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Publications by HumanISE


Exploiting classical bibliometrics of CSCW: Classification, evaluation, limitations, and the odds of semantic analytics

Correia, A; Fonseca, B; Paredes, H;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

The purpose of this study is to conduct a bibliometric and taxonomy-based analysis of the field of CSCW to map its recent evolution at a quantitative and qualitative level. A model for semantic analytics and social evaluation is also discussed with emphasis on the hypothesis of putting crowds into the loop of bibliography classification process to improve the current labor-intensive, time-consuming, unrepeatable and sometimes subjective task of scientometricians. A total of 1,480 publications were carefully reviewed and subjected to scientometric data analysis methods and techniques. Analyzed parameters included document orientation, deviation from trend in the total number of citations, and publication activity by author's affiliation country. A semantic classification of 541 publications allows identifying growing trends and lacking research indicators. At a human-centered perspective, limitations are unfilled in the limitative analytical spectrum, laborious and time-consuming processes of data seeking, gathering, cataloguing and analysis, subjective results at a taxonomic level, lack of more bibliographic data analytics perspectives, and absence of human-centered results concerning cognitive aspects in meta-knowledge research practices. Hypotheses are suggested towards a crowd-enabled model for bibliography evaluation in order to understand the ways as humans and machines can work cooperatively and massively on scientific data to solve complex problems. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


On the Development and Usability of a Diagram-based Collaborative Brainstorming Component

Azevedo, D; Fonseca, B; Paredes, H; Lukosch, S; Janeiro, J; Briggs, RO;


The need for computer-supported collaboration has grown over the last years and made collaboration an important factor within organizations. This trend has resulted in the development of a variety of tools and technologies to support the various forms of collaboration. Many collaborative processes, e. g. strategy building, scenario analysis, root cause analysis and requirements engineering, require various collaboration support tools. Data flow, fishbone and brainstorming diagrams, play an important role within these synchronous collaborative applications to create, evaluate, elaborate, discuss, and revise graphical models. Currently, the necessary tools are not integrated and flexible enough to support such processes. In this paper, a synchronous collaborative brainstorming diagram editor integrated in a flexible group support system is described. This approach goes beyond the current state of the art as it can be seamlessly integrated with other collaboration support tools such as text-based brainstorming or voting. The usability of the taken approach is evaluated within a case study on collaborative learning.


Putting “Human Crowds” in the Loop of Bibliography Evaluation: A Collaborative Working Environment for CSCW Publications

Correia, A; Santos, J; Azevedo, D; Paredes, H; Fonseca, B;

Procedia Technology



Educational Collaborative Virtual Environments: Evaluation Model

Reis, R; Fonseca, B; Escudeiro, P;


In this paper we propose a model for assessing the quality of educational collaborative virtual environments. The objective is to establish a theoretical model that highlights a number of relevant sets of requirements in relation to the quality in educational collaborative virtual environments. It is intended to apply the model during the lifecycle of product development and in the selection of the environment in order to support the learning/teaching process.


A Design Approach for Implementing 3D Educational Collaborative Virtual Environments on Virtual World Platforms

Reis, R; Fonseca, B; Escudeiro, P;


The collaborative virtual worlds can be used to achieve different purposes according to the intended use. The design of 3D collaborative virtual environments for learning has been an important research field for several years. However, the research in this specific field has shown that in most of the cases, the environments do not have appropriate technical characteristics. The design of the educational collaborative virtual environments goal is to produce environments that encourage users to achieve effective learning. In this sense, the current study presents a design model for development of 3D Educational Collaborative Virtual Environments. This model is based on the engineering software techniques and methods. It is supported by a spiral cycle that allows us to develop applications. The process is divided into a set of activities that are being carried out throughout each cycle, producing several work products, with the aim to provide each team member a set of guidelines and tools necessary for to make intelligent decisions about what they do. The model is composed by five steps, namely: Conception, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation. Each step contains a set of diagrams to support the developer team in their tasks. With this model, the applications are developed in a series of incremental releases, that is, the final system is constructed, based on the refined prototype. These steps include activities that enable to quantify the quality of Educational Collaborative Virtual Environments (ECVE). It is based on the Quantitative Evaluation Framework developed by Escudeiro (Escudeiro, 2007) and allow us to have a degree of freedom in the selection of quality criteria. Thus, we can obtain a single quantitative value of quality for any domain in analysis, i.e., we can adapt it in any domain and valence.


STAlz: Remotely supporting the diagnosis, tracking and rehabilitation of patients with Alzheimer's

Moreira, H; Oliveira, R; Flores, N;

2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, Healthcom 2013

As the World's population gets older, diseases directly related to aging are increasingly becoming the focus of technological effort and research. Dementia, in general, and Alzheimer's disease (AD), in particular, is one of the most common afflictions among elderly people, with studies predicting an even bigger incidence in the next decades. Due to mobility constraints, patients are being inadequately followed by their medical staff, hindering an effective delay of the disease's progression through preventive therapeutics. As such, new ways of diagnosing, tracking and rehabilitating AD patients are needed. This paper presents STAlz, a mobile device based system developed to provide caregivers and medical professionals a way to be in contact and share important information, and to provide patients with a tool that could potentiate the exercise of their cognitive functions. This system was tested with Alzheimer's disease caregivers and the initial results proved promising. © 2013 IEEE.

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