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Publications by HumanISE


Development of a new system for real-time detection of radon using scintillating optical fibers

Monteiro, CS; Coelho, L; Barbosa, SM; Guimarães, D;

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

A remote sensor for radon continuous measurement using polymeric scintillation optical fibers was developed and evaluated. Successful preliminary results showed detection of natural occurring radon from a container with rocks rich in uranium oxides. © OSA 2018 © 2018 The Author(s)


Three-dimensional data collection for coastal management - efficiency and applicability of terrestrial and airborne methods

Goncalves, JA; Bastos, L; Madeira, S; Magalhaes, A; Bio, A;


Regular monitoring is essential to understand coastal morphodynamics and anthropic as well as natural impacts, at different temporal and spatial scales. A stereoscopic video-based terrestrial mobile mapping system, three airborne digital photography systems (mounted on a small manned airplane, a fixed-wing UAV and a multi-rotor UAV, respectively) and airborne LiDAR were compared in terms of: system features, such as range, autonomy, acquisition and operating costs; information supplied, its type and precision; and constraints to system applicability in coastal topographic surveys. Systems differed in resolution, efficiency, and applicability. The terrestrial and UAV-based systems provided the most accurate 3D data, being particularly suited for small-scale, high-resolution surveys. UAVs were easy to deploy, but limited by weather condition, particularly wind speed. Observations from a plane were most efficient and suited for larger areas. Airborne systems had the advantage of being less (UAV) to non-invasive (plane) and thus suitable for the monitoring of sensitive areas (e.g. dunes) and/or areas with difficult access. Systems should be chosen according to the specific survey aims, spatial scale, and local conditions, taking into account their applicability and cost-benefit ratios. They may complement each other to provide a comprehensive picture of coastal morphology and dynamics at different scales.


An online focus group approach to e-Government acceptance and use

Nunes, S; Martins, J; Branco, F; Zolotov, M;

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

The emergence and widespread use of Information and Communication Technologies enabled government agencies to develop their capacity for citizens interaction, hence providing better public services. These electronic services, typically known as e-Government, have been undergoing significant development over the last few years. Information technologies have become one of the central elements in electronic governance today, and probably they will outstand in the future too. Despite the clear advantages inherent in e-Government services usage, the interaction rate between citizens and governments is still low and considered to be unsatisfactory. In order to understand which determinants may influence and trigger the adoption of e-Government services by civil society, a research methodology consisting of a theory-based qualitative validation, has been defined. This validation is performed by an Online Focus Group, where several experts were involved with the goal of reaching a set of remarkable considerations about potential determinants that can influence the use of e-Government services. © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.


The successful implementation of servant leadership at a factory in the USA

Au Yong Oliveira, M; Moreira, F; Martins, J; Branco, F; Gonçalves, R;

Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE

This is a case study on leadership, a topic which has been much debated in the literature, as solutions for many diverse situations are still lacking and seem to escape us. The case describes how an entrepreneurial wood veneer factory operates, in the USA, with images included of a number of operations. The manager-owner took us on a guided tour from raw material (logs) to finished product (veneer wood). Waste is minimized at the factory in a very stream-lined operation which has a minimal amount of managers in place. Each worker is responsible for his or her job, done to perfection, as one task rolls on to the next, without stopping. The attitude of the innovative servant-type leadership in place is that "win-win" situations are better for all, and there is enough profit to go around. Servant-leadership-type leaders exist to serve employees and exercise minimal management control. At this firm there are no self-serving managers. Rather, mature and great working relationships are developed. Being greedy would mean that unions would have to be brought in. At this firm that was not necessary, by request of the employees themselves. Hispanic workers are very good and are cherished at this firm, in the heart of the USA. As leadership is dependent on culture, the discussion also includes references to cultural aspects relevant to management. The story is thus of a positive firm with positive leadership and subordinates. We conclude that employees who have emigrated from poorer countries in search of a better lifestyle may indeed make excellent workers, despite what some political leaders have announced in the media. We have found evidence that Spanish-speaking individuals do not only work well under autocratic leadership, as portrayed by the literature. Our study is thus revealing of a new cultural-type involving workers working outside their home countries. Under different leaders, in different countries and environments, certain workers are prepared to go the "extra mile" and behave in a completely different way as to what is expected from them in their home countries. This is surprising and may have important implications for multinational firms worldwide.


Dynamic Capabilities, Marketing and Innovation Capabilities and their Impact on Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance

Ferreira, J; Cardim, S; Branco, F;


The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of dynamic capabilities (DCs) on competitiveness and performance of companies, considering the mediating role played by marketing capabilities (MCs) and innovation capabilities (ICs). The investigation of these effects is performed considering the moderating role of ambidexterity on the proposed relationships. This investigation advances a theoretical model tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). A 90-item questionnaire exploring the relationships between DCs and marketing and innovation was developed, and a total of 387 valid questionnaires were collected from a sample of Portuguese enterprises. The results show the existence of a positive direct and indirect influence of DCs on competitive advantage and performance variables as well as a direct impact on MCs and ICs. This study contributes to filling the gap in the existing research on the direct impact of DC's variables on competitive advantage and performance by considering mediating role of MCs and ICs.


Intelligent Mushroom Harvest Prediction System Proposal

Costa, J; Branco, F; Martins, J; Moreira, F; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Perez Cota, M; Castro, MRG; Rodriguez, MD;


Organizations of the agro-industrial sector, are now increasingly investing in the development of technological systems that allow the computerization of all its processes. Recently the methods and techniques of computer vision have been widely used for monitoring and inspection during the production and harvesting, allowing detect problems early and thus, improve the quality of products. In the field of mushroom production one of the most important aspects, and perhaps most prevalent, is to be able to predict its production. To this end it is proposed an Intelligent System Mushroom Harvest Forecast (SIPCC), based on techniques and methods of computer vision and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). This paper presents an architecture of a SIPCC functional and technical level, complemented with the analysis and presentation of data demonstrating its viability.

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