Romão, T; Pestana, P; Morgado, L;
4th International Computer Programming Education Conference, ICPEC 2023, June 26-28, 2023, Vila do Conde, Portugal
Dashboard for online higher education support monitoring and evaluation of students’ interactions, but mostly limited to interaction occurring within learning management systems. In this study, we sought to find which collaborative learning activities and tools in online higher education are included in teaching dashboards. By following Kitchenham’s procedure for systematic reviews, 36 papers were identified according to this focus and analysed. The results identify dashboards supporting collaborative tools, both synchronous and asynchronous, along categories such as learning management systems, communication tools, social media, computer programming code management platforms, project management platforms, and collaborative writing tools. Dashboard support was also found for collaborative activities, grouped under four categories of forum discussion activities, three categories of communication activities and four categories of collaborative editing/sharing activities, though most of the analysed dashboards only provide support for no more than two or three collaborative tools. This represents a need for further research on how to develop dashboards that combine data from a more diverse set of collaborative activities and tools. © Tiago Romão, Pedro Pestana, and Leonel Morgado; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0.
Morgado, L; Beck, D; Gütl, C; Oliveira, T; Richter, J;
Immersive Learning Research Network - 9th International Conference, iLRN 2023, San Luis Obispo, USA, June 26-29, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
Immersive learning research is a field of study that emphasizes diversity of scholarship and subject areas. This diversity presents a challenge for understanding the breadth and depth of the field of immersive learning, a challenge that led to the Immersive Learning Research Network’s call for the community of immersive learning researchers to develop a conceptual framework supporting a common understanding of this diverse field - The Immersive Learning Knowledge Tree. However, this structure has not had its underlying assumptions validated by the larger, diverse community of immersive learning researchers and practitioners. Thus, we developed, validated, and disseminated across associations of the field a questionnaire for analyzing the assumptions, structure, and relevance of the Knowledge Tree proposal. Early results point towards overwhelming agreement from the community on the premise that the field of immersive learning research is muddled/fragmented, the current knowledge partially disjointed, specifically among different disciplines (Q3), due to its interdisciplinary nature. There are also strong indications supporting the premise that researchers active in the field of immersive learning research desire to combine their efforts with others. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Pedrosa, D; Morgado, L; Beck, D;
Immersive Learning Research Network - 9th International Conference, iLRN 2023, San Luis Obispo, USA, June 26-29, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
Self-regulation of learning (SRL) plays a decisive role in learning success but characterizing learning environments that facilitate development of SRL skills constitutes a great challenge. Given the growing interest in Immersive Learning Environments (ILE), we sought to understand how ILE are built with attention to SRL, via a literature review of pedagogical uses, practices and strategies with ILE that have an explicit focus on SRL. From a final corpus of 25 papers, we collected 134 extracts attesting use of ILE for SRL. We classified and mapped them using the Beck, Morgado & O’Shea framework and its three dimensions of the immersion phenomenon: system, narrative and challenge. There is a predominance of uses of ILE for SRL aligned with Challenge-based immersion: Skill Training, Collaboration, Engagement, and Interactive Manipulation and Exploration. In contrast, uses aligned with System-based immersion (Emphasis, Accessibility, Seeing the Invisible) were not identified. There were few cases of use of Narrative-based immersion. Uses combining the three dimensions of immersive had residual prevalence. We concluded that there is greater tendency in studies of SRL in ILE to enact active roles (aligned with the Challenge dimension of immersion). The low prevalence of Narrative immersion and System immersion evidence gaps in the diversity of pedagogical uses of ILE to develop SRL, which indicate opportunities for research and creation of innovative educational practices.
Dengel, A; Steinmaurer, A; Müller, LM; Platz, M; Wang, M; Gütl, C; Pester, A; Morgado, L;
Immersive Learning Research Network - 9th International Conference, iLRN 2023, San Luis Obispo, USA, June 26-29, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
The research areas of the Immersive Learning community cover many different interests and perspectives on teaching and learning with immersive technologies. Based on existing efforts to map the field of research, we gathered 35 participants at the iLRN 2022 conference during an open hybrid workshop. These volunteers formed expert groups focusing on five possible perspectives on Immersive Learning. The expert groups gathered and summarized possible research questions with regards to an “Agenda 2030”, meaning the most intriguing questions that should be addressed during the years to come. We let all participants vote on these research endeavors regarding their academic value and importance for the community. As a results, we gathered a total of 23 ranked questions. These questions were subsumed into ten topics forming a Research Agenda for Immersive Learning 2030 (RAIL.2030).
Silva, R; Martins, F; Cravino, J; Martins, P; Costa, C; Lopes, JB;
The proper integration of technology in teaching and learning processes must consider the role of teachers and students, as well as the design of tasks and the context in which they are implemented. Teachers' perceived self-efficacy significantly influences their willingness to integrate educational robotics (ER) into their practice, so initial teacher training should provide opportunities for teachers to participate in structured activities that integrate ER. In this study, a class of pre-service teachers from an initial teacher training programme were provided with their first contact with an ER platform through the use of a simulator. We present the design process of a student exploration guide and teacher guide, developed over three iterative cycles of implementation, assessment and redesign. The analysis of the data collected allowed for improvements in the design of the tasks, the graphic component of the student exploration guide, and more precise indications for the teacher's actions. The main contribution of this study is the chain orchestration between the simulator, student exploration guide and teacher guide, which allowed pre-service teachers to solve a set of challenges of increasing complexity, thereby progressively decreasing their difficulties and contributing to an adequate integration of ER in their future teaching practices.
Sousa, S; Cravino, J; Martins, P;
The Internet revolution in 1990, followed by the data-driven and information revolution, has transformed the world as we know it. Nowadays, what seam to be 10 to 20 years ago, a science fiction idea (i.e., machines dominating the world) is seen as possible. This revolution also brought a need for new regulatory practices where user trust and artificial Intelligence (AI) discourse has a central role. This work aims to clarify some misconceptions about user trust in AI discourse and fight the tendency to design vulnerable interactions that lead to further breaches of trust, both real and perceived. Findings illustrate the lack of clarity in understanding user trust and its effects on computer science, especially in measuring user trust characteristics. It argues for clarifying those notions to avoid possible trust gaps and misinterpretations in AI adoption and appropriation.
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