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Publications by HumanISE


Energy Efficient Smartphone-Based Users Activity Classification

Magalhães, RMC; Cardoso, JMP; Moreira, JM;

Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 3-6, 2019, Proceedings, Part II.

Nowadays most people carry a smartphone with built-in sensors (e.g., accelerometers, gyroscopes) capable of providing useful data for Human Activity Recognition (HAR). Machine learning classification methods have been intensively researched and developed for HAR systems, each with different accuracy and performance levels. However, acquiring sensor data and executing machine learning classifiers require computational power and consume energy. As such, a number of factors, such as inadequate preprocessing, can have a negative impact on the overall HAR performance, even on high-end handheld devices. While high accuracy can be extremely important in some applications, the device’s battery life can be highly critical to the end-user. This paper is focused on the k-nearest neighbors’ algorithm (kNN), one of the most used algorithms in HAR systems, and research and develop energy-efficient implementations for mobile devices. We focus on a kNN implementation based on Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) with a significant positive impact on the device’s battery life, fully integrated into a mobile HAR Android application able to classify human activities in real-time. The proposed kNN implementation was able to achieve execution time reductions of 50% over other versions of kNN with average accuracy of 96.55% when considering 8 human activities. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Unfolding and folding: A new approach for code restructuring targeting HLS for FPGAs

Ferreira, AC; Cardoso, JMP;

5th International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers, FSP 2018, co-located with International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2018

FPGAs are becoming a popular solution for accelerating the execution of software applications. The use of high level synthesis (HLS) tools intends to provide levels of abstraction comfortable to software developers when targeting FPGA-based hardware accelerators. However, the need to restructure the software code and to use adequate directives require both mastering the HLS tool used and FPGA hardware. This paper presents our efforts to provide a new approach for code restructuring, intended to help software developers in achieving efficient hardware implementations. Our approach uses an unfolded graph representation, which is generated from program execution traces, together with graph-based optimizations such as folding to generate suitable C code to input to HLS tools, such as Vivado HLS. The experiments show that our approach is capable of generating C code that results in efficient hardware implementations only otherwise achievable using manual restructuring of the input software code and manual insertion of adequate directives. © VDE VERLAG GMBH · Berlin · Offenbach


The ANTAREX domain specific language for high performance computing

Silvano, C; Agosta, G; Bartolini, A; Beccari, AR; Benini, L; Besnard, L; Bispo, J; Cmar, R; Cardoso, JMP; Cavazzoni, C; Cesarini, D; Cherubin, S; Ficarelli, F; Gadioli, D; Golasowski, M; Libri, A; Martinovic, J; Palermo, G; Pinto, P; Rohou, E; Slaninova, K; Vitali, E;


The ANTAREX project relies on a Domain Specific Language (DSL) based on Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) concepts to allow applications to enforce extra functional properties such as energy-efficiency and performance and to optimize Quality of Service (QoS) in an adaptive way. The DSL approach allows the definition of energy-efficiency, performance, and adaptivity strategies as well as their enforcement at runtime through application autotuning and resource and power management. In this paper, we present an overview of the key outcome of the project, the ANTAREX DSL, and some of its capabilities through a number of examples, including how the DSL is applied in the context of the project use cases.


Using Virtual Reality Environments to Predict Pedestrian Behaviour

Costa, JF; Jacob, J; Rúbio, TRPM; Silva, DC; Cardoso, HL; Ferreira, S; Rodrigues, RA; Oliveira, E; Rossetti, RJF;

2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2019, Casablanca, Morocco, October 14-17, 2019

Pedestrian behaviour modelling and simulation play a fundamental role in reducing traffic risks and new policies implementation costs. However, representing human behaviour in this dynamic environment is not a trivial task and such models require an accurate representation of pedestrian behaviour. Virtual environments have been gaining notoriety as a behaviour elicitation tool, but it is still necessary to understand the validity of this technique in the context of pedestrian studies, as well as to create guidelines for its use. This work proposes a proper methodology for pedestrian behaviour elicitation using virtual reality environments in conjunction with surveys or questionnaires. The methodology focuses on gathering data about the subject, the context, and the action taken, as well as on analyzing the collected data to finally output a behavioural model. The resulting model can be used as a feedback signal to improve environment conditions for experiment iterations. A concrete implementation was built based on this methodology, serving as an example for future studies. A virtual reality traffic environment and two surveys were used as data sources for pedestrian crossing experiments. The subjects controlled a virtual avatar using an HTC Vive and were asked to traverse the distance between two points in a city. The data collected during the experiment was analyzed and used as input to a machine learning model capable of predicting pedestrian speed, taking into account their actions and perceptions. The proposed methodology allowed for the successful data gathering and its use to predict pedestrian behaviour with fairly acceptable accuracy. © 2019 IEEE.


The Feeling of Presence: An Immersive Perspective

Assaf, R; Rodrigues, R;

ARTECH 2019: 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Braga, Portugal, October 23-25, 2019

The main goal of the conference is to promote the interest in the current digital culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field, and also to create a common space for discussion and exchange of new experiences. It seeks to foster greater understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices. To this end, many scholars, teachers, researchers, artists, comput-er professionals, and others who are working within the broadly defined areas of digital arts, culture and education across the world, submitted their innovative work to the conference. © 2019 ACM.


Extended Reality Framework for Remote Collaborative Interactions in Virtual Environments

Pereira, V; Matos, T; Rodrigues, R; Nobrega, R; Jacob, J;


This paper proposes the implementation of a framework for the development of collaborative extended reality (XR) applications. Using the framework, developers can focus on understanding which collaborative mechanisms they need to implement for the respective reality model application. In this paper we specifically study collaborative mechanisms around object manipulation in Virtual Reality (VR). As such, we planned a VR prototype using the proposed framework, which was used to validate the various interaction and collaboration features in VR. The gathered data from the user tests revealed that they enjoyed the experience and the collaborative mechanisms helped them work together. Furthermore, to understand whether the framework allowed for the development of XR applications, we decided to implement an augmented reality prototype as well. Afterwards, we ran an experiment with 4 VR and 3 AR users sharing the same virtual environment. The experiment was successful at allowing them to interact in real-time in the same shared environment. Therefore, the framework enables the development of XR applications that support different mixed-reality technologies.

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