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Publications by HumanISE


Modeling of video projectors in OpenGL for implementing a spatial augmented reality teaching system for assembly operations

Costa, CM; Veiga, G; Sousa, A; Rocha, L; Augusto Sousa, AA; Rodrigues, R; Thomas, U;


Teaching complex assembly and maintenance skills to human operators usually requires extensive reading and the help of tutors. In order to reduce the training period and avoid the need for human supervision, an immersive teaching system using spatial augmented reality was developed for guiding inexperienced operators. The system provides textual and video instructions for each task while also allowing the operator to navigate between the teaching steps and control the video playback using a bare hands natural interaction interface that is projected into the workspace. Moreover, for helping the operator during the final validation and inspection phase, the system projects the expected 3D outline of the final product. The proposed teaching system was tested with the assembly of a starter motor and proved to be more intuitive than reading the traditional user manuals. This proof of concept use case served to validate the fundamental technologies and approaches that were proposed to achieve an intuitive and accurate augmented reality teaching application. Among the main challenges were the proper modeling and calibration of the sensing and projection hardware along with the 6 DoF pose estimation of objects for achieving precise overlap between the 3D rendered content and the physical world. On the other hand, the conceptualization of the information flow and how it can be conveyed on-demand to the operator was also of critical importance for ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience for the operator.


Designing of a mobile app for the development of pervasive games

Coelho, A; Cardoso, P; Camilo, M; Sousa, A;


We face a technology growth period that promotes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as basic set of competences in diversified professional backgrounds. However, the process of teaching this areas is complex and abstract. We propose using game-based learning (GBL) for increased engagement and efficacy. More specifically, we use pervasive games as the drive of the learning process, promoting challenges in the context of the learner. To develop pervasive games, we require mobile devices (for location-based games) and a set of functionalities regarding location, time, and context of the user. In this article, we present the design of a mobile app to implement pervasive games. The perks of the mobile devices will be used to get unique and engaging challenges, to stimulate learning. Therefore, the learning process will become more enjoyable, and it will accomplish the goal of learning "anytime anywhere". This work sets upon previous work developed in the H2020 BEACONING project and the mobile app presented will allow other developers to create pervasive games for distinct areas of learning in a more engaging and effective way.


DinofelisAR: Users' Perspective About a Mobile AR Application in Cultural Heritage

Marto, A; Goncalves, A; de Sousa, AA;


Augmented reality has seen an increased popularity among the last decades due to technological advances and, a consequent growth of the amount of augmented reality systems, became available. However, in order to diffuse this technology successfully, understand users' feelings when using augmented reality applications is considered a major issue. This study implemented this technology in a cultural heritage outdoor context and tested it in-situ to evaluate user's perspective regarding to personal satisfaction-including cultural enrichment acquired -, ease of use and their intention to use it. The results obtained, through questionnaires, presented the visitors acceptance regarding the usage of this type of solutions among a cultural heritage context, since it may become future visits more pleasant and desirable. The user's majority expressed the request to use this technology more often in cultural heritage spaces.


Data Deposit in a CKAN Repository: A Dublin Core-Based Simplified Workflow

Karimova, Y; Castro, JA; Ribeiro, C;

Digital Libraries: Supporting Open Science - 15th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL 2019, Pisa, Italy, January 31 - February 1, 2019, Proceedings

Researchers are currently encouraged by their institutions and the funding agencies to deposit data resulting from projects. Activities related to research data management, namely organization, description, and deposit, are not obvious for researchers due to the lack of knowledge on metadata and the limited data publication experience. Institutions are looking for solutions to help researchers organize their data and make them ready for publication. We consider here the deposit process for a CKAN-powered data repository managed as part of the IT services of a large research institute. A simplified data deposit process is illustrated here by means of a set of examples where researchers describe their data and complete the publication in the repository. The process is organised around a Dublin Core-based dataset deposit form, filled by the researchers as preparation for data deposit. The contacts with researchers provided the opportunity to gather feedback about the Dublin Core metadata and the overall experience. Reflections on the ongoing process highlight a few difficulties in data description, but also show that researchers are motivated to get involved in data publication activities.


Interplay of Documents' Readability, Comprehension and Consumer Health Search Performance Across Query Terminology

Lopes, CT; Ribeiro, C;


Because of terminology mismatches, health consumers frequently face difficulties while searching the Web for health information. Difficulties arise in query formulation but also in understanding the retrieved documents. In this work we analyze how documents' readability affects users' comprehension and how both affect the retrieval performance, measured in different ways. In addition, we analyze how performance measures relate with each other. For this purpose we have conducted a laboratory user study with 40 participants. We found that readability is essential for a document to be at least partially relevant and that it becomes even more important if the document has medico-scientific terminology. Moreover, the relevance of a document to a specific user highly depends on its comprehension. In lay queries we found the medical accuracy of users' answers is related to the session's relevance assessments. This shows that users can, at least in part, relate their relevance assessments with the medical accuracy of the documents. On the other hand, this relationship does not exist with medico-scientific queries.


Hands-On Data Publishing with Researchers: Five Experiments with Metadata in Multiple Domains

Rodrigues, J; Castro, JA; da Silva, JR; Ribeiro, C;

Digital Libraries: Supporting Open Science - 15th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL 2019, Pisa, Italy, January 31 - February 1, 2019, Proceedings

The current requirements for open data in the EU are increasing the awareness of researchers with respect to data management and data publication. Metadata is essential in research data management, namely on data discovery and reuse. Current practices tend to either leave metadata definition to researchers, or to assign their creation to curators. The former typically results in ad-hoc descriptors, while the latter follows standards but lacks specificity. In this exploratory study, we adopt a researcher-curator collaborative approach in five data publication cases, involving researchers in data description and discussing the use of both generic and domain-oriented metadata. The study shows that researchers working on familiar datasets can contribute effectively to the definition of metadata models, in addition to the actual metadata creation. The cases also provide preliminary evidence of cross-disciplinary descriptor use. Moreover, the interaction with curators highlights the advantages of data management, making researchers more open to participate in the corresponding tasks. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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