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Publications by HumanISE


Identifying attack signatures for the Internet of Things An IP flow based approach

Vieira, L; Santos, L; Goncalves, R; Rabadao, C;


At the time of more and more devices being connected to the internet, personal and sensitive information is going around the network more than ever. Thus, security and privacy regarding IoT communications, devices, and data are a concern due to the diversity of the devices and protocols used. Since traditional security mechanisms cannot always be adequate due to the heterogeneity and resource limitations of IoT devices, we conclude that there are still several improvements to be made to the 2nd line of defense mechanisms like Intrusion Detection Systems. Using a collection of IP flows, we can monitor the network and identify properties of the data that goes in and out. Since network flows collection have a smaller footprint than packet capturing, it makes it a better choice towards the Internet of Things networks. This paper aims to study IP flow properties of certain network attacks, with the goal of identifying an attack signature only by observing those properties.


Smart Coach - A Recommendation System for Young Football Athletes

Matos, P; Rocha, J; Gonçalves, R; Almeida, Ad; Santos, F; Abreu, D; Martins, C;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications -,10th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2019, Ávila, Spain, 26-28 June 2019.

Over the last decades Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly being used in sports, especially in football, aiming to improve the athletes training and results. However, training systems for young athletes do not have, for the most part, learning abilities in order to adapt, evolve and find new training recommendations, designed specifically for each young athlete. In this paper introduce the Smart Coach user adaptation model, and whose main goal is to present our hybrid recommendation system to help young athletes evolve. This facilitate the interaction between members of a club technical staff and their young athletes, reinforcing the young person counselling, and their potential as an athlete. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.


Trusted Data's Marketplace

Brandão, A; Mamede, HS; Gonçalves, R;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 1, World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2019, Galicia, Spain, 16-19 April, 2019

This article presents a literature review and the discussion about the key concepts associated with data markets. Data markets have multiple centralized and decentralized approaches. The main problem is the trust and reliability of supplies, inflows, and suppliers. The proposed study object is the decentralized marketplace data supported by Blockchain technology to ensure confidence in the supply chain of data, in the actors involved in the market and the data sources. The application scenarios are proposed in a model with four levels, data provision, data delivery, rights management, and producer internal sources. That will be done with Blockchain technology, through contracting using smart contracts, the controlled delivery of data by the data producers, the management of flows of data, and access control to data. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


Accessibility in Mobile Applications of Portuguese Public Administration

Carneiro, M; Branco, F; Gonçalves, R; Yong Oliveira, MA; Moreira, F; Martins, J;

Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Ubiquitous and Virtual Environments for Learning and Collaboration - 6th International Conference, LCT 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26-31, 2019, Proceedings, Part II

Today’s society presents a fast development marked by the digital era, where the sharing, disclosure and access to information is made through information and communication technologies. The use of mobile applications is growing exponentially, spreading to the most varied social classes and everyday activity areas. Worldwide, its use in the most variety of services, has been increasing significantly. Given that, it is essential that mobile applications are accessible in a way that allows access conditions and equal opportunities to all the users. With this study we present indicators regarding the state of accessibility in mobile applications through the evaluation of five Portuguese public administration applications. The methodology used was a fully manual evaluation through a proposal of a model of evaluation divided by quantitative and qualitative requirements created by us, as well as the use of functionalities such as VoiceOver and TalkBack. Taking into account that the study initially proposed on accessibility in mobile applications is the first to be carried out in Portugal and one of the few currently worldwide, it is believed that its content may help, in some way, to raise awareness of the state of accessibility in the Portuguese mobile applications, to create measures that make these applications more accessible to all and that this work could be taken into account in future studies of the topic. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


A Novel Intrusion Detection System Architecture for Internet of Things Networks

Santos, L; Goncalves, R; Rabadao, C;


The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous and applied in different domains such as human health, building automation, industrial control and environmental monitoring, introducing new security and privacy challenges. Thus, the security of data, devices and communications of IoT networks are a concern due to the sensitivity of the data used, legal and privacy issues, and the diversity of devices and protocols used. In addition, traditional security mechanisms cannot always be feasible and adequate because of the number, heterogeneity, and resource limitations of IoT devices. In this work, we are concerned with the design of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect IoT networks from external and internal threats in real time. To do this, after studying the various traditional IDS solutions, as well as new IDS proposals designed specifically for IoT networks, we conclude that there are still several improvements to be made to this type of 2nd line defense mechanism. The design proposed will consider the specific architecture of an IoT network, the scalability and heterogeneity of this type of environment, the minimization of the use of resources, and the maximization of the efficiency in the detection of intrusions. To do so, we consider the various detection methods available and the various types of attacks to which this type of network is exposed. The proposed IDS is network-based and relies on a hybrid architecture (centralized / distributed). As methods of detection, the signature / anomaly-based methods will be used simultaneously. Finally, it is emphasized that this proposal does not require the modification of the IoT software, nor does it influence the performance of the applications in the IoT devices.


Mobile Applications and Their Use in Language Learning

Silva, C; Melo, D; Barros, F; Conceição, J; Gonçalves, R; Yong Oliveira, MA;

New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 3

It is undeniable that the world is taking a turn for the digital. Banking, shopping, working, education, entertainment, everything has its own digital equivalent or means thereof. This includes language learning. Nowadays, there is a myriad of (mobile and digital) possibilities to study, learn and improve a person’s knowledge of virtually any language. Thus, there should be potential benefits in their use in academic level (foreign) language learning, but also in an individual “self-learning" process. In this study, we choose to tackle mobile apps and their impact in the teaching/learning of languages, the perception of their usefulness and their impact (positive or otherwise) on the subject. To achieve this, a literature review on the subject was conducted, in addition to twenty interviews performed with students of the University of Aveiro. Supported by our literature review, we can safely state that language learning is just one of the many segments of both life and academia that can only be positively affected by digitalisation, and that we will continue seeing a rising trend towards that goal. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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