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Publications by HumanISE


Proposal of a framework for adaptive Serious Games using Design Science Research methodology

De Araujo Pistono, AMA; Santos, AMP; Baptista, RJV;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Games with purposes beyond entertainment, the so-called serious games, have been useful tools in professional training, especially in engaging participants. However, their evaluation and, also, their adaptable characteristics to different scenarios, audiences and contexts remain challenges. This paper examines the application of serious games in professional training, their results and adaptable ways to achieve certain goals. Using the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, a framework was built to develop and evaluate serious games to improve user experience, learning outcomes, knowledge transfer to work situations, and the application of the skills practised in the game in real professional settings. At this stage, the investigation presents a framework regarding the triangulation of data collected from a systematic literature review, focus groups and interviews. Following the DSR methodology, the next steps of this investigation, listed at the end of the paper, are the demonstration of the framework in serious game development and the evaluation and validation of this artefact. © 2023 ITMA.


eduARM: Web Platform to Support the Teaching and Learning of the ARM Architecture

Alves, MI; Araújo, AD; Lima, B;

International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings

Computer architecture is a prevalent topic of study in Informatics and Electrical Engineering courses, though students’ overall grasp of this subject’s concepts is many times hampered, mainly due to the lack of educational tools that can intuitively represent the internal behaviour of a CPU. With the evolution of the ARM architecture and its adoption in higher education institutions, the demand for this sort of tool has increased. Educational tools, specifically developed for the ARMv8 processor, are scarce and inadequate for what is necessary in an academic context. In order to contribute towards solving this problem, eduARM, a practical and interactive web platform that simulates how a ARMv8 CPU functions, was developed and is presented through this paper. Since this tool’s main purpose is to aid computer architecture students, contributing to an improvement in their learning experience, it comprises varied concepts of computer architecture and organization in a simple and intuitive manner, such as the internal structure of a CPU, in both its unicycle and pipelined versions, and the effects of executing a set of instructions. As to better understand its value, the developed tool was then validated through a case study with the participation of computer architecture students. Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Towards Computer Assisted Compliance Assessment in the Development of Software as a Medical Device

Farshid, S; Lima, B; Faria, J;

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies



Automatic Test-Based Assessment of Assembly Programs

Tavares, L; Lima, B; Araújo, A;

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies



Collecting cognitive strategies applied by students during test case design

Cammaerts, F; Snoeck, M; Paiva, ACR;


It is important to properly test developed software because this may contribute to fewer bugs going unreported in deployed software. Often, little attention is spent on the topic of software testing in curricula, yielding graduate students without adequate preparation to deal with the quality standards required by the industry. This problem could be tackled by introducing bite-sized software testing education capsules that allow teachers to introduce software testing to their students in a less time-consuming manner and with a hands-on component that will facilitate learning. In order to design appropriate software testing educational tools, it is necessary to consider both the software testing needs of the industry and the cognitive models of students. This work-in-progress paper proposes an experimental design to gain an understanding of the cognitive strategies used by students during test case design based on real-life cases. Ultimately, the results of the experiment will be used to develop educational support for teaching software testing.


ENACTEST project - European Innovation Alliance for Testing Education

Marín, B; Vos, TEJ; Snoeck, M; Paiva, ACR; Fasolino, AR;

Proceedings of the Research Projects Exhibition Papers Presented at the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2023), Zaragoza, Spain, June 12-16, 2023.


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