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Publications by HumanISE


Social and solidarity economy web information systems: State of the art and an interoperability framework

Malta, MC; Baptista, AA; Parente, C;

Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations

This paper presents the state of the art on interoperability developments for the social and solidarity economy (SSE) community web based information systems (WIS); it also presents a framework of interoperability for the SSE' WIS and the developments made in a research-in-progress PhD project in the last 3 years. A search on the bibliographic databases showed that so far there are no papers on interoperability initiatives on the SSE, so it was necessary to have other sources of information: a preliminary analysis of the WIS that support SSE activities; and interviews with the representatives of some of the world's most important SSE organisations. The study showed that the WIS are still not interoperable yet. In order to become interoperable a group of the SSE community has been developing a Dublin Corre Application Profile to be used by the SSE community as reference and binding to describe their resources. This paper also describes this on-going process. Copyright © 2014, IGI Global.


A panoramic view on metadata application profiles of the last decade

Malta, MC; Baptista, AA;

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies

This paper describes a study developed with the goal to understand the panorama of the metadata Application Profiles (AP): (i) what AP have been developed so far; (ii) what type of institutions have developed these AP; (iii) what are the application domains of these AP; (iv) what are the Metadata Schemes (MS) used by these AP; (v) what application domains have been producing MS; (vi) what are the Syntax Encoding Schemes (SES) and the Vocabulary Encoding Schemes (VES) used by these AP; and finally (vii) if these AP have followed the Singapore Framework (SF). We found (i) 74 AP; (ii) the AP are mostly developed by the scientific community, (iii) the 'Learning Objects' domain is the most intensive producer; (iv) Dublin Core metadata vocabularies are the most used and are being used in all domains of application and IEEE LOM is the second most used but only inside the 'Learning Objects' application domain; (v) the most intensive producer of MS is the domain of 'Libraries and Repositories'; (vi) 13 distinct SES and 90 distinct VES were used; (vi) five of the 74 AP found follow the SF. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


An agent-based framework for intelligent optimization of interactive visualizations

Moreira, PM; Reis, LP; Augusto Sousa, A;

ICAART 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence

Interactive visualization of virtual environments is an active research topic. There is a multiplicity of applications such as simulation systems, augmented and mixed reality environments, computer games, amongst others, which endlessly demand for greater levels of realism and interaction. At every stage of the process, including modeling, image synthesis, transmission and navigation, there are identifiable circumstances which may compromise the achievement of high quality solutions for the posed problems. For many of these problems, an effective use of optimization tools can play a major role in order to achieve solutions with better quality. Within this context, an innovative optimization architecture is presented regarding to two major principles. The first principle comprises the possibility to integrate, with reduced effort, the optimization tools with existent applications and systems. Thus, we propose an agent-based framework where the optimization application may operate as an independent process in respect to the visualization application where communication is achieved by means of a specifically developed high-level message based protocol. The second principle establishes on the utilization of a class of intelligent optimization methods, known as metaheuristics, which major distinguishing quality is their great level of problem-independence, thus, enabling a wider application. The paper describes conducted experiments and presents results that demonstrate the utility and efficacy of the proposed framework.


Automatic Street Surface Modeling for Web-Based Urban Information Systems

Dolores Robles Ortega, MD; Ortega, L; Coelho, A; Feito, F; de Sousa, A;


The growing demand for virtual urban models in emerging areas of interest has promoted a variety of techniques for automating the creation of virtual scenes with a high level of realism. However, visualization is not always the only aim in many applications. Increasingly, urban systems are also required for management, analysis, or interaction with very different types of information. Three-dimensional (3D) urban entities should maintain neighbor relations, and being inserted in a geospatial database in order to enable associative queries, one of the most important features associated with 3D urban geographic information system (GIS). Additional challenges are found when these three-dimensional models are implemented in web-based systems. This paper proposes a method for automatic modeling of buildings and street surfaces of entire real cities by combining computer graphics, computational geometry, and GIS techniques. The sources of information employed are two-dimensional (2D) GIS and its associated digital elevation models (DEMs) in order to provide real terrain features. The virtual environment supports web-based navigation and data interaction. The case study was performed in Jaen, Spain, a hilly city with more than 1,000 blocks of buildings. The 3D city model was generated using the public data provided by the general cadastral office of Jaen and the DEM information of this area. The topological relations between the geometric urban entities were inserted in the spatial database and the graphics and thematic information could be accessed through the Internet. All these features are highly desirable for decision making in urban planning. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000131. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Eurographics 2013 - Poster Proceedings, Girona, Spain, 2013

Chover, M; Sousa, AAd;

Eurographics (Posters)



The impact of time in link-based Web ranking

Nunes, S; Ribeiro, C; David, G;


Introduction. The strong dynamic nature of the Web is a well-known reality. Nonetheless, research on Web dynamics is still a minor part of mainstream Web research. This is largely the case in Web link analysis. In this paper we investigate and measure the impact of time in link-based ranking algorithms on a particular subset of the Web, specifically blogs. Method. Using a large collection of blog posts that span more than three years, we compare a traditional link-based ranking algorithm with a time-biased alternative, providing some insights into the evolution of link data over time. We designed two experiments to evaluate the use of temporal features in authority estimation algorithms. In the first experiment we compare time-independent and time-sensitive ranking algorithms with a reference rank based on the total number of visits to each blog. In the second, we use feedback from communication media domain experts to contrast different rankings of Portuguese news Websites. Results. The distribution of citations to a Web document over time contains valuable information. Based on several examples we show that time-independent algorithms are unable to capture the correct popularity of sites with high citation activity. Using a reference rank based on the number of visits to a site, we show that a time-biased approach has a better performance. Conclusions. Although both time-independent and time-aware approaches are based on the same raw data, the experiments indicate that they can be treated as complementary signals for relevance assessment by information retrieval systems. We show that temporal information present in blogs can be used to derive stable time-dependent features, which can be successfully used in the context of Web document ranking.

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