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Publications by HumanISE


WindS@UP: The e-Science Platform for

Gomes, F; Lopes, JC; Palma, JL; Ribeiro, LF;


The Wind Scanner e-Science platform architecture and the underlying premises are discussed. It is a collaborative platform that will provide a repository for experimental data and metadata. Additional data processing capabilities will be incorporated thus enabling in-situ data processing. Every resource in the platform is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), enabling an unequivocally identification of the field(s) campaign(s) data sets and metadata associated with the data set or experience. This feature will allow the validation of field experiment results and conclusions as all managed resources will be linked. A centralised node (Hub) will aggregate the contributions of 6 to 8 local nodes from EC countries and will manage the access of 3 types of users: data-curator, data provider and researcher. This architecture was designed to ensure consistent and efficient research data access and preservation, and exploitation of new research opportunities provided by having this "Collaborative Data Infrastructure". The prototype platform-WindS@UP-enables the usage of the platform by humans via a Web interface or by machines using an internal API (Application Programming Interface). Future work will improve the vocabulary ("application profile") used to describe the resources managed by the platform.


A model for analyzing estimation, productivity, and quality performance in the personal software process

Raza, M; Faria, JP;

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

High-maturity software development processes, making intensive use of metrics and quantitative methods, such as the Team Software Process (TSP) and the accompanying Personal Software Process (PSP), can generate a significant amount of data that can be periodically analyzed to identify performance problems, determine their root causes and devise improvement actions. However, there is a lack of tool support for automating the data analysis and the recommendation of improvement actions, and hence diminish the manual effort and expert knowledge required. So, we propose in this paper a comprehensive performance model, addressing time estimation accuracy, quality and productivity, to enable the automated (tool based) analysis of performance data produced in the context of the PSP, namely, identify performance problems and their root causes, and subsequently recommend improvement actions. Performance ranges and dependencies in the model were calibrated and validated, respectively, based on a large PSP data set referring to more than 30,000 finished projects. © 2014 ACM.


Factors affecting personal software development productivity: A case study with PSP data

Raza, M; Faria, JP;

Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, SE 2014

Understanding the factors that affect the productivity of software developers and may cause productivity variations among individuals and projects is important for anyone interested in improving software engineering performance and estimates, and in particular for users of high-maturity processes, such as the Personal Software Process (PSP) and the Team Software Process (TSP). In order to contribute to the understanding of the personal and non-personal factors that affect productivity, we analyzed the data from more than 3000 developers that concluded successfully the 10 projects of the PSP for Engineers I/II training course. Regarding non-personal factors, by conducting a detailed per-phase analysis, we found significant variations of productivity among projects that can be partially explained by process changes. Regarding personal factors, we found significant variations among individuals that can be partially explained by personal experience.


Automated Pattern-Based Testing of Mobile Applications

Morgado, IC; Paiva, ACR; Faria, JP;

2014 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC)

This paper presents an approach for testing mobile applications using reverse engineering and behavioural patterns. The goal of this research work is to ease the testing of mobile applications by automatically identifying and testing behaviour that is common in this type of applications, i.e., behaviour patterns. The approach includes a tool to automatically explore an Android application. This tool also identifies patterns in the behaviour of the application and apply tests previously associated with those patterns. The final results of this research work will be a catalogue of behavioural patterns and the tool which will output a report on the matched patterns and another one on the testing of those patterns.


Inferring User Interface Patterns from Execution Traces of Web Applications

Nabuco, M; Paiva, ACR; Faria, JP;


This paper presents a dynamic reverse engineering approach to extract User Interface (UI) Patterns from existent Web Applications. Firstly, information related to user interaction is saved, in particular: user actions and parameters; the HTML source pages; and the URLs. Secondly, the collected information is analysed in order to calculate several metrics (e.g., the differences between subsequent HTML pages). Thirdly, the existent UI Patterns are inferred from the overall information calculated based on a set of heuristic rules. The overall reverse engineering approach is evaluated with some experiments over several public Web Applications.


A testing and certification methodology for an open Ambient-Assisted Living ecosystem

Faria, JP; Lima, B; Sousa, TB; Martins, A;

International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications

To cope with the needs raised by the demographic changes in our society, several Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) technologies have emerged in recent years, but those 'first offers' are often monolithic, incompatible and thus expensive and potentially not sustainable. The AAL4ALL project aims at improving that situation through the development of an open ecosystem of interoperable AAL components (products and services), tied together by an integration infrastructure, comprising a message-queue based service bus and gateways bridging the communication with devices. To that end, the project encompasses the specification of interfaces and requirements for interoperable components, against which candidates can be tested and certified before entering the ecosystem. This paper proposes a testing and certification methodology for such an ecosystem. Besides fulfilling specified pre-requisites, candidate components must pass unit tests that check their conformance with interface specifications and integration tests that check their semantic interoperability with other components in specified orchestration scenarios. Copyright © 2014, IGI Global.

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