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Publications by HumanISE


A method for the development of Dublin core application profiles (me4dcap v0.2): Detailed description

Malta, MC; Baptista, AA;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications

Our research in progress project aims the design of a method for the development of Dublin Core Application Profiles (Me4DCAP). This paper describes Me4DCAP V0.2, an early version of a method for the development of DCAP. The development of Me4DCAP was based on a Design Science Research methodological approach and has as starting points the Singapore framework for DCAP and the Rational Unified Process; integrates knowledge from: (i) the practices of the metadata community concerning DCAP development, and (ii) software development processes and techniques, focusing on the early stages of the processes that deal with data modeling. Me4DCAP establishes a way for the development of a DCAP. It establishes which are the activities, when they should take place, how they interconnect, and which deliverables they will bring about; it also suggests which techniques should be used to build these deliverables. © DCMI 2013.


Me4DCAP V0.1: A method for the development of Dublin Core Application Profiles

Curado Malta, M; Baptista, AA;

Information Services and Use

Recent studies show that there is no method to develop a Dublin Core Application Profile (DCAP). A DCAP is a very important construct to implement interoperability, therefore it is essential to have a method to be able to develop such a construct, in order to give DCAP developers a common ground of work. This paper presents the first version of a method to develop Dublin Core Application Profiles (Me4DACP V0.1) that has been developed in a PhD project with a Design Science Research (DSR) approach. Me4DCAP was built having as starting point the Singapore Framework for DCAP and shows the way through the DCAP development. It encompasses a group of pre-defined interconnected activities, explicitly states when they should take place, what techniques could be used to execute them and what artifacts should result from their execution. © 2013 - IOS Press and the authors.


Me4DCAP V0.1: A method for the development of Dublin core application profiles

Curado Malta, M; Baptista, AA;

Mining the Digital Information Networks - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ELPUB 2013

Recent studies show that there is no method to develop a Dublin Core Application Profile (DCAP). A DCAP is a very important construct to implement interoperability, therefore it is essential to have a method to be able to develop such a construct, in order to give DCAP developers a common ground of work. This paper presents the first version of a method to develop Dublin Core Application Profiles (Me4DACP V0.1) that has been developed in a PhD project with a Design Science Research (DSR) approach. Me4DCAP was built having as starting point the Singapore Framework for DCAP and shows the way through the DCAP development. It encompasses a group of pre-defined interconnected activities, explicitly states when they should take place, what techniques could be used to execute them and what artifacts should result from their execution. © 2013 The authors and IOS Press.


State of the art on methodologies for the development of a metadata application profile

Malta, MC; Baptista, AA;

International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies

This paper presents the state of the art on methods for the development of a metadata application profile (AP). For this purpose we perform searches in scientific online databases and made other efforts such as global searches on the web and calls on the mailing lists of the metadata communities to find information about AP development and metadata best practices or methods for the development of AP. These searches produced 21 items of which nine have information on how the AP is developed. As a result of this analysis, we came up with small formulas or specific recipes for very particular phases of the process, but none is described in detail. We have also come up with guidelines that were too global and not sufficiently detailed for the AP development. As far as we could determine, there is no comprehensive methodological support for a metadata application profile development. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


A Pipeline for Procedural Modelling from Geospatial Data

Jesus, D; Coelho, A; Rebelo, C; Cardoso, A; de Sousa, AA;

Eurographics 2012 - Posters, Cagliari, Italy, May 13-18, 2012



An Urban Ontology to Generate Collaborative Virtual Environments for Municipal Planning and Management

Martins, T; Silva, PB; Coelho, A; de Sousa, AA;

GRAPP & IVAPP 2012: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, 2012

The municipal planning and management tasks are generally performed based on text documents or through digital maps provided by geographic information systems (GIS). However, most municipal GIS follow different data models, leading to interoperability problems when there is a need to combine data from different sources. Furthermore, most of the time these tasks are performed in a collaborative way between the municipal technicians, emerging some difficulties in decision making due to the three-dimensional nature of urban space. Thus, this paper describes a methodology which can integrate multiple sources of real data from diverse municipal GIS, in a unified data model based on the CityGML specification. This model is mapped onto an urban ontology oriented for procedural modeling, which, in turn, produces the threedimensional models of the urban environments. The system developed operates in a client-server approach, where the server is responsible for mapping the urban information to the unified data model and the client represents the procedural modeling technology that generates the urban environment in three-dimensional format, allowing users to interact and amplify the existing urban information.

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