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Publications by HumanISE


Rewritting Data Cleaning Operations Defined at a Conceptual Level

Almeida, Ricardo; Oliveira, Paulo; Barroso, Joao;

Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ 2016, Ciudad Real, Spain, June 22-23, 2016.



Blind Guide: anytime, anywhere

Yánez, DanielVera; Marcillo, Diego; Fernandes, Hugo; Barroso, Joao; Pereira, Antonio;

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, DSAI 2016, Vila Real, Portugal, December 1-3, 2016

Eyesight is an important sense that helps humans to avoid dangers and navigate in our world. Blind people usually have enhanced accuracy and sensibility of their other natural senses in order to sense their surroundings. But sometimes this is not enough because the human senses can be affected by external sources of noise or disease. That is why technology has been used to develop many assistive tools. Artifacts like white canes or braille compasses help blind people moving around in the environment. In this article, the use of a system that detects and recognize nearby objects or obstacles is proposed, giving an audible feedback to the user. It is designed as a wireless system in order to be comfortable to be carried by the user. The system helps visual impaired people to move around in indoor or outdoor scenarios. The goals of this blind guide system is to detect obstacles that white canes or dogs cannot, extending its detection range. © 2016 ACM.


Health Training Platform

Clunie, C; Reis, V; Silva, P; Mendes, L; Rabadao, C; Barroso, J; Pereira, A;

Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Users and Context Diversity, Pt III

People in modern societies have increasingly sedentary lifestyles. They usually do not have time to take part in physical activity on a regular basis. Additionally, due to time constraints, people are consuming more processed and junk foods. This behavior may lead to health issues, such as obesity or cardiovascular disease. On the other hand people are becoming more aware and more interested in doing physical activities, which has resulted in an increase of memberships at gymnasiums. People usually obtain better results in training by having a personal trainer, especially in the beginning, because personal trainers can recommend safer and more effective exercises, as well as provide motivation. Moreover, personal trainers can also play the roles of life coaches or nutritionists. Despite the benefits, having a personal trainer can be difficult. Due to time constraints, it might not be simple to combine both schedules of the personal trainer and the client. In this paper we present a novel health training platform to maximize the personal trainer and client relationship and, therefore, increase the client's well-being. The health training platform allows clients to have sensors connected to their smartphones and send their exercise data to their personal trainer. It also allows personal trainers to observe their clients' evolution and provide feedback. The health training platform has an architecture that allows multiple configurations involving personal trainers, clients and gymnasiums. We have built and tested a prototype of a health training platform.


Ontology Based Rewriting Data Cleaning Operations

Almeida, R; Maio, P; Oliveira, P; Barroso, J;

Proceedings of the Ninth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, C3S2E '16, Porto, Portugal, July 20-22, 2016

Dealing with increasing amounts of data creates the need to deal with redundant, inconsistent and/or complementary repositories which may be different in their data models and/or in their schema. Current data cleaning techniques developed to tackle data quality problems are just suitable for scenarios were all repositories share the same model and schema. Recently, an ontology-based methodology was proposed to overcome this limitation. In this paper, this methodology is briefly described and applied to a real scenario in the health domain with data quality problems. © 2016 ACM.


On Modeling the Quality of Nutrition for Healthy Ageing Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Dias, SB; Hadjileontiadou, SJ; Diniz, JA; Barroso, J; Hadjileontiadis, LJ;

Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Users and Context Diversity, Pt III

Modelling dietary intake of older adults can prevent nutritional deficiencies and diet-related diseases, improving their quality of life. Towards such direction, a Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM)-based modelling approach that models the interdependencies between the factors that affect the Quality of Nutrition (QoN) is presented here. The proposed FCM-QoN model uses a FCM with seven input-one output concepts, i.e., five food groups of the UK Eatwell Plate, Water (H2O), and older adult's Emotional State (EmoS), outputting the QoN. The weights incorporated in the FCM structure were drawn from an experts' panel, via a Fuzzy Logic-based knowledge representation process. Using various levels of analysis (causalities, static/feedback cycles), the role of EmoS and H2O in the QoN was identified, along with the one of Fruits/Vegetables and Protein affecting the sustainability of effective food combinations. In general, the FCM-QoN approach has the potential to explore different dietary scenarios, helping health professionals to promote healthy ageing and providing prognostic simulations for diseases effect (such as Parkinson's) on dietary habits, as used in the H2020 i-Prognosis project (


Automated Scenario-based Testing of Distributed and Heterogeneous Systems

Lima, B;


In this document we outline a Ph. D. research plan and a summary of preliminary results on test automation for distributed and heterogeneous systems.

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