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Publications by HumanISE


An approach to knowledge management with an E-learning platform

Mamede, HS;

Handbook of Research on Strategic Innovation Management for Improved Competitive Advantage

Knowledge management is still a problem for many organizations and at two different levels: tacit knowledge, which typically resides in the head of each individual and gets lost for the organizations when a person goes to work with a different company; and explicit knowledge, which presents growing costs for its dissemination in the organization. In the chapter, the author proposes a model to address those problems, taking for base the SECI (socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization) model, originally developed for knowledge management, together with an e-learning platform and a set of activities as tools to implement a working solution. Such models have the ability to solve organizational knowledge problems, implementing a knowledge management process, allowing the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. © 2018, IGI Global.


The impact of e-commerce on the success of microenterprise retail sector of the Pinhal Interior Norte sub-region of Portugal

Carvalho, M; Mamede, HS;

CENTERIS 2018 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2018 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2018 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2018, Lisbon, Portugal

In the global, competitive and ever-changing market it is important that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), as a significant part of the Portuguese industrial business, become competitive and, thus, it´s important to assess how the level of involvement in Electronic Commerce (EC), in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) relations, can influence the success of a microenterprise in the retail sector, focusing on the Portuguese sub-region of Pinhal Interior Norte. Being a region that is far from the big metropolises, where the young and more educated stratum distances itself, leaving it little more than the population that is getting older and with a reduced level of education, we considered it interesting to study if the microenterprises of the region are prepared to the new era of technology as a business model for their companies. Using the definition of success for a company as positive and growing financial result, it is objective of this work to know if companies with involvement in the EC, in B2C relations, have an increasing success rate due to its adoption and maintenance. Based on a research in a database with information from the companies, the sample was subsequently evaluated to find out which of the companies in the sample were involved in the EC and conducted surveys / interviews with the managers of the sample companies to assess the motivation (s) for their adoption, as well as whether they recognize the return of their investment and what they intend to do to maintain or modify their business. Initially we found several difficulties to gather data to be able to achieve proper conclusions, but with the help of some company managers, we were able to confirm that 62.50% of the analyzed companies saw their financial result increased after the adoption of the EC, which allows us to establish the existence of a relationship between the two facts. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd..


Water Domiciliary Distribution Telemanagement Value Model

da Costa, IJM; São Mamede, JHP; Cagica Carvalho, LM;

Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2018, Seville, Spain, September 18-20, 2018.

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a technical innovation that is already starting to play an important role in smarter water management, when a wide variety of sensors are incorporated into intelligent metering equipment and connected through wireless networks throughout the domiciliary water distribution network, being able to measure volume, flow, temperature, pressure, levels of chlorine, salinity and more. Water scarcity, aging or inadequate water distribution infrastructure, population variation, pollution, more intense and frequent droughts and floods, generate pressures that converge on the need to increase global investment in water infrastructures and to develop solutions for the conservation and management of water. The main stakeholders in the water distribution sector are the ones that can benefit most from the use of telemanagement. However, the results of adopting this innovation are contrary to expectations, with a slow change in traditional business models. The objective of this research is the construction of a value model that allows the identification of actors and value markets and the exchange of value related to the adoption of telemanagement in Portugal, having a solid theoretical basis and a real practical validation. Copyright


Meteorological Meteorological and soil surface effects in gamma radiation time series - Implications for assessment of earthquake precursors

Barbosa, S; Huisman, JA; Azevedo, EB;


Monitoring of environmental radioactivity for the purpose of earthquake prediction requires the discrimination of anomalies of non-tectonic origin from seismically-induced anomalies. This is a challenging task as time series of environmental radioactivity display a complex temporal pattern reflecting a wide range of different physical processes, including meteorological and surface effects. The present study is based on the detailed time series of gamma radiation from the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) site in the Azores, and on very high resolution precipitation intensity and soil moisture time series. The results show that an abrupt shift in the average level of the gamma radiation time series previously reported as a potential earthquake precursor can also be explained by a corresponding abrupt change in soil moisture. It was concluded that the reduction of false positive earthquake precursors requires the detailed assessment of both precipitation and soil moisture conditions at high temporal resolution.


Variabilidade de alta frequência do radão num ambiente interior estável

Barbosa, SM; et. al.,;

Proteção contra radiações na comunidade dos países de língua portuguesa



Development of a new system for real-time detection of radon using scintillating optical fibers

Monteiro, CS; Coelho, L; Barbosa, SM; Guimarães, D;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

A remote sensor for radon continuous measurement using polymeric scintillation optical fibers was developed and evaluated. Successful preliminary results showed detection of natural occurring radon from a container with rocks rich in uranium oxides. © OSA 2018 © 2018 The Author(s)

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