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Publications by HumanISE


Extreme heat events in the Iberia Peninsula from extreme value mixture modeling of ERA5-Land air temperature

Barbosa, S; Scotto, MG;


Extreme summer temperatures in the Iberia Peninsula are analyzed from ERA5-Land reanalysis data based on an extreme value mixture model combining a Normal distribution for the bulk distribution (i.e. for the non-extreme values) and a Generalized Pareto Distribution for the extremes in the upper tail. This approach allows to treat the threshold of temperature exceedances as being one of model parameters rather than fixed a priori, enabling to take into account its corresponding uncertainty. Extreme value mixture models are estimated individually for each location, and the analysis is performed separately for two distinct periods, namely from 1981 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2019, respectively. The results show significant differences in the extreme value mixture models for the two periods, and in their corresponding 20-year return levels. The mean of the bulk distribution of summer maximum temperature increases significantly, particularly in Eastern Iberia. The largest differences in the tails of the data distribution between the two periods occur in the eastern Mediterranean area, and are characterized by a significant increase in the threshold for temperature exceedances and in their corresponding return levels.


An holistic monitoring system for measurement of the atmospheric electric field over the ocean - the SAIL campaign

Barbosa, S; Dias, N; Almeida, C; Amaral, G; Ferreira, A; Lima, L; Silva, I; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Camilo, M; Silva, E;


The atmospheric electric field is a key characteristic of the Earth system. Despite its relevance, oceanic measurements of the atmospheric electric field are scarce, as typically oceanic measurements tend to be focused on ocean properties rather than on the atmosphere above. This motivated the set-up of an innovative campaign on board the sail ship NRP Sagres focused on the measurement of the atmospheric electric field in the marine boundary layer. This paper describes the monitoring system that was developed to measure the atmospheric electric field during the planned circumnavigation expedition of the sail ship NRP Sagres.


Automatic classification of peaks in gamma radiation measurements from the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA-ARM) station in Graciosa island (Azores)

Barbosa, S; Matos, J; Azevedo, E;


<p><br>The automatic classification of peaks in gamma radiation time series is relevant for both scientific and practical applications. From the practical perspective, the classification of  peaks is fundamental for  early-warning systems for radiation protection and detection of radioactive material. From the scientific point of view, peaks in gamma radiation are often driven by precipitation  and consequent  scavenging of airborne radon progeny radionuclides to the ground (mainly Pb-214 and Bi-214). Thus measurements of gamma radiation at the earth's surface have the potential to provide information on micro-physical processes occurring high above in the clouds, as the dominant source of radon progeny is thought to be associated with in-cloud processes – nucleation scavenging and interstitial aerosol collection by cloud or rain droplets. </p><p>The present study addresses the classification of peaks in high-resolution (1-minute) gamma radiation time series from the GRM (Gamma Radiation Monitoring) campaign, which is being carried out since 2015 at the Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) station of the ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurements) programme. In addition to the gamma time series, precipitation information from laser disdrometer measurements is considered, including rain rate, liquid water content, median drop diameter and droplet concentration. Diverse machine learning algorithms are examined with the goal to identify and classify gamma peaks driven by precipitation events, and further examine the association between precipitation characteristics and the resulting gamma radiation peak on the ground.</p><p> </p>


Measuring Background Radiation with a Novel Ionisation Detector Aboard A North Atlantic Voyage

Tabbett, J; Aplin, K; Barbosa, S;


<p>Radon and its progeny are well-documented sources of natural radioactivity which can be used as benchmarks for testing a novel ionisation detector. The miniaturised ionisation detector was deployed aboard the NRP Sagres on a SAIL mission in July 2021 which travelled between the Açores and Lisbon in the North Atlantic Ocean. On its voyage, the detector profiled natural background radiation and in-directly detected cosmic ray muons, providing both spectroscopic energy discrimination and count rate data. The detector was simultaneously run with a NaI(Tl) gamma ray counter and other meteorological instruments.</p><p>The small form factor and low-power detector, composed of a 1x1x0.8 cm<sup>3 </sup>CsI(Tl) microscintillator coupled to a PiN photodiode, was able to identify gamma peaks from Bi-214 and K-40, having been calibrated using laboratory gamma sources up to 1.3 MeV. This research aims to investigate the performance of the ionisation detector and behaviour of discrete gamma energies over the duration of the voyage. Additionally, we will show a comparison of the CsI(Tl) based ionisation detector against the gamma ray counter which features a larger NaI(Tl) scintillator.</p>


Are the Mobile Applications of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions Accessible?

Su, L; Martins, J; Au Yong Oliveira, M; Branco, F;

Communications in Computer and Information Science

The number of smartphone users has increased significantly, and the development of mobile applications has brought convenience to daily life. However, large numbers of users who have various barriers, such as visual or hearing impairments, and physical disorders, are not able to fully access and use the referred applications, which is unfair to them, especially when considering its use by students in a university campus where all users should be able to enjoy equal opportunities and experiences. The main goal of this study is to assess accessibility in mobile applications of the education sector. Thus, an evaluation model is also proposed to assess the accessibility of the applications from two perspectives, which are the inherent properties of the applications and the user experience of different disability categories. 46 official mobile applications were tested which related to 23 universities and institutes of Portugal, using automatic and manual testing methods. Several frequently occurring accessibility issues in the apps were identified and summarized, such as color contrast, touch target, missing focus. The results of the accessibility testing showed that the status of web accessibility of mobile applications in the higher education sector in Portugal is unsatisfactory. Most apps have multiple accessibility issues, and they are extremely unfriendly to the users with visual impairments. In addition, the study also proposed a series of accessibility recommendations for mobile application designers and developers, with the purpose of improving the accessibility of apps and providing an equitable user experience for all users. © 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


User-Centred Usability Evaluation of Embodied Communication Agents to Support Older Adults: A Scoping Review

Bastardo, R; Pavão, J; Rocha, NP;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

This paper presents a scoping review of the literature on user-centred usability evaluation of Embodied Communication Agents (ECAs) embedded in digital solutions to support older adults. Twenty-nine studies were included in this scoping review. The included studies reported the implementation of digital solutions to promote: (i) secure and supportive environment; (ii) healthcare provision; (iii) healthy lifestyles; and (iv) social involvement and active participation. In terms of usability evaluation, it was not possible to identify a common understanding on the methods and instruments being used since there is high heterogeneity in terms of experimental design. Moreover, some methodological flaws were identified when analysing the experimental design of the included studies. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

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