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Publications by HumanISE


Kitchen robots: The importance and impact of technology on people’s quality of life

Fonseca, E; Oliveira, I; Lobo, J; Mota, T; Martins, J; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

The interest in technology allied to household chores has been growing exponentially. Robots like Bimby have revolutionized the way of cooking, since they perform several functions, which were once done manually. How do users of kitchen robots see this continuous evolution and what is the impact on their routines? What are the main advantages associated with this technology and how do non-users see them? This study is a focus on the variables gender, quality of life and technological evolution, as a way to determine if women and men use kitchen robots on an equal scale, if the potentialities of these machines contribute to real improvements in the lives of their users and if, in a near future, this technology will replace the human element in the preparation of meals. To answer these questions, two methodological approaches were followed: quantitative (via questionnaires) and qualitative (via interviews and a focus group). The first approach allowed us to conclude on the profile of kitchen robots and their impact on people’s quality of life. The second approach led us to understand the interest of suppliers, and whether the interest is to help human beings or to replace their role altogether in the kitchen. With this study we conclude that kitchen robots have effectively brought improvements in terms of time spent with household tasks, the typical user of this technology is indeed a woman and, finally, that it will be difficult for a robot to replace humans entirely, since anyone who really likes to cook will never stop doing it. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


Microtransactions in the company’s and the player’s perspective: a manual and automatic analysis

Gusmão, P; Almeida, T; Lopes, F; Muryn, Y; Martins, J; Au Yong Oliveira, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Microtransactions dominate today’s video game industry and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, despite all the controversy it brings. To approach this problem, we created a survey, shared it on several gaming forums (a total of 1661 answers were obtained), then we designed a theoretical model and based on that, an automatic analysis was performed to understand what microtransactions are adequate to certain types of videogames. In parallel, we also performed a manual analysis that helped us gain insights into player preferences. Through the manual analysis we can conclude that players show a greater tendency to spend on microtransactions in mobile games. On average, respondents spend more on microtransactions than on purchasing videogames per month; with this, we can understand why the market of microtransactions has been growing greatly in recent years. Players that have jobs spend more on time savers microtransactions, and this probably happens because of the lack of time these players have comparing to the rest and the fact that they have an income to spend. Players aged 25 and above have shown to be more inclined to spend money to remove advertisements from games; however, players under the age of 25 are more inclined to spend money on general microtransactions in contrast to their older counterparts. It is also noticeable the negative sentiment towards players that spend money on advantageous items. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


Considerations on the Usability of SClinico

Pavao, J; Bastardo, R; Pereira, LT; Oliveira, P; Costa, V; Martins, AI; Queiros, A; Rocha, NP;


To increase the quality of the health care services and, at the same time, to control their costs, the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) has substantially increased during the last years. Usability of EHR systems is a key factor to increase their efficiency. The SClinico is an EHR system widely used in public hospitals and primary care centres of the Portuguese National Health Service and the present article reports the assessment of its usability. This usability assessment consisted in three stages: in the first stage, an exploratory assessment was carried out, while in the second stage a quantitative assessment was performed using a validated usability assessment instrument, and, finally, in the third stage a focus group involving clinicians and usability experts was conducted. The results showed that SClinico presents important usability issues and, therefore, recommendations are suggested to overcome the identified issues.


Visualization in Reproducible Science A comparative overview of interactive Web Journals and computational notebooks

Marques, BM; da Silva, JR; Devezas, T;


The increasing prevalence of Open Science has brought reproducibility to the center of discussion of the scientific community as a requirement for ensuring the transparency and correctness of a research workflow. The current publishing landscape is evolving, as shown by the emergence of notebook technologies powering a new generation of interactive Web Journals. These use state-of-the-art interactive graphical visualizations and on-demand data processing to research papers, allowing readers to trace every step of the process, from raw data to the finalized visualization. Since there are many Research Notebook technologies and interactive graphical visualization solutions to choose from, we present a summary comparative overview of Web Journals and the Notebook engines that power the interactive, data driven visualizations inside their publications. Given our focus on visualization, our metrics are the support for the most advanced, popular and widely adopted data visualization frameworks. We conclude that Jupyter Notebook is currently the best alternative for the average user, given its popularity and support, combined with broad support for powerful and high-level interactive visualization grammars.


Virtual Tutor: A Case of Study in University Aberta

Carvalho, E; Marcos, A;


The project VIRTUAL TUTORING - the virtual tutor as learning mediating artifact in online university education, is an ongoing project, with the main goal of analyzing the pedagogic impact of an anthropomorphic user interface on a typical distance learning environment targeted to support online higher education. It implies the development of 3D rigged avatars that should perform typical online tutor activities. The virtual tutor should mimic a human tutor, being a kind of emphatic interface between the student and the course module in Moodle. But more than this, the virtual tutor should give support in the learning process of the student, working as much as a guide inside the contents offered by the e-learning course. This paper gives an overview of the project present development status.


Ensinar programação em ambientes e-learning: preocupações e propostas no âmbito do modelo pedagógico virtual da Universidade Aberta de Portugal

Mucheroni, ML; Carvalho, ES; Marcos, AF;

Revista Espaço Pedagógico

O ensino e aprendizagem da programação de computadores em ambiente e-learning constitui uma área que tem vindo a atrair um interesse crescente tanto por parte das universidades de ensino em rede como pelos investigadores do e-learning. Aprender a programar computadores requer o desenvolvimento de raciocínio lógico da parte do estudante, enquanto aprende a dominar as potencialidades de uma determinada linguagem de programação, a construir estruturas de dados e a desenvolver uma estratégia de resolução de problemas pela sua divisão e modularização em problemas mais simples de mais fácil conquista. Adicionalmente importa que o estudante desenvolva competências de trabalho em grupo, de estudo individual com elevados níveis de concentração para realizar trabalho de revisão e depuração de código fonte. O ensino on-line de programação de computadores é constituído por estes aspetos, exigindo um elevado grau de interação entre estudantes e destes com o professor. Neste artigo, apresentamos um conjunto de reflexões e propostas concretas de estratégias de implementação do ensino e aprendizagem da programação de computadores, de nível universitário, explorando o método de “design” de instruções como uma abordagem do diálogo, uma adaptação da taxonomia de Bloom, com base na experiência e no modelo pedagógico virtual da Universidade Aberta de Portugal.

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