and energy management models. MARTINE thus provides a comprehensive platform for the study and management of energy resources. The advantages of this platform are demonstrated in this paper through three use cases, related to agriculture irrigation, practical implementation of demand response and load modeling using various network configurations.

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