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Publications by HumanISE


Actividade física e consumo de substâncias tóxicas em estudantes universitários

Vasconcelos-Raposo, J; Silva, P; Teixeira, CM;

Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto



Malariascope’s user interface usability tests: Results comparison between European and African users

Devezas, T; Domingos, L; Vasconcelos, A; Carreira, C; Giesteira, B;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Malaria is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. It is estimated that 3.3 billion people live in areas at risk of malaria transmission, and in 2010 caused around 655,000 deaths, 91% of them in the African Region. In this study we assess if the mHealth application “MalariaScope” developed by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS (FhP AICOS) found to be usable and satisfactory by users from a European country, Portugal, can achieve similar positive results in an African country, Mozambique, which is one of its intended contexts of use. To this end, an academic partner from that African country conducted locally a usability evaluation of the application following the same procedure with participants with similar scientific backgrounds to the Portuguese counterparts. A comparison of the usability metrics of the two evaluations found no significant differences between the Portuguese and Mozambican set of users. © Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2015.


What Then Happens When Interaction is Not Possible: The Virtuosic Interpretation of Ergodic Artefacts

Carvalhais, M; Cardoso, P;


Procedural systems allow unique modes of authorship and singular aesthetic experiences. As creators and users of these systems, we need to be aware that their aesthetic potential is not solely defined by interaction but that interpretation, and the capacity to understand and simulate the processes taking place within these artefacts is highly significant. This paper argues that although direct interaction is usually the most discernible component in the relationship between ergodic artefacts and their users, ergodicity does not necessarily imply interaction. Non-interactive procedural artefacts may allow the development of ergodic experiences through interpretation, and the probing of the system by its reader through simulations. We try to set the grounds for designing towards virtuosic interpretation, an activity that we may describe as the ergodic experience developed by means of mental simulation through the development of theories of systems.


Documenting Software With Adaptive Software Artifacts

Correia, FF;




LS3D: LEGO Search Combining Speech and Stereoscopic 3D

Pascoal, PB; Mendes, D; Henriques, D; Trancoso, I; Ferreira, A;

Int. J. Creative Interfaces Comput. Graph.

The number of available 3D digital objects has been increasing considerably. As such, searching in large collections has been subject of vast research. However, the main focus has been on algorithms and techniques for classification, indexing and retrieval. While some works have been done on query interfaces and results visualization, they do not explore natural interactions. The authors propose a speech interface for 3D object retrieval in immersive virtual environments. As a proof of concept, they developed the LS3D prototype, using the context of LEGO blocks to understand how people naturally describe such objects. Through a preliminary study, it was found that participants mainly resorted to verbal descriptions. Considering these descriptions and using a low cost visualization device, the authors developed their solution. They compared it with a commercial application through a user evaluation. Results suggest that LS3D can outperform its contestant, and ensures better performance and results perception than traditional approaches for 3D object retrieval.


Eery Space: Facilitating Virtual Meetings Through Remote Proxemics

Sousa, M; Mendes, D; Ferreira, A; Pereira, JM; Jorge, J;


Virtual meetings have become increasingly common with modern video-conference and collaborative software. While they allow obvious savings in time and resources, current technologies add unproductive layers of protocol to the flow of communication between participants, rendering the interactions far from seamless. In this work we introduce Remote Proxemics, an extension of proxemics aimed at bringing the syntax of co-located proximal interactions to virtual meetings. We propose Eery Space, a shared virtual locus that results from merging multiple remote areas, where meeting participants' are located side-by-side as if they shared the same physical location. Eery Space promotes collaborative content creation and seamless mediation of communication channels based on virtual proximity. Results from user evaluation suggest that our approach is sufficient to initiate proximal exchanges regardless of their geolocation, while promoting smooth interactions between local and remote people alike.

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