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Publications by HumanISE


DynaMO: dynamically tuning DSME networks

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;


Deterministic Synchronous Multichannel Extension (DSME) is a prominentMAC behavior first introduced in IEEE 802.15.4e supporting deterministic guarantees using its multisuperframe structure. DSME also facilitates techniques like multi-channel and Contention Access Period (CAP) reduction to increase the number of available guaranteed timeslots in a network. However, any tuning of these functionalities in dynamic scenarios is not explored in the standard. In this paper, we present a multisuperframe tuning technique called DynaMO which tunes the CAP reduction and Multisuperframe Order in an effective manner to improve flexibility and scalability, while guaranteeing bounded delay. We also provide simulations to prove that DynaMO with its dynamic tuning feature can offer up to 15-30% reduction in terms of latency in a large DSME network. © Copyright held by the authors.


Symphony: routing aware scheduling for DSME networks

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;


Deterministic Synchronous Multichannel Extension (DSME) is a prominent MAC behavior first introduced in IEEE 802.15.4e. It can avail deterministic and best effort Service using its multisuperframe structure. RPL is a routing protocol for wireless networks with low power consumption and generally susceptible to packet loss. These two standards were designed independently but with the common objective to satisfy the requirements of IoT devices in terms of limited energy, reliability and determinism. A combination of these two protocols can integrate real-time QoS demanding and largescale IoT networks. In this paper, we propose a new multi-channel, multi-timeslot scheduling algorithm called Symphony that provides QoS efficient schedules in DSME networks. In this paper we provide analytical and simulation based delay analysis for our approach against some state of the art algorithms. In this work, we show that integrating routing with DSME can improve reliability by 40 % and by using Symphony, we can reduce the network delay by 10-20% against the state of the art algorithms. © Copyright held by the authors.


DynaMO-Dynamic Multisuperframe Tuning for Adaptive IEEE 802.15.4e DSME Networks

Kurunathan, H; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;


Recent advancements in the IoT domain have been pushing for stronger demands of Quality-of-Service (QoS) and in particular for improved determinism for time-critical wireless communications under power constraints. The IEEE 802.15.4e standard protocol introduced several new MAC behaviors that provide enhanced time-critical and reliable communications. The Deterministic Synchronous Multichannel Extension (DSME) is one of its prominent MAC behaviors that combines contention-based and contention-free communication, guaranteeing bounded delays and improved reliability and scalability by leveraging multi-channel access and CAP reduction. However, DSME has a multi-superframe structure, which is statically defined at the beginning of the network. As the network evolves dynamically by changing its traffic characteristics, these static settings can affect the overall throughput and increase the network delay because of improper allocation of bandwidth. In this paper, we address this problem, and we present a dynamic multi-superframe tuning technique that dynamically adapts the multi-superframe structure based on the size of the network. This technique improves the QoS by providing 15-30% increase in throughput and 15-35% decrease in delay when compared to static DSME networks.


Towards a Realistic Simulation Framework for Vehicular Platooning Applications

Vieira, B; Severino, R; Koubaa, A; Tovar, E;


Cooperative vehicle platooning applications increasingly demand realistic simulation tools to ease their validation, and to bridge the gap between development and real-word deployment. However, their complexity and cost, often hinders its validation in the real-world. In this paper we propose a realistic simulation framework for vehicular platoons that integrates Gazebo with OMNeT++ over Robot Operating System (ROS) to support the simulation of realistic scenarios of autonomous vehicular platoons and their cooperative control.


Dynamic Generation of Documentation, Code, and Tests for a Digital Marketing Platform's API

Santos, R; Pereira, I; Azevedo, I;

Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering - Code Generation, Analysis Tools, and Testing for Quality

Detailed documentation and software tests are key factors for the success of a web application programming interface (API). When designing an API, especially in a design first approach, it is relevant to define a formal contract, known as API specification. This document must contain all necessary information regarding the API behavior. Thereby, the specification can be used to dynamically generate API components like documentation, client and server code, and software tests, reducing development and maintenance costs. This chapter presents a study of OpenAPI specification and its application on designing a new RESTful API for E-goi. It also presents a set of solutions for generating documentation, client code libraries, and test cases.


Integrated design environment for reusable modular assembly systems

Ferreira, P; Anandan, PD; Pereira, I; Hiwarkar, V; Sayed, M; Lohse, N; Aguiar, S; Goncalves, G; Goncalves, J; Bottinger, F;


Purpose This paper aims to provide a service-based integrated prototype framework for the design of reusable modular assembly systems (RMAS) incorporating reusability of equipment into the process. It extends AutomationML (AML) developments for an engineering data exchange to integrate and standardize the data formats that support the design of RMAS. Design/methodology/approach The approach provides a set of systematic procedures and support tools for the design of RMAS. This includes enhanced domain knowledge models that facilitate the interpretation and integration of information across the design phases. Findings The inclusion of reusability aspects in the design phase improves the sustainability of future assembly systems, by ensuring equipment use until its end-of-life. Moreover, the integrated support tools reduce the design time, while improving the quality/performance of the system design solution, as it enables the exploration of a larger solution space. This will result in a better response to dynamic and rapidly changing system requirements. Social implications - This work provides a sustainable approach for the design of modular assembly systems (MAS), which will ensure better resource utilization. Additionally, the standardization of the data and the support of low cost tools is expected to benefit industrial companies, particularly the small- and medium-sized enterprises. Originality/value This approach offers a service-based platform which uses production data to incorporate reusability aspects into the design process of modular assembly system. Moreover, it provides a framework for modular assembly system design by extending the current design processes and interactions between stakeholders. To support this, a standardized method for information representation and exchange across the several phases of the RMAS design activity is briefly illustrated with an industrial case study.

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