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Publications by HumanISE


Using iterative refinement for out-of-reach selection in VR

Mendes, D; Medeiros, D; Sousa, M; Cordeiro, E; Ferreira, A; Jorge, JA;

Proceedings of the 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, SCCG 2017, Mikulov, Czech Republic, May 15-17, 2017

In Virtual Reality (VR), the action of selecting virtual objects outside arms-reach still poses significant challenges. In this work, after classifying, with a new taxonomy, and analyzing existing solutions, we propose a novel technique to perform out-of-reach selections in VR. It uses natural pointing gestures, a modifiable cone as selection volume, and an iterative progressive refinement strategy. This can be considered a VR implementation of a discrete zoom approach, although we modify users' position instead of the field-of-view. When the cone intersects several objects, users can either activate the refinement process, or trigger a multiple object selection. We compared our technique against two techniques from literature. Our results show that, although not being the fastest, it is a versatile approach due to the lack of errors and uniform completion times. © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).


Creepy Tracker Toolkit for Context-aware Interfaces

Sousa, M; Mendes, D; dos Anjos, RK; Medeiros, D; Ferreira, A; Raposo, A; Pereira, JM; Jorge, JA;

Proceedings of the Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, ISS 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom, October 17 - 20, 2017

Context-aware pervasive applications can improve user experiences by tracking people in their surroundings. Such systems use multiple sensors to gather information regarding people and devices. However, when developing novel user experiences, researchers are left to building foundation code to support multiple network-connected sensors, a major hurdle to rapidly developing and testing new ideas. We introduce Creepy Tracker, an open-source toolkit to ease prototyping with multiple commodity depth cameras. It automatically selects the best sensor to follow each person, handling occlusions and maximizing interaction space, while providing full-body tracking in scalable and extensible manners. It also keeps position and orientation of stationary interactive surfaces while offering continuously updated point-cloud user representations combining both depth and color data. Our performance evaluation shows that, although slightly less precise than marker-based optical systems, Creepy Tracker provides reliable multi-joint tracking without any wearable markers or special devices. Furthermore, implemented representative scenarios show that Creepy Tracker is well suited for deploying spatial and context-aware interactive experiences. © 2017 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.


Using custom transformation axes for mid-air manipulation of 3D virtual objects

Mendes, D; Sousa, M; Lorena, R; Ferreira, A; Jorge, JA;

Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 8-10, 2017

Virtual Reality environments are able to other natural interaction metaphors. However, it is dicult to accurately place virtual objects in the desired position and orientation using gestures in mid-air. Previous research concluded that the separation of degrees-of-freedom (DOF) can lead to beer results, but these benets come with an increase in time when performing complex tasks, due to the additional number of transformations required. In this work, we assess whether custom transformation axes can be used to achieve the accuracy of DOF separation without sacricing completion time. For this, we developed a new manipulation technique, MAiOR, which oers translation and rotation separation, supporting both 3-DOF and 1-DOF manipulations, using personalized axes for the laer. Additionally, it also has direct 6-DOF manipulation for coarse transformations, and scaled object translation for increased placement. We compared MAiOR against an exclusively 6-DOF approach and a widget-based approach with explicit DOF separation. Results show that, contrary to previous research suggestions, single DOF manipulations are not appealing to users. Instead, users favored 3-DOF manipulations above all, while keeping translation and rotation independent. © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).


Design and evaluation of a novel out-of-reach selection technique for VR using iterative refinement

Mendes, D; Medeiros, D; Sousa, M; Cordeiro, E; Ferreira, A; Jorge, JA;


In interactive systems, the ability to select virtual objects is essential. In immersive virtual environments, object selection is usually done at arm's length in mid-air by directly intersecting the desired object with the user's hand. However, selecting objects outside user's arm-reach still poses significant challenges, which direct approaches fail to address. Techniques proposed to overcome such limitations often follow an arm-extension metaphor or favor selection volumes combined with ray-casting. Nonetheless, while these approaches work for room sized environments, they hardly scale up to larger scenarios with many objects. In this paper, we introduce a new taxonomy to classify existing selection techniques. In its wake, we propose PRECIOUS, a novel mid-air technique for selecting out-of-reach objects, featuring iterative refinement in Virtual Reality, an hitherto untried approach in this context. While comparable techniques have been developed for non-stereo and non-immersive environments, these are not suitable to Immersive Virtual Reality. Our technique is the first to employ an iterative progressive refinement in such settings. It uses cone-casting to select multiple objects and moves the user closer to them in each refinement step, to allow accurate selection of the desired target. A user evaluation showed that PRECIOUS compares favorably against state-of-the-art approaches. Indeed, our results indicate that PRECIOUS is a versatile approach to out-of-reach target acquisition, combining accurate selection with consistent task completion times across different scenarios.


Demo hour

Shorey, P; Girouard, A; Yoon, SH; Zhang, Y; Huo, K; Ramani, K; Sousa, M; Mendes, D; Paulo, S; Matela, N; Jorge, JA; Lopes, DS; Wenig, D; Schöning, J; Olwal, A; Oben, M; Malaka, R;




Mid-air modeling with Boolean operations in VR

Mendes, D; Medeiros, D; Sousa, M; Ferreira, R; Raposo, A; Ferreira, A; Jorge, JA;

2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 3DUI 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 18-19, 2017

Virtual Reality (VR) is again in the spotlight. However, interactions and modeling operations are still major hurdles to its complete success. To make VR Interaction viable, many have proposed mid-air techniques because of their naturalness and resemblance to physical world operations. Still, natural mid-air metaphors for Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) are still elusive. This is unfortunate, because CSG is a powerful enabler for more complex modeling tasks, allowing to create complex objects from simple ones via Boolean operations. Moreover, Head-Mounted Displays occlude the real self, and make it difficult for users to be aware of their relationship to the virtual environment. In this paper we propose two new techniques to achieve Boolean operations between two objects in VR. One is based on direct-manipulation via gestures while the other uses menus. We conducted a preliminary evaluation of these techniques. Due to tracking limitations, results allowed no significant conclusions to be drawn. To account for self-representation, we compared full-body avatar against an iconic cursor depiction of users' hands. In this matter, the simplified hands-only representation improved efficiency in CSG modelling tasks. © 2017 IEEE.

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