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Publications by HumanISE


Evaluation of an Integrated Mobile Payment, Ticketing and Couponing Solution Based on NFC

Ferreira, MC; e Cunha, JF; Jose, R; Rodrigues, H; Monteiro, MP; Ribeiro, C;


The emergence of Near Field Communication technology added more functionality to mobile phones. People can now access to new mobile services such as payment, ticketing, couponing, and control access to cars, homes and hotels. Although these services seem to complement each other, most studies have focused on the development and evaluation of each mobile service individually. In this paper, we propose an integrated mobile service solution payment, ticketing and couponing - based on NFC. This solution was evaluated in a two-phase user study, which was run in real environment. Participants have largely appreciated the integration of tickets and discount coupons on the payment process. However, despite the integration of services being one of the strongest points of the solution, it also revealed to be one of the main challenges that any payment systems may have to address. Findings suggest that adding additional services to a solution may become very complex from a cognitive perspective.


MobiPag: Integrated Mobile Payment, Ticketing and Couponing Solution Based on NFC

Rodrigues, H; Jose, R; Coelho, A; Melro, A; Ferreira, MC; Falcao e Cunha, JFE; Monteiro, MP; Ribeiro, C;


Mobile payments still remain essentially an emerging technology, seeking to fill the gap between the envisioned potential and widespread usage. In this paper, we present an integrated mobile service solution based on the near field communication (NFC) protocol that was developed under a research project called MobiPag. The most distinctive characteristic of Mobipag is its open architectural model that allows multiple partners to become part of the payment value-chain and create solutions that complement payments in many unexpected ways. We describe the Mobipag architecture and how it has been used to support a mobile payment trial. We identify a set of design lessons resulting from usage experiences associated with real-world payment situations with NFC-enabled mobile phones. Based on results from this trial, we identify a number of challenges and guidelines that may help to shape future versions of NFC-based payment systems. In particular, we highlight key challenges for the initial phases of payment deployments, where it is essential to focus on scenarios that can be identified as more feasible for early adoption. We also have identified a fundamental trade-off between the flexibility supported by the Mobipag solution and the respective implications for the payment process, particularly on the users' mental model.


Effects of experience on the dimensions of intensity, direction and frequency of the competitive anxiety and self-confidence: A study in athletes of individual and team sports [Efeitos da experiência nas dimensões de intensidade, direção e frequência da ansiedade e autoconfiança competitiva: Um estudo em atletas de desportos individuais e coletivos]

Fernandes, MG; Nunes, SAN; Raposo, JV; Fernandes, HM;


The present study had the following objectives: i) to examine the inter-scale correlations between the three dimensions of responses (intensity, direction and frequency) of the CSAI-2R and its relationship with competitive experience, and ii) evaluate the effect of competitive experience anxiety (cognitive and somatic) and self-confidence in the total sample and for different types of modalities (individual vs. team). The sample consisted of 267 athletes (196 male and 71 female), of different sports, aged be-tween 18 and 40 years (M = 24.30, SD = 5.62). Athletes completed the Brazilian version of the CSAI-2, which included the addition of the dimensions of direction and frequency response. Spearman test and Manova were used for the data analysis. Overall, it was found that the competitive experience has a high multivariate and significant effect on the dimensions of competitive anxiety. Both individual and team athletes with low competitive experience showed a trend to report lower levels of self-confidence intensity, compared to counterparts with high competitive experience. These results were discussed in view of the theoretic framework and practical implications planning Sport Psychology intervention programs in local athletes with different backgrounds. Copyright © 2014 Fundação Técnica e Científica do Desporto.


Atividade física, satisfação com a imagem corporal e comportamentos alimentares em adolescentes

Vasconcelos-Raposo, J; Teixeira, CM; Pinto, AF; Pereira, CA; Fernandes, MG; Pinto, M;

Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto - RPCD



Physical education in mental health treatment: A collective and integrated project [A educação física no âmbito do tratamento em saúde mental: Um esforço coletivo e integrado] [La educación física en el tratamiento de la salud mental: Un esfuerzo colectivo e integrado]

Melo, LGSC; de Oliveira, KRSG; Vasconcelos Raposo, J;

Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental

This article analyzes the use of physical education in treating mental illness by describing the contributions of this area to mental health therapies. Based on several studies, the authors discuss the benefits of physical education as a therapeutic aid in reducing the symptoms of psychic disorders. The conclusion is that physical education and science can be useful to psychiatry as part of interdisciplinary efforts in the treatment of patients with mental distress.


Relevância da intervenção psicológica em casos de lesão de atletas

Vasconcelos-Raposo, J; Carvalho, R; Teixeira, CM; Neto, JT;

Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto - RPCD


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