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Publications by HumanISE


Electricity Price Forecast for Futures Contracts with Artificial Neural Network and Spearman Data Correlation

Nascimento, J; Pinto, T; Vale, ZA;

Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 15th International Conference, DCAI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018, Special Sessions I.



UCB1 Based Reinforcement Learning Model for Adaptive Energy Management in Buildings

Andrade, R; Pinto, T; Praça, I; Vale, ZA;

Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 15th International Conference, DCAI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018, Special Sessions I.



A New Hybrid-Adaptive Differential Evolution for a Smart Grid Application Under Uncertainty

Lezama, F; Soares, JP; Faia, R; Pinto, T; Vale, ZA;

2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 8-13, 2018



Decision Support for Negotiations among Microgrids Using a Multiagent Architecture

Pinto, T; Ghazvini, MAF; Soares, J; Faia, R; Corchado, JM; Castro, R; Vale, Z;


This paper presents a decision support model for negotiation portfolio optimization considering the participation of players in local markets (at the microgrid level) and in external markets, namely in regional markets, wholesale negotiations and negotiations of bilateral agreements. A local internal market model for microgrids is defined, and the connection between interconnected microgrids is based on nodal pricing to enable negotiations between nearby microgrids. The market environment considering the local market setting and the interaction between integrated microgrids is modeled using a multi-agent approach. Several multi-agent systems are used to model the electricity market environment, the interaction between small players at a microgrid scale, and to accommodate the decision support features. The integration of the proposed models in this multi-agent society and interaction between these distinct specific multi-agent systems enables modeling the system as a whole and thus testing and validating the impact of the method in the outcomes of the involved players. Results show that considering the several negotiation opportunities as complementary and making use of the most appropriate markets depending on the expected prices at each moment allows players to achieve more profitable results.


Multi-Agent Decision Support Tool to Enable Interoperability among Heterogeneous Energy Systems

Teixeira, B; Pinto, T; Silva, F; Santos, G; Praca, I; Vale, Z;


Worldwide electricity markets are undergoing a major restructuring process. One of the main reasons for the ongoing changes is to enable the adaptation of current market models to the new paradigm that arises from the large-scale integration of distributed generation sources. In order to deal with the unpredictability caused by the intermittent nature of the distributed generation and the large number of variables that contribute to the energy sector balance, it is extremely important to use simulation systems that are capable of dealing with the required complexity. This paper presents the Tools Control Center (TOOCC), a framework that allows the interoperability between heterogeneous energy and power simulation systems through the use of ontologies, allowing the simulation of scenarios with a high degree of complexity, through the cooperation of the individual capacities of each system. A case study based on real data is presented in order to demonstrate the interoperability capabilities of TOOCC. The simulation considers the energy management of a microgrid of a real university campus, from the perspective of the network manager and also of its consumers/producers, in a projection for a typical day of the winter of 2050.


Survey on Complex Optimization and Simulation for the New Power Systems Paradigm

Soares, J; Pinto, T; Lezama, F; Morais, H;


This survey provides a comprehensive analysis on recent research related to optimization and simulation in the new paradigm of power systems, which embraces the so-called smart grid. We start by providing an overview of the recent research related to smart grid optimization. From the variety of challenges that arise in a smart grid context, we analyze with a significance importance the energy resource management problem since it is seen as one of the most complex and challenging in recent research. The survey also provides a discussion on the application of computational intelligence, with a strong emphasis on evolutionary computation techniques, to solve complex problems where traditional approaches usually fail. The last part of this survey is devoted to research on large-scale simulation towards applications in electricity markets and smart grids. The survey concludes that the study of the integration of distributed renewable generation, demand response, electric vehicles, or even aggregators in the electricity market is still very poor. Besides, adequate models and tools to address uncertainty in energy scheduling solutions are crucial to deal with new resources such as electric vehicles or renewable generation. Computational intelligence can provide a significant advantage over traditional tools to address these complex problems. In addition, supercomputers or parallelism opens a window to refine the application of these new techniques. However, such technologies and approaches still need to mature to be the preferred choice in the power systems field. In summary, this survey provides a full perspective on the evolution and complexity of power systems as well as advanced computational tools, such as computational intelligence and simulation, while motivating new research avenues to cover gaps that need to be addressed in the coming years.

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