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Publications by HumanISE


Solving the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Reinforcement Learning: A Statistical Analysis

Cunha, B; Madureira, A; Fonseca, B;

Intelligent Systems Design and Applications - 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2020) held December 12-15, 2020



Teaching Software Engineering Topics Through Pedagogical Game Design Patterns: An Empirical Study

Flores, N; Paiva, ACR; Cruz, N;


Teaching software engineering in its many different forms using traditional teaching methods is difficult. Serious games can help overcome these challenges because they allow real situations to be simulated. However, the development of serious games is not easy and, although there are good practices for relating game design patterns to teaching techniques, there is no methodology to support its use in a specific context such as software engineering. This article presents a case study to validate a methodology that links the Learning and Teaching Functions (LTF) to the Game Design Patterns (PIB) in the context of Software Engineering Education. A serious game was developed from scratch using this methodology to teach software estimation (a specific topic of software engineering). An experiment was carried out to validate the effectiveness of the game by comparing the results of two different groups of students. The results indicate that the methodology can help to develop effective educational games on specific learning topics.


Fostering soft and hard skills for innovation among informatics engineering students – An emancipatory approach

Torres, MF; Flores, N; Torres, RT;

Journal of Innovation Management

Informatics engineers are currently in the spotlight of innovation. It is, therefore, relevant to analyse and reflect on how higher education can, and should, prepare future engineers to innovate as expected in this ever-changing world. This paper aims to further research and foster scholarly debate regarding the requirements and implications of teaching innovation. For that purpose, we examine an exploratory case study on interdisciplinary cooperation between two higher education courses, designed to promote students’ active learning of innovation through the progressive development of their soft and hard skills. Both courses engaged in an emancipatory pedagogical approach, mostly grounded in project-based work, active learning, and formative assessment. To obtain feedback on this interdisciplinary cooperation, questionnaires were devised to ascertain the students’ perceptions about this pedagogical approach. Individual responses were collected from both courses and data was analysed through simple statistical procedures. Articulating a priori soft skills development with a posteriori hard skills learning process is perceived by students as beneficial in gradually, yet successfully, understanding the subject of innovation. Also, there were even some external success indicators which showed the recognition of successful innovation skills development in informatics engineering students. Thus, according to students’ perceptions of their experience with an emancipatory pedagogy that connected soft with hard skills development, we conclude that such approach encouraged students to create new knowledge and allowed them to develop the necessary skills to innovate.


Virtual reality in training: an experimental study with firefighters

Narciso, D; Melo, M; Raposo, JV; Cunha, J; Bessa, M;


Training with Virtual Reality (VR) can bring several benefits, such as the reduction of costs and risks. We present an experimental study that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a Virtual Environment (VE) to train firefighters using an innovative approach based on a Real Environment (RE) exercise. To measure the VE's effectiveness we used a Presence Questionnaire (PQ) and participant's cybersickness, stress and fatigue. Results from the PQ showed that participants rated the VE with high spatial presence and moderate realness and immersion. Signs of stress, analyzed from participant's Heart-Rate Variability, were shown in the RE but not in the VE. In the remaining variables, there was only an indicative difference for fatigue in the RE. Therefore, the results suggest that although our training VE was successful in giving participants spatial presence and in not causing cybersickness, its realness and immersion provided were not enough to provoke a similar RE response.


A Comparative Study Between Wired and Wireless Virtual Reality Setups

Goncalves, G; Monteiro, P; Melo, M; Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


Virtual Reality (VR) through head-mounted displays (HMDs) can be delivered via multiple setups such as smartphones, standalone VR or VR Workstations. The VR Workstation setup delivers the best performance of them all; however, as a drawback up until recently, it required cables to power up the VR equipment. The introduction of wireless solutions for VR Workstations came to solve one of the disadvantages of this setup. However, the impact of the wireless solution versus the HMD cables was not yet properly investigated. In this paper, we study the impact of using a wired vs wireless HMD on Presence, Cybersickness, and Game Experience. We conducted a quasi-experimental between-subjects study with 68 participants assigned to the following three groups that were balanced regarding gender and sample size: Cable (participants used a wired HMD), Cable & x002B; Help (a researcher assisted the participants with the HMD cable during the experience to reduce the participants; awareness of it), and Wireless (untethered HMD). Results showed no significant differences in presence and cybersickness. The game experience was significantly different, with Cable & x002B; Help performing better than Cable and Wireless. We conclude that sense of presence using wireless solutions is equated to wired HMD solutions.


The Impact of Olfactory and Wind Stimuli on 360 Videos Using Head-mounted Displays

Narciso, D; Melo, M; Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Bessa, M;


Consuming 360 audiovisual content using a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) has become a standard feature for Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR). However, most applications rely only on visual and auditory feedback whereas other senses are often disregarded. The main goal of this work was to study the effect of tactile and olfactory stimuli on participants' sense of presence and cybersickness while watching a 360 video using an HMD-based IVR setup. An experiment with 48 participants and three experimental conditions (360 video, 360 video with olfactory stimulus, and 360 video with tactile stimulus) was performed. Presence and cybersickness were reported via post-test questionnaires. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in presence between the control and the olfactory conditions. From the control to the tactile condition, mean values were higher but failed to show statistical significance. Thus, results suggest that adding an olfactory stimulus increases presence significantly while the addition of a tactile stimulus only shows a positive effect. Regarding cybersickness, no significant differences were found across conditions. We conclude that an olfactory stimulus contributes to higher presence and that a tactile stimulus, delivered in the form of cutaneous perception of wind, has no influence in presence. We further conclude that multisensory cues do not affect cybersickness.

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