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Publications by HumanISE


Is social responsibility a question of marketing? An exploratory study on non-profit-seeking behaviour in academia

Au Yong oliveira, M; Moreira, F; Branco, F; Martins, J; Gonçalves, R;

Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE

While lecturers who gave their testimonials to us admit that workloads in academia are extremely high they still accept to direct study cycles without receiving extra pay or any apparent benefits, besides added status and prestige. Similarly, students surveyed (n=69) also want to do socially responsible activity when they become executives, even though this may go against their evaluation (as profit maximizers) by shareholders. Is society and academia in particular becoming more altruistic? One might say that social responsibility is no longer an option, that informed consumers are looking to buy from socially responsible enterprises. One might also assume that in academia, which is a very hierarchical environment, that individuals initiating careers in academia are not in a position to decline invitations to coordinate study cycles. We do also, however, with our study, see evidence of something beyond the above more authoritarian reasons for wanting to do good in society. Individuals may genuinely want to contribute as more basic needs are increasingly fulfilled and individuals seek a higher and more worthwhile purpose in life. When asked whether social responsibility is a question of marketing, a number of students were divided on this issue. Just under one third answered neutrally, and over half answered neutral or disagreeing. The sample of students is interested in social responsibility - with over three quarters revealing a strong connection with social responsibility activity. Firms should not only seek profit, our students stated in majority, though seeking a profit is not seen by the majority to be a sign of being wicked. Previous studies on human motivation have emphasized how, in more advanced societies, needs follow a hierarchy and at the highest level one will find worthwhile accomplishment. What is novel is that this worthwhile accomplishment is not linked to material success but to wanting to do good in society. Further in-depth research is necessary into such change in society, towards a softer stance than that advocated by Milton Friedman in the 1970s, in his landmark paper defending that profit is the social responsibility of firms and that executives know nothing about solving the poverty problem or unemployment or inflation and so should stay away from seeking to solve these problems (rather, leave that to civil servants). We have found that change is upon us and that millennials want to play an active role in solving society's woes, so more research in this area is necessary to quantify the change and its effects.


Application for VTE Stratification and Risk Assessment

Pavao, J; Bastardo, R; Pereira, LT; Queiros, A; Rocha, NP; Santos, M; Costa, V; Correia, N;


Venous thromboembolism is a pathology that is responsible for high rates of morbidity and mortality in hospitals. An adequate thromboprophylaxis may contribute to an effective improvement of the well-being and safety of patients. One of the important factors for the prescription of a thromboprophylaxis is the determination of the risk of thromboembolism, which can be implemented in several ways, using different methodologies, namely by using risk scales. In this work, developed in the Hospital Center of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal, we describe the development and implementation of an application with two scales for the assessment and stratification of the risk of thromboembolism, to be applied in hospitalized patients (Caprini scale) and in patients in ambulatory surgery (scale recommended by the Portuguese Ambulatory Surgery Association). The application was integrated into the hospital electronic health record system (SClinico).


Monoamines and cortisol as potential mediators of the relationship between exercise and depressive symptoms

Carneiro, LSF; Mota, MP; Vieira Coelho, MA; Alves, RC; Fonseca, AM; Vasconcelos Raposo, J;


A randomized controlled trial was conducted to assess the effects of exercise plus pharmacotherapy on monoamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, serotonin) and cortisol levels. A total of 26 women with clinical depression were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: aerobic exercise plus pharmacotherapy or only pharmacotherapy. The exercise program consisted of aerobic exercise, 45-50 min/session, three times/week, for 16 weeks. The biological parameters were measured before and after the exercise program. Adding exercise to pharmacotherapy had no additional effects on monoamines and cortisol plasma levels. These data are preliminary outcomes from a small sample and should be replicated.


Sexual satisfaction in patients with cancer [Satisfação sexual em pacientes com cancer] [Satisfacción sexual en enfermos de cáncer]

Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Moreira, TL; Arbinaga, F; Teixeira, CM;

Acta Colombiana de Psicologia

This study aimed to compare the dimensions of sexual satisfaction in subjects with and without cancer. Independent variables were: different types of cancer, time elapsed since diagnosis, types of treatment and changes in body image. The dependent variable was level of satisfaction with sexual relations. The sample consisted of 184 participants, of whom 95 belonged to the cancer group (ages between 26 and 84 years) and 89 to the non-cancer group (ages between 19 and 67 years). The instrument used was the Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire (QSRS, for its Portuguese acronym). The results showed significant differences between the cancer group and the non-cancer group. Individuals with a history of cancer disease had lower values (17.93 ± 9.67) at the level of sexual function compared to individuals with no history of the disease (30.19 ± 4.2). Individuals with cancer who had higher values of self-esteem were those with urological cancer (16.76 ± 2.85), followed by breast cancer (14.83 ± 3.34) and “other cancers” (14.41 ± 5.5), whereas those with digestive cancer presented the lowest values (5.68 ± 13.63). In sexual functioning, the group of “other cancers” showed the highest levels of satisfaction (23.53 ± 10.12), while people with breast cancer (19.54 ± 9.36), digestive cancer (18.50 ± 12.57), and urological cancer (29.12 ± 7.22) presented the lowest levels of satisfaction. Within the group of people with cancer, those who had less than one year and between three to five years of having been diagnosed reflected less satisfactory sexual performance values. On the other hand, radiation treatments, surgery and “other treatments” showed negative effects on sexual functioning, as well as changes in body image. All independent variables had a negative impact on sexual satisfaction and performance, with the exception of weight loss, vomiting, and hair loss.



Vasconcelos-Raposo, J;

PsychTech & Health Journal



Exercise as an essential therapeutic tool in mental health: Closing the gap from research to practice, a Portuguese perspective [O exercício como uma ferramenta terapêutica essencial na saúde mental: Encurtando a diferença entre a pesquisa e a prática, uma perspetiva Portuguesa]

Carneiro, L; Rosenbaum, S; Mota, MP; Schuch, F; Ward, PB; Vasconcelos Raposo, J;

Acta Medica Portuguesa


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