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Publications by HumanISE


Scientometric analysis of scientific publications in CSCW

Correia, A; Paredes, H; Fonseca, B;


Over the last decades, CSCW research has undergone significant structural changes and has grown steadily with manifested differences from other fields in terms of theory building, methodology, and socio-technicality. This paper provides a quantitative assessment of the scientific literature for mapping the intellectual structure of CSCW research and its scientific development over a 15-year period (2001-2015). A total of 1713 publications were subjected to examination in order to draw statistics and depict dynamic changes to shed new light upon the growth, spread, and collaboration of CSCW devoted outlets. Overall, our study characterizes top (cited and downloaded) papers, citation patterns, prominent authors and institutions, demographics, collaboration patterns, most frequent topic clusters and keywords, and social mentions by country, discipline, and professional status. The results highlight some areas of improvement for the field and a lot of well-established topics which are changing gradually with impact on citations and downloads. Statistical models reveal that the field is predominantly influenced by fundamental and highly recognized scientists and papers. A small number of papers without citations, the growth of the number of papers by year, and an average number of more than 39 citations per paper in all venues ensure the field a healthy and evolving nature. We discuss the implications of these findings in terms of the influence of CSCW on the larger field of HCI.


A Technological Proposal Using Virtual Worlds to Support Entrepreneurship Education for Primary School Children

Pereira, A; Martins, P; Morgado, L; Fonseca, B; Esteves, M;


The importance of entrepreneurship education from elementary school through college is now recognized as an important aspect of children's education. At the level of basic education, the development of entrepreneurial activities using Information and Communication Technologies, specifically three-dimensional virtual worlds, is seen as an area with potential for exploration. The research presented herein is a model that allows the development of entrepreneurial activities in virtual worlds with children attending primary education. This model allows the preparation, monitoring and development of entrepreneurship education activities in virtual worlds, including safe interaction in virtual worlds between the children and the community. For this, we identified a set of requirements that would allow the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship in virtual worlds, from which a technological model was implemented through an application, EMVKids (after the Portuguese expression "Empreendedorismo em Mundos Virtuais com Criancas", entrepreneurship with children in virtual worlds).


Crowdsourcing and Massively Collaborative Science: A Systematic Literature Review and Mapping Study

Correia, A; Schneider, D; Fonseca, B; Paredes, H;

Collaboration and Technology - 24th International Conference, CRIWG 2018, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, September 5-7, 2018, Proceedings

Current times are denoting unprecedented indicators of scientific data production, and the involvement of the wider public (the crowd) on research has attracted increasing attention. Drawing on review of extant literature, this paper outlines some ways in which crowdsourcing and mass collaboration can leverage the design of intelligent systems to keep pace with the rapid transformation of scientific work. A systematic literature review was performed following the guidelines of evidence-based software engineering and a total of 148 papers were identified as primary after querying digital libraries. From our review, a lack of methodological frameworks and algorithms for enhancing interactive intelligent systems by combining machine and crowd intelligence is clearly manifested and we will need more technical support in the future. We lay out a vision for a cyberinfrastructure that comprises crowd behavior, task features, platform facilities, and integration of human inputs into AI systems. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.


Reframing Taxonomy Development in Collaborative Computing Research: A Review and Synthesis of CSCW Literature 2003-2010

Correia, A; Paredes, H; Fonseca, B;

Collaboration and Technology - 24th International Conference, CRIWG 2018, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, September 5-7, 2018, Proceedings

Technological evolution impacts the research and development of new solutions, as well as consumers’ expectations and behaviors. With the advent of the new millennium, collaboration systems and technologies were introduced to support ordinary cooperative work and inter-dependent, socially and culturally mediated practices as integral units of everyday life settings. Nevertheless, existing classification systems are limited in scope to analyze technological developments and capture the intellectual structure of a field, understood as an abstraction of the collective knowledge of its researchers and their socially mediated activities. Ten years after the introduction of Mittleman et al.’s taxonomy, we build upon earlier work and adopt this classification scheme to provide a descriptive, taxonomy-based analysis of four distinct venues focused on collaborative computing research: ACM CSCW, ACM GROUP, ECSCW, and CRIWG. The proposal consists of achieving evidence on technical attributes and impacts towards characterizing the evolution of socio-technical systems via (and for) taxonomic modeling. This study can also constitute an important step towards the emergence of new, potentially more valid and robust evaluation studies combining Grounded Theory with alternative methods and techniques. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.


SciCrowd: Towards a Hybrid, Crowd-Computing System for Supporting Research Groups in Academic Settings

Correia, A; Schneider, D; Paredes, H; Fonseca, B;

Collaboration and Technology - 24th International Conference, CRIWG 2018, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, September 5-7, 2018, Proceedings

The increasing amount of scholarly literature and the diversity of dissemination channels are challenging several fields and research communities. A continuous interplay between researchers and citizen scientists creates a vast set of possibilities to integrate hybrid, crowd-machine interaction features into crowd science projects for improving knowledge acquisition from large volumes of scientific data. This paper presents SciCrowd, an experimental crowd-powered system under development “from the ground up” to support data-driven research. The system combines automatic data indexing and crowd-based processing of data for detecting topic evolution by fostering a knowledge base of concepts, methods, and results categorized according to the particular needs of each field. We describe the prototype and discuss its main implications as a mixed-initiative approach for leveraging the analysis of academic literature. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.



Rodrigues, A; Fonseca, B; Preguiça, N;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)


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