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Publications by HumanISE


Hospital Repository for Radiological Parameters Registration of Health Professionals

Pinto, J; Barbosa, L; Pereira, LT; Trindade, M; Costa, V;

Procedia Technology



Using the Action-Research Method in Information Systems Planning Creativity research

Santos, V; Amaral, L; Mamede, H;


Considering the global competitiveness the organizations ability to effectively use information technologies and bet on innovation and creativity are today commonly recognized as important. In this context, research on creativity in information systems has assumed special importance. This paper illustrates the use of Action-Research Method "in research in Information Systems and Creativity, particularized in Information Systems Planning, reflecting on the advantages of using this method in this context.


Discrete wavelet analysis of the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Baltic Sea level

Bastos, A; Trigo, RM; Barbosa, SM;


Mean sea level (MSL) in the Baltic Sea is influenced by several factors and therefore presents a complex behaviour over a wide range of time-scales. This work performs a multi-scale analysis of MSL variability in the Baltic Sea using discrete wavelet analysis. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is well known for having a strong influence in MSL variability over the Baltic; however, the relationship between MSL and NAO at different time-scales is still little understood. In this work a comparison of MSL and NAO variability is performed for a wide range of temporal scales, uncovering distinct relationships in high-frequency and long-term temporal variability. The annual and sub-annual scales are found to account for more than 50% of the total MSL variability. The MSL annual cycle is analysed and a shift from low to high amplitude values is identified in the 1970s for most stations. MSL is found to be anti-correlated to NAO at short time-scales while on the long-term NAO and MSL appear to be positively correlated for most stations. The physical mechanisms behind these distinct relationships deserve deeper study.


Differentiation between the effect of temperature and pressure on radon within the subsurface geological media

Zafrir, H; Barbosa, SM; Malik, U;


Long-term continuous in-situ radon field monitoring was carried out in the southern region of Israel, at the Amram Mountain research tunnel in Elat and in shallow boreholes in the Gevanim valley in Makhtesh Ramon. This work shows that long-term radon monitoring based on simultaneous alpha and gamma measurement enables to differentiate between the impact of ambient temperature and pressure on radon transportation within porous media both in sites isolated from outer meteorological influence as in the Amram tunnel and in sites open to the influence of environmental conditions as in the Gevanim boreholes array. It was found that if the monitoring site is a closed measuring space with undisturbed environmental conditions, the radon in the air space will reach equilibrium with the radon in the rock. Then the radon time series as measured by both gamma and alpha detectors exhibit the same temporal variations. The results in this case indicate that the diurnal, intra-seasonal and seasonal variations in the radon concentration are clearly associated with the ambient temperature gradient outside the rock air interface, 100 m above the tunnel. In shallow, open boreholes, no equilibrium between the radon within the porous media and the radon in the open borehole air is necessarily established and the results of radon monitoring are different. Gamma detectors that measure the changes in radon concentrations in the porous rock indicated a clear correlation between radon concentrations and the daily variations of external surface temperature, from about 1 m up to 85 m. Yet the alpha detectors that measure the changes in radon concentrations in very shallow borehole air (about 1 m) reveal a clear anti-correlation with atmospheric pressure waves at semi-daily, daily, and intra-seasonal time scales. At depths of several tens of meters, outer pressure waves induce anti-correlated radon variations lasting the same time, but destroy the ordered radon daily periodicity in the measuring air space, although almost not disturbing the daily radon variation within the surrounding porous media.


Accurate DTM generation in sand beaches using mobile mapping

Madeira, S; Goncalves, J; Bastos, L;


A Mobile Mapping System (MMS) is composed by a set of sensors placed on a mobile platform whose main objective is to obtain attitude and position over time of a referential in the platform together with the image of the objects surrounding the platform. The acquired data allows to obtain georeferenced positions of object points captured by the object sensors. This paper describes a methodology to automatically extract accurate Digital Terrain Models (DTM) of sand beach areas using a Terrestrial Mobile Mapping System (TMMS). The main goal of the presented TMMS is to obtain accurate 3D models of sand beaches. A very important consequence of this will be the abbility to track spatial and temporal changes in coastal geomorphology. The presented methodology has several advantages over more classical approaches: the overall cost, flexibility for regular surveys or at the most convenient epoch, such as after storms. Besides one of the major constraints in Mobile Mapping, that is poor GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) observation conditions, is usually not present in these areas. The TMMS uses two progressive colour video cameras and can work with any type of direct georeferencing system, which obvoiusly has impact in the final accuracy of the derived DTM. For the results herein reported, a dual frequency GNSS receiver and a low grade type of IMU (Inertial Measurement System) were used. The moving platform where the system was installed is a moto quad. The developed methodology for the DTM generation relies on an automatic choice of terrain points whose three-dimensional coordinates are calculated using a presented image matching technique. A cloud of points obtained in a nearly regular grid pattern is the base for the DTM. The proposed methodology was applied on a sector of the Vila Nova de Gaia Coast, in northern Portugal, and the results presented here show that it is possible with this methodology to produce DTMs with a precision of a few centimetres.


AAL information based services and care integration

Queiros, A; Carvalho, S; Pavao, J; Da Rocha, NP;

HEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics

Health and social care systems are currently faced with a set of challenges that continually require more sophisticated responses. The integration of health, social and informal care and the care personalization are important issues in the organization of the care systems. This article aims to propose an information architecture for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments that can contribute to integrated and personalized care.

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