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Publications by HumanISE


Correlation between symptoms and course duration of upper aerodigestive tract cancer at early and advanced stages

Guimaraes Santos, FBG; Branco Vasconcelos Raposo, JJB; Tolentino Figueiredo, MDT;


There still are many clinical and biological aspects of the natural history of cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract to be unveiled; which in Brazil is a direct consequence of the failure of systematic prevention and early diagnosis campaigns. Objective: To analyze the signs and symptoms presented by patients with the disease at initial and advanced stages. Other variables such as disease duration, general and nutritional status were considered. Method: A historical cohort study with a cross-section involving 895 subjects with cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract. Results: Clinical findings were not statistically correlated with disease progression, nor with the disease in early stages, but it showed rapid disease development. Conclusion: The results suggest a disease of insidious onset in the early stages and fast course afterwards. The long disease duration - greater than three months, was associated with worsening in general and nutritional states of patients.


Factor Structure and Reliability of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales in a Large Portuguese Community Sample

Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Fernandes, HM; Teixeira, CM;


The purpose of the present study was to assess the factor structure and reliability of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) in a large Portuguese community sample. Participants were 1020 adults (585 women and 435 men), with a mean age of 36.74 (SD = 11.90) years. All scales revealed good reliability, with Cronbach's alpha values between .80 (anxiety) and .84 (depression). The internal consistency of the total score was .92. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the best-fitting model (*CFI = .940, *RMSEA = .038) consisted of a latent component of general psychological distress (or negative affectivity) plus orthogonal depression, anxiety and stress factors. The Portuguese version of the DASS-21 showed good psychometric properties (factorial validity and reliability) and thus can be used as a reliable and valid instrument for measuring depression, anxiety and stress symptoms.


Factors influencing competitive anxiety in Brazilian athletes [Fatores influenciadores da ansiedade competitiva em atletas Brasileiros]

Fernandes, MG; Nunes, SAN; Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Fernandes, HM;

Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano

The study of factors influencing competitive anxiety, according to a multidimensional perspective and supported by valid instruments, is scarce among Brazilian athletes of different sports. The present study aims to: i) investigate the theoretical relationship between the different dimensions of the multidimensional theory of anxiety (i.e., cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence); and ii) investigate the effects of gender, type of sport (individual or collective) and competitive experience levels on cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence. A total of 303 athletes (233 males and 70 females), from different sports, aged between 18 and 40 years (M =24.22, SD = 5.07) completed a shortened version of CSAI-2 (i.e., CSAI-2R), about one hour before the start of competitions. Results revealed significant correlations between cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence dimensions, in accordance with the assumptions of the multidimensional theory. Additionally, comparative analyses indicated that female athletes and athletes from collective sports showed higher levels of cognitive anxiety, while male athletes and athletes with high competitive experience reported higher levels of self-confidence. These results were discussed taking into account the theoretical and practical implications of these findings for planning interventions of sport psychology in Brazil with athletes of different contexts. © Creative Commom.


Factorial Validity and Invariance of the GHQ-12 Among Clinical and Nonclinical Samples

Fernandes, HM; Vasconcelos Raposo, J;


The purpose of this study was to examine the internal reliability, factorial validity, and measurement invariance of a Brazilian-Portuguese version of the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) across clinical and nonclinical groups. The clinical sample consisted of 228 chronic hemodialysis patients (41.7% female), with a mean age of 48.23 (SD = 16.02) years, whereas the nonclinical sample comprised 350 university students (59.1% female), with a mean age of 21.15 (SD = 2.04) years. Initial model fit comparison of 16 factor structures reported in the literature, through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), provided mixed results. Additional revisions based on CFA modification indices demonstrated that a reduced (8-item) one-factor model with three error covariances provided the best fit to the data in both samples (comparative fit index > .98 and root mean square error of approximation < .05) and acceptable internal reliability estimates (>.70). Pearson's correlations between the original and the reduced scale was .96 for both samples. Multigroup analysis supported partial strong measurement equivalence across groups. Latent mean differences showed an expected higher factor mean for the clinical sample. Overall results demonstrated that the 8-item one-factor of the GHQ-12 showed good psychometric properties in both samples and provided preliminary support for meaningful comparisons of factor means across clinical and nonclinical groups.


Looking at the future [Olhando o futuro]

Vasconcelos Raposo, J;




Motivational climate in a team handball players [Clima motivacional em jogadores de uma equipa de andebol]

Vasconcelos Raposo, J; Moreira, JM; Teixeira, CM;


The motivational orientation of an athlete aims to improve their skills (task) and getting a good result in a given competition (ego). Thus, the purpose of the present study was to compare players of one Portuguese team handball club. The independent variables were: competitive levels, years as competitors, time presence as player in the club and competitive position. The dependent variables were motivational orientations: task and ego. The sample consisted of 57 male athletes borne between 1977 and 1997. The Task and Ego Orientation Questionnaire in Sport (TEOSQp), validated by Fernandes and Vasconcelos-Raposo (2010) was used. Results revealed that the handball players in the club studied present high scores on both task and ego orientation with a higher score at the level of task orientation. The present results are not in accordance with previous studies. However they do not contradict consolidated theoretical proposal. Senior athletes presented higher scores in task orientation and lower on ego. Comparisons by years in competition, time presence in the club and competitive position in the do influence significantly the motivational orientation among this club team handball players.

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