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Publications by HumanISE


Towards a Framework for Agent-Based Simulation of User Behaviour in E-Commerce Context

Duarte, D; Ferreira, HS; Dias, JP; Kokkinogenis, Z;

Trends in Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection - 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Special Sessions.

In order to increase sales and profits, it is common that e-commerce website owners resort to several marketing and advertising techniques, attempting to influence user actions. Summarizing and analysing user behaviour is a complex task since it is hard to extrapolate patterns that never occurred before and the causality aspects of the system are not usually taken into consideration. There has been studies about characterizing user behaviour and interactions in e-commerce websites that could be used to improve this process. This paper presents an agent-based framework for simulating models of user behaviour created through data mining processes within an e-commerce context. The purpose of framework is to study the reaction of user to stimuli that influence their actions while navigating the website. Furthermore a scalability analysis is performed on a case-study. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018.



Monteiro, A; Morais, AJ; Nunes, M; Dias, D;


Research management promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of a higher education institutions' research information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies and procedures. Conceptually linked, knowledge and research assume critical relevance as an essential tool to insuring Higher Education institutions quality. Institutions are challenged to develop robust (internal) quality assurance systems in which information about scientific production, research projects, staff curricula are considered as relevant indicators. This commitment with science and research is also visible by the opportunities promoted by institutions for the academic development of their staff. Accordingly, the assessment of research and science indicators becomes an essential step for the definition of research development programmes in HE institutions. Based on this framework, it was developed an online questionnaire to be answered by academic staff, trying to assess some science and research indicators. Trying to measure the research potential of all faculty staff, this assessment tool is organized in distinctive four dimensions, namely researcher's (i) biographic data, (ii) scientific identification, scientific outputs (books, Books' chapters, scientific paper indexed and proceedings), (iii) research project with competitive funding and (iv) suggestions to improve research production. In what concerns to the application, all faculty staff members (teachers and researchers) were invited to contribute. The results were presented and discussed personally and collectively with all academic community. These results also provide relevant Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPIs or Key Success Indicators (KSIs), that could help managers and researchers gauge the effectiveness of various functions and processes important to achieving organizational goals. If scientific research is a strategic priority to higher education institutions, this kind of KPIs could be used to help academic managers to assess whether they or their faculty/research staff are on or off target towards those goals.



Vasconcelos-Raposo, J; Teixeira, C; Alves, C; Lopes, H; Mendes, M; Andrade, P; Melo, M;

PsychTech & Health Journal



Evaluation of Stanford NER for extraction of assembly information from instruction manuals

Costa, CM; Veiga, G; Sousa, A; Nunes, S;

2017 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC 2017, Coimbra, Portugal, April 26-28, 2017

Teaching industrial robots by demonstration can significantly decrease the repurposing costs of assembly lines worldwide. To achieve this goal, the robot needs to detect and track each component with high accuracy. To speedup the initial object recognition phase, the learning system can gather information from assembly manuals in order to identify which parts and tools are required for assembling a new product (avoiding exhaustive search in a large model database) and if possible also extract the assembly order and spatial relation between them. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the fine tuning of the Stanford Named Entity Recognizer for this text tagging task. Starting from the recommended configuration, it was performed 91 tests targeting the main features / parameters. Each test only changed a single parameter in relation to the recommend configuration, and its goal was to see the impact of the new configuration in the precision, recall and F1 metrics. This analysis allowed to fine tune the Stanford NER system, achieving a precision of 89.91%, recall of 83.51% and F1 of 84.69%. These results were retrieved with our new manually annotated dataset containing text with assembly operations for alternators, gearboxes and engines, which were written in a language discourse that ranges from professional to informal. The dataset can also be used to evaluate other information extraction and computer vision systems, since most assembly operations have pictures and diagrams showing the necessary product parts, their assembly order and relative spatial disposition. © 2017 IEEE.


Information Extraction for Event Ranking

Devezas, JL; Nunes, S;

6th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2017, June 26-27, 2017, Vila do Conde, Portugal

Search engines are evolving towards richer and stronger semantic approaches, focusing on entity-oriented tasks where knowledge bases have become fundamental. In order to support semantic search, search engines are increasingly reliant on robust information extraction systems. In fact, most modern search engines are already highly dependent on a well-curated knowledge base. Nevertheless, they still lack the ability to e ectively and automatically take advantage of multiple heterogeneous data sources. Central tasks include harnessing the information locked within textual content by linking mentioned entities to a knowledge base, or the integration of multiple knowledge bases to answer natural language questions. Combining text and knowledge bases is frequently used to improve search results, but it can also be used for the query-independent ranking of entities like events. In this work, we present a complete information extraction pipeline for the Portuguese language, covering all stages from data acquisition to knowledge base population. We also describe a practical application of the automatically extracted information, to support the ranking of upcoming events displayed in the landing page of an institutional search engine, where space is limited to only three relevant events. We manually annotate a dataset of news, covering event announcements from multiple faculties and organic units of the institution. We then use it to train and evaluate the named entity recognition module of the pipeline. We rank events by taking advantage of identified entities, as well as partOf relations, in order to compute an entity popularity score, as well as an entity click score based on implicit feedback from clicks from the institutional search engine. We then combine these two scores with the number of days to the event, obtaining a final ranking for the three most relevant upcoming events. © José Devezas and Sérgio Nunes


Graph-Based Entity-Oriented Search: Imitating the Human Process of Seeking and Cross Referencing Information

Devezas, J; Nunes, S;


In an information society, people expect to find answers to their questions quickly and with little effort. Sometimes, these answers are locked within textual documents, which often require a manual analysis, after being retrieved from the web using search engines. At FEUP InfoLab, we are researching graph-based models to index combined data (text and knowledge), with the goal of improving entity-oriented search effectiveness.

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