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Publications by HumanISE


Graph-of-Entity: A Model for Combined Data Representation and Retrieval

Devezas, JL; Lopes, CT; Nunes, S;

8th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2019, June 27-28, 2019, Coimbra, Portugal.

Managing large volumes of digital documents along with the information they contain, or are associated with, can be challenging. As systems become more intelligent, it increasingly makes sense to power retrieval through all available data, where every lead makes it easier to reach relevant documents or entities. Modern search is heavily powered by structured knowledge, but users still query using keywords or, at the very best, telegraphic natural language. As search becomes increasingly dependent on the integration of text and knowledge, novel approaches for a unified representation of combined data present the opportunity to unlock new ranking strategies. We tackle entity-oriented search using graph-based approaches for representation and retrieval. In particular, we propose the graph-of-entity, a novel approach for indexing combined data, where terms, entities and their relations are jointly represented. We compare the graph-of-entity with the graph-of-word, a text-only model, verifying that, overall, it does not yet achieve a better performance, despite obtaining a higher precision. Our assessment was based on a small subset of the INEX 2009 Wikipedia Collection, created from a sample of 10 topics and respectively judged documents. The offline evaluation we do here is complementary to its counterpart from TREC 2017 OpenSearch track, where, during our participation, we had assessed graph-of-entity in an online setting, through team-draft interleaving. © José Devezas, Carla Lopes, and Sérgio Nunes.


Characterizing the Hypergraph-of-Entity Representation Model

Devezas, JL; Nunes, S;

Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII - Volume 2 Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, December 10-12, 2019.

The hypergraph-of-entity is a joint representation model for terms, entities and their relations, used as an indexing approach in entity-oriented search. In this work, we characterize the structure of the hypergraph, from a microscopic and macroscopic scale, as well as over time with an increasing number of documents. We use a random walk based approach to estimate shortest distances and node sampling to estimate clustering coefficients. We also propose the calculation of a general mixed hypergraph density based on the corresponding bipartite mixed graph. We analyze these statistics for the hypergraph-of-entity, finding that hyperedge-based node degrees are distributed as a power law, while node-based node degrees and hyperedge cardinalities are log-normally distributed. We also find that most statistics tend to converge after an initial period of accentuated growth in the number of documents. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


A Hierarchically-Labeled Portuguese Hate Speech Dataset

Fortuna, P; Rocha da Silva, JR; Soler Company, J; Wanner, L; Nunes, S;


Over the past years, the amount of online offensive speech has been growing steadily. To successfully cope with it, machine learning is applied. However, ML-based techniques require sufficiently large annotated datasets. In the last years, different datasets were published, mainly for English. In this paper, we present a new dataset for Portuguese, which has not been in focus so far. The dataset is composed of 5,668 tweets. For its annotation, we defined two different schemes used by annotators with different levels of expertise. First, non-experts annotated the tweets with binary labels ('hate' vs. 'no-hate'). Then, expert annotators classified the tweets following a fine-grained hierarchical multiple label scheme with 81 hate speech categories in total. The inter-annotator agreement varied from category to category, which reflects the insight that some types of hate speech are more subtle than others and that their detection depends on personal perception. The hierarchical annotation scheme is the main contribution of the presented work, as it facilitates the identification of different types of hate speech and their intersections. To demonstrate the usefulness of our dataset, we carried a baseline classification experiment with pre-trained word embeddings and LSTM on the binary classified data, with a state-of-the-art outcome.


Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration of Customized Single-Row Accelerators

Paulino, NMC; Ferreira, JC; Cardoso, JMP;


The use of specialized accelerator circuits is a feasible solution to address performance and energy issues in embedded systems. This paper extends a previous field-programmable gate array-based approach that automatically generates pipelined customized loop accelerators (CLAs) from runtime instruction traces. Despite efficient acceleration, the approach suffered from high area and resource requirements when offloading a large number of kernels from the target application. This paper addresses this by enhancing the CLA with dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) support. Each kernel to accelerate is implemented as a variant of a reconfigurable area of the CLA which hosts all functional units and configuration memory. Evaluation of the proposed system is performed on a Virtex-7 device. We show, for a set of 21 kernels, that when comparing two CLAs capable of accelerating the same subset of kernels, the one which benefits from DPR can be up to 4.3x smaller. Resorting to DPR allows for the implementation of CLAs which support numerous kernels without a significant decrease in operating frequency and does not affect the initiation intervals at which kernels are scheduled. Finally, the area required by a CLA instance can be further reduced by increasing the IIs of the scheduled kernels.


Fast Heuristic-Based GPU Compiler Sequence Specialization

Nobre, R; Reis, L; Cardoso, JMP;


Iterative compilation focused on specialized phase orders (i.e., custom selections of compiler passes and orderings for each program or function) can significantly improve the performance of compiled code. However, phase ordering specialization typically needs to deal with large solution space. A previous approach, evaluated by targeting an x86 CPU, mitigates this issue by first using a training phase on reference codes to produce a small set of high-quality reusable phase orders. This approach then uses these phase orders to compile new codes, without any code analysis. In this paper, we evaluate the viability of using this approach to optimize the GPU execution performance of OpenCL kernels. In addition, we propose and evaluate the use of a heuristic to further reduce the number of evaluated phase orders, by comparing the speedups of the resulting binaries with those of the training phase for each phase order. This information is used to predict which untested phase order is most likely to produce good results (e.g., highest speedup). We performed our measurements using the PolyBench/GPU OpenCL benchmark suite on an NVIDIA Pascal GPU. Without heuristics, we can achieve a geomean execution speedup of 1.64x, using cross-validation, with 5 non-standard phase orders. With the heuristic, we can achieve the same speedup with only 3 non-standard phase orders. This is close to the geomean speedup achieved in our iterative compilation experiments exploring thousands of phase orders. Given the significant reduction in exploration time and other advantages of this approach, we believe that it is suitable for a wide range of compiler users concerned with performance.


Supporting the Scale-up of High Performance Application to Pre-Exascale Systems: The ANTAREX Approach

Silvano, C; Agosta, G; Bartolini, A; Beccari, AR; Benini, L; Besnard, L; Bispo, J; Cmar, R; Cardoso, JMP; Cavazzoni, C; Cesarini, D; Cherubin, S; Ficarelli, F; Gadioli, D; Golasowski, M; Lasri, I; Libri, A; Manelfi, C; Martinovic, J; Palermo, G; Pinto, P; Rohou, E; Sanna, N; Slaninova, K; Vitali, E;


The ANTAREX project developed an approach to the performance tuning of High Performance applications based on an Aspect-oriented Domain Specific Language (DSL), with the goal to simplify the enforcement of extra-functional properties in large scale applications. The project aims at demonstrating its tools and techniques on two relevant use cases, one in the domain of computational drug discovery, the other in the domain of online vehicle navigation. In this paper, we present an overview of the project and of its main achievements, as well as of the large scale experiments that have been planned to validate the approach.

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