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Publications by HumanISE


Using reverse engineering to define a domain model: The case of the development of a metadata application profile for european poetry

Malta M.C.; Centenera P.; Gonzalez-Blanco E.;

Developing Metadata Application Profiles

This chapter presents the early stages of a metadata application profile (MAP) development that uses a process of reverse engineering. The context of this development is the European poetry, more specifically the poetry metrics and all dimensions that exist around this context. This community of practice has a certain number of digital repertoires that store this information and that are not interoperable. This chapter presents some steps of the definition of the MAP Domain Model. It shows how the developers having as starting point these repertoires, and by means of a reverse engineering process are modeling the functional requirements of each repertoire using the use-case modeling technique and are analyzing every database logical models to extract the conceptual model of each repertoire. The final goal is to develop a common conceptual model in order to use it as basis, together with other sources of information, for the definition of the Domain Model.


Adaptation and Validation of the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) in a Portuguese Sample

Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Bessa, M; Melo, M; Barbosa, L; Rodrigues, R; Teixeira, CM; Cabral, L; Sousa, AA;


The present study aims (a) to translate and adapt the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) to the Portuguese context (semantic equivalence/ conceptual and content validity) and (b) to examine its psychometric properties (reliability and factorial validity). The sample consisted of 478 subjects (285 males and 193 females). The fidelity of the factors varied between 0.53 and 0.83. The confirmatory factor analysis results produced a 14-item version of IPQ-PT, accepting covariance between residual errors of some items of the instrument, as the best structural representation of the data analyzed. The CFA was conducted based on a three-variable model. The fit indexes obtained were X-2/df = 2.647, GFI = .948, CFI = .941, RSMEA = .059, and AIC = 254. These values demonstrate that the proposed Portuguese translation of the IPQ maintains its original validity, demonstrating it to be a robust questionnaire to measure the sense of presence in virtual reality studies. It is therefore recommended for use in presence research when using Portuguese samples.


Video Annotation for Immersive Journalism using Masking Techniques

Meira, J; Marques, J; Jacob, J; Nobrega, R; Rodrigues, R; Coelho, A; Augusto de Sousa, AA;


This paper proposes an interactive annotation technique for 360 degrees videos that allows the use of traditional video editing techniques to add content to immersive videos. Using the case study of immersive journalism the main objective is to diminish the entry barrier for annotating 360 degrees video pieces, by providing a different annotation paradigm and a set of tools for annotation. The spread of virtual reality systems and immersive content has been growing substantially due to technological progress and cost reductions in equipment and software. From all the technologies employed in virtual reality systems, 360 degrees video is one that currently presents unique conditions to be widely used by various industries -especially for communication purposes. From the various areas that can benefit from the usage of virtual reality systems, the communication field is one that requires innovation in the way that narratives are built, especially in virtual reality systems. In the case of immersive journalism, 360 degrees video technology is currently one of the most used mediums by several media outlets. This kind of news content, whose innovative role should be highlighted, is still being studied in the field of journalism, needing a clearly defined set of rules and good practises. In order to improve the introduction of virtual elements in the 360 degrees videos this paper proposes a set of annotation paradigms for 1) Media information display and 2) Narrative and attention focusing. In this paper we present a list of possible techniques that solve the problem of immersive annotation, as well as a description of a prototype that was developed to test these concepts. The prototype implements an annotation technique based on masked videos and the extension of standard subtitle file formats. Finally a fast-track user study was developed to evaluate the acceptance of the visualisation techniques and to refine the set of tools.


Layered shape grammars for procedural modelling of buildings

Jesus, D; Coelho, A; Sousa, AA;


The effort of creating virtual city environments is reduced using procedural modelling techniques. However, these typically use split-based approaches which can impose limitations on the final geometry, usually enforcing a grid-like structure and require complex geometry to be imported. Layered shape grammars can increase the variability of procedural buildings, while the vectorial definition of shapes introduces the possibility of creating complex shapes that seamlessly blend into the model. We evaluate the contributions with a modelling example and a comparison with split-based procedural modelling techniques. Results show that layers allow more flexibility than split-based techniques in creating variations. Vectorially defined shapes are a step forward in shape grammar expressiveness.


Augmenting Physical Maps: an AR Platform for Geographical Information Visualization

Nóbrega, R; Jacob, J; Rodrigues, R; Coelho, A; de Sousa, AA;

Eurographics 2016 - Posters, Lisbon, Portugal, May 9-13, 2016.

Physical maps of a city or region are important pieces of geographical information for tourists and local citizens. Unfortunately the amount of information that can be presented on a piece of paper is limited. In order to extend the map information we propose an augmented reality (AR) system, ARTourMap, for additional information visualization and interaction. This system provides an abstraction layer to develop applications based on the concept of separated logic map tiles taking advantage of a multi-target system where several regions of the map trigger different superimposed graphics. This allows the map to be folded, to be partially occluded, and to have dematerialized information. To demonstrate the proposed system ARTourMap, three layers were developed: a location-based game with points of interest (POIs), a 3D building visualization and an historical map layer. © 2016 The Eurographics Association.


37th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2016 - Tutorials, Lisbon, Portugal, May 9-13, 2016

de Sousa, AA; Bouatouch, K;

Eurographics (Tutorials)


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