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Publications by HumanISE


Preservation of Data Warehouses: Extending the SIARD System with DWXML Language and Tools

Aldeias, C; David, G; Ribeiro, C;


Data warehouses are used in many application domains, and there is no established method for their preservation. A data warehouse can be implemented in multidimensional structures or in relational databases that represent the dimensional model concepts in the relational model. The focus of this work is on describing the dimensional model of a data warehouse and migrating it to an XML model, in order to achieve a long-term preservation format. This chapter presents the definition of the XML structure that extends the SIARD format used for the description and archive of relational databases, enriching it with a layer of metadata for the data warehouse components. Data Warehouse Extensible Markup Language (DWXML) is the XML language proposed to describe the data warehouse. An application that combines the SIARD format and the DWXML metadata layer supports the XML language and helps to acquire the relevant metadata for the warehouse and to build the archival format. Copyright (C) 2013, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


SIARD archive browser - The components

Rahman, AU; David, G; Ribeiro, C;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

The Software-Independent Archival of Relational Databases (SIARD) project developed a tool known as the "SIARD Suite" for preserving relational databases. The tool converts a relational database to a XML format. This paper presents the components of the SIARD Archive Browser which is a simple to use and platform-independent tool for browsing a SIARD Archive. This may be helpful for users interested in using the software. Moreover, it may be useful for people who want to re-use the code and develop software for browsing a SIARD archive with more functionality. © Springer International Publishing 2013.


Definition of a retrospective health information policy based on (re)use study

Goncalves, F; David, G;

Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency in Healthcare and Social Care

Medical information produced in hospitals is, simultaneously, used (1) to support health care provided to patients, (2) in research work performed by internal and external health professionals, and (3) as legal proof with various objectives. The co-existence of electronic and paper health information, the integration constraints of the various computer applications, and the storage of massive volumes of retrospective paper-based patient records are dominant concerns for São João Hospital Center (SJHC). These problems must be considered in the adoption of an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in order to ensure that hospitals and patients fully benefit from the technological investments. The contribution of this chapter is the design and conduction of a (re)use study, which consisted of an analysis of the paper-based records management activities and of the patients' records content. A survey on the (re) use of the paper-based patient records has been conducted in order to characterize the (re)use in terms of objective and type of hospital encounter, and documents accessed were identified and organized in an access frequency table. The results support the paper-based patient records strategy to implement in SJHC integrated in the Hospital EPR adoption project. © 2013, IGI Global.


Managing Research Data at the University of Porto: Requirements, Technologies, and Services

da Silva, JR; Ribeiro, C; Lopes, JC;


This chapter consists of a solution for the management of research data at a higher education and research institution. The chapter is based on a small-scale data audit study, which included contacts with researchers and yielded some preliminary requirements and use cases. These requirements led to the design of a data curation workflow involving the researcher, the curator, and a data repository. The authors describe the features of the data repository prototype, which is an extension to the widely used DSpace repository platform and introduced a set of features mentioned by the majority of the interviewed researchers as relevant for a data repository. The data repository platform contributes to the curation workflow at the university, with XML technology at its core-data is stored using XML documents, which can be systematically processed and queried unlike its original-format counterpart. This system is capable of indexing, querying, and retrieving, in whole or in part, datasets represented in tabular form. There is also the possibility of using elements from domain-specific XML schemas for the cataloguing process, improving the interoperability and quality of the deposited data. Copyright (C) 2013, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


Measuring the value of health query translation: An analysis by user language proficiency

Lopes, CT; Ribeiro, C;


English is by far the most used language on the web. In some domains, the existence of less content in the users' native language may not be problematic and even help to cope with the information overload. Yet, in domains such as health, where information quality is critical, a larger quantity of information may mean easier access to higher quality content. Query translation may be a good strategy to access content in other languages, but the presence of medical terms in health queries makes the translation process more difficult, even for users with very good language proficiencies. In this study, we evaluate how translating a health query affects users with different language proficiencies. We chose English as the non-native language because it is a widely spoken language and it is the most used language on the web. Our findings suggest that non-English-speaking users having at least elementary English proficiency can benefit from a system that suggests English alternatives for their queries, or automatically retrieves English content from a non-English query. This awareness of the user profile results in higher precision, more accurate medical knowledge, and better access to high-quality content. Moreover, the suggestions of English-translated queries may also trigger new health search strategies.


Juggle: large-scale discovery in music recommendation

Coelho, F; Devezas, JL; Ribeiro, C;

Open research Areas in Information Retrieval, OAIR '13, Lisbon, Portugal, May 15-17, 2013


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