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Publications by HumanISE


Reference model for academic results certification in student mobility scenarios Position paper

Cardoso, S; Sao Mamede, H; Santos, V;


The exchange of academic marks between HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) is mandatory in every student mobility programs (i.e. the EU Erasmus Program) but that process remains to present date with insufficient technological support and the absence of a comprehensive reference model that allows the integration of potential technological solutions for the exchange of academic data with existing Academic Information Systems seems to limit greatly the possibility of adopting solutions of this type referred to in the existing literature. This work addresses this issue, conducting an initial bibliographic review aimed at the identification of the fundamental requirements of such an architecture as well as explores some of the technologies that are showing potential for usage in the safe exchange of academic results between partner HEIs, with particular interest in blockchain technology applied in an educational context.


Water Footprint Sustainability as a Tool to Address Climate Change in the Wine Sector: A Methodological Approach Applied to a Portuguese Case Study

Saraiva, A; Presumido, P; Silvestre, J; Feliciano, M; Rodrigues, G; Silva, POE; Damasio, M; Ribeiro, A; Ramoa, S; Ferreira, L; Goncalves, A; Ferreira, A; Grifo, A; Paulo, A; Ribeiro, AC; Oliveira, A; Dias, I; Mira, H; Amaral, A; Mamede, H; Oliveira, M;


In the Mediterranean region, climate change is likely to generate an increase in water demand and the deterioration of its quality. The adoption of precision viticulture and the best available techniques aiming at sustainable production, minimizing the impact on natural resources and reducing production costs, has therefore been a goal of winegrowers. In this work, the water footprint (WFP) in the wine sector was evaluated, from the vineyard to the bottle, through the implementation of a methodology based on field experiments and life cycle assessment (LCA) on two Portuguese case studies. Regarding direct water footprint, it ranged from 366 to 899 L/FU (0.75 L bottle), with green water being the most significant component, representing more than 50% of the overall water footprint. The approach used in the current study revealed that although more than 97.5% of the water footprint is associated with vineyard, the winery stage is responsible for more than 75% of the global warming potential indicator. A linear correlation between the carbon footprint and the indirect blue water footprint was also observed for both case studies. Climate change is expected to cause an earlier and prolonged water stress period, resulting in an increase of about 40% to 82% of blue WFP.


Creativity in prototypes design and sustainability - The case of social organizations

Silveira, C; Reis, L; Santos, V; Mamede, HS;

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems

The role of creativity techniques in the design of prototypes is of particular interest given its potential for innovation. At same time, despite the efforts of decades in terms of policies and programs of action, humanity has not yet come close to global sustainability. Sustainability design must involve society and creatively employ all available knowledge sources for creating sustainable software. This paper proposes a prototype design approach rooted in employing creativity techniques, while being guided by the dimensions and principles of the Karlskrona Manifesto. This approach is applied to the development of a multidisciplinary aggregator for the optimization of social services. As a result. guidelines for the use of creativity in requirements engineering will be presented, as well as on how to include sustainability issues, namely the Sustainable Development Goals and the five dimensions of sustainability in the design of prototypes.


A Creative Information System Based on the SCAMPER Technique

Lopes, R; Malta, P; Mamede, HS; Santos, V;

Information Systems - 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25-26, 2020, Proceedings

Nowadays, the use of creativity in business has been increasing drastically because it has been perceived to be important for the market to come up with new ways, focused on answers to the problems proposed by the users. Several different creativity techniques can be used in a myriad of contexts. One of the most important techniques is the SCAMPER technique, which is based on reorganizing, modifying, adding, and eliminating information. An automated system will provide answers and solutions to creativity problems and contribute to minimizing the cost of innovation in companies. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to design an architecture system for a creative information system based on the SCAMPER creativity technique, thus building an automated system of this technique. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Creativity in Prototypes Design: The case of Social Organizations

Silveira, C; Santos, V; Reis, L; Mamede, H;


The study of creativity in the design of prototypes for an organization is of particular interest given its potential for innovation. This article proposes an approach to the design of prototypes using creativity techniques and including sustainability concerns. The application of the approach is illustrated by presenting a real case of development of an aggregator and multidisciplinary prototype for the optimization of social services. The approach includes guidelines for the use of creativity techniques in requirements engineering and for incorporating sustainability concerns.


Next generation of microservices for the 5G Service-Based Architecture

Moreira, JB; Mamede, H; Pereira, V; Sousa, B;


The architecture for 5G core includes a Service-Based Architecture for the diverse network functions (NFs), which relies on HTTP/2 for the SBI and TCP as the underlying transport protocol. The specifications of the HTTP family is moving towards more efficient and secure protocols, which are based on UDP to assure enhanced transport but using TLS to secure the communication channel. The next generation of microservices needs to be more secure, performant and easily manageable, where HTTP/3 and containers orchestration platforms (like Kubernetes) can provide significative contributions towards such goals. Different deployment approaches can be followed for services implemented in compliance to the 5G SBA. This paper contributes with the assessment of deployment models for services in 5G networks, where NFs are implemented following traditional architectures (all the functions in a VM) or as serverless architectures (with functions distributed in containers). The performance of microservices in Kubernetes is also evaluated. The evaluation conducted also considers the employment of different versions of HTTPs to empower the service-based interfaces of 5G services. Results demonstrate performance benefits of employing HTTP/3, based on QUIC protocol, in scenarios with networks characterised by losses or delay conditions. Despite such gain, deployment in 5G networks needs to carefully consider aspects related with connection tracking mechanisms to support high volumes of requests.

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