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Publications by HumanISE


Predictive Industrial Maintenance with a Viable Systems Model and Maintenance 4.0 [Mantenimiento industrial predictivo con un modelo de sistemas viables y mantenimiento 4.0]

Camara, RA; Mamede, HS; Santos, VDD;

2019 8th International Conference on Software Process Improvement, CIMPS 2019 - Applications in Software Engineering

In face of the continuously growing process of the fourth industrial revolution, the industries are forced to innovate their industrial manufacturing process to remain competitive and active in the market, perfecting the manufacturing process through new interconnected and autonomous technologies. Since time reduction, quality enhancement and cost reduction for manufacturing of industrial products are the major catalysts of a successful company for the current Era called Maintenance 4.0, this paper proposes to illustrate an Information Systems Architecture where, using the Viable Systems Model, it is possible to perform automatic adjustments in the subsystems related to Cyber-Physical Systems and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) within the Digital Manufacturing model and, in addition, to mitigate machine failures through predictive analyzes of massive volumes of data using algorithms with intelligent functions and Data Mining (DM) in order to automatically stabilize the entire system chain quickly and efficiently. © 2019 IEEE.


Reply to AMT-2019-378-AC3-supplement

Barbosa, S;




Interactive comment on “Inter-comparison study of atmospheric 222 Rn and 222 Rn progeny monitors” by Grossi et al

Barbosa, S;




Technology as a didactic method of language teaching An approach to the impact, advantages and future

Rocha, S; Paula, S; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Branco, F;


The current study has as its objective to analyse how the study of languages is affected by new technologies. The way of teaching as well as the learning process are not the same as in older times, so we think that it is important to analyse the phenomenon. There are several advantages to the use of technology, and the future heralds even greater evolution. The effect of technologies on teaching has been very significant and even university professors resort to the usage of websites or other technological tools. The concept of innovation is not only associated to information and communication technologies, but also to the process and innovative supply of methods of access to knowledge. Therefore, associating innovation to the teaching of languages is something completely acceptable, since the usage of technological resources is a form of innovating. Because the final objective is to find a coherent response that indicates what is currently happening in the world of education concerning languages, primary data was obtained via a total of eleven interviews answered by young language students and professors. With this study, we conclude that technologies will continue to have an impact on the future of teaching. There is a general consensus concerning the relevance of obtaining better academic results. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that learning becomes more facilitated with technology because there is easier access to information.


The impact of the digital economy on the skill set of high potentials

Leite, MP; Mihajlovski, T; Heppner, L; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Hiring outstanding employees is the goal of every company. Digitalization impacted the way companies work and the environment they are surrounded by. Considering this change, employees are facing new challenges for which a concrete skill set is needed. By conducting qualitative interviews, a distinct skill set required by companies was identified. The outcome is that soft skills moved to the forefront, playing a major role when coping with the digital future. In a further step, recommendations for talent management regarding recruitment and development of high potentials are given. With the implementation of technology and the adaption to the human resources perspective, companies will be able to master digital transformation. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


The strategy of josefinas: Building a well-known brand through social media

Inês, A; Pires, P; Carvalho, A; Santos, L; Branco, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

The Internet has changed the way people and businesses communicate. Social media is now seen as a marketing tool, as it influences the promotion of products and helps to raise brand awareness and recognition. Indeed, companies now want to build long-term relationships with clients through online channels, as they are more convenient, faster and reach a greater public. Our article emphasizes the role of social media as a driving force to promote online businesses and build a well-known brand. However, to build and manage customers’ relationships and loyalty, brands need to develop an online communication strategy that will help to promote the brand. Our case study focuses on the success story of Josefinas, a Portuguese luxury shoe brand. It was created exclusively online and became a well-known brand due to social media and digital influencers. However, is it enough for businesses to be online? To answer this question and to analyse the major role social media played in building Josefinas, our study involved two interviews and the analysis of secondary data. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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