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Publications by Nuno Cruz


Variable Buoyancy or Propeller-Based Systems for Hovering Capable Vehicles: An Energetic Comparison

Carneiro, JF; Pinto, JB; de Almeida, FG; Cruz, NA;


The growth of undersea exploration is pushing both the length and the complexity of propeller-driven autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) missions, leading to more stringent energy requirements. One approach to decrease the energy consumption of a hovering capable AUV is to use variable buoyancy systems (VBS) as a complement to the propeller actuators. These devices only require energy consumption during limited periods of time, taking into advantage the fact that whenever buoyancy is different from zero, the vehicle will continuously ascend or descend. Nevertheless, literature is scarce regarding the choice of the type of the VBS and of its constitutive elements, and regarding their effects on the energy required for buoyancy changes. This work presents structured and detailed static models of electromechanical and electrohydraulic VBSs that allow the calculation of the power required to actuate them. Based on the VBS desired characteristics and on manufacturer's data, the power consumption in each element of the VBS can be pinpointed to determine critical elements. Furthermore, a direct energy comparison with propeller-based solutions can be performed, allowing an easy evaluation of the energy gains provided by the VBS in different scenarios. This work also presents the preliminary development of an electromechanical and electrohydraulic VBS for an existing AUV at the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. Based on the developed VBS and the developed model, numerical examples are provided for typical mission profiles. It is shown that the use of a VBS in the case of the existing AUV at the University of Porto leads to considerable energetic improvements.


32 Using a Simulation Environment to Assess the Usability of a Novel Medical Device During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sa-Couto, C; Nicolau, A; de Sousa, C; Cruz, N;

International Journal of Healthcare Simulation

It was a recognized challenge of lack of ventilators needed to face COVID-19 worldwide. Although ventilators are sparse, self-inflating manual resuscitators are widely available in-hospital services, providing a rapid response to respiratory depression. Based on this, a device (PNEUMA) This work describes the use of a simulation environment to test the usability of a novel device to automate self-inflating manual resuscitators.The usability study was divided into two parts: (1) participants followed a protocol with instructions for assembling and using the system in a non-clinical context (Usability testing. Left panel – assembly of the system (part I); right panel – use of the system in an immersive clinical simulation environment (part II).A convenience sample (two MDs and six RNs) from an intensive care unit of a tertiary Portuguese hospital participated in the test. Usability testing showed that the system was easy and timely assembled, with low complexity of use (e.g. not requiring external help). The clinical scenario tested the transition between spontaneous and mechanical ventilation, and ventilatory parameters’ control, using PNEUMA. All participants reported that the controllable parameters (I:E, RR, Vol, PIP, Plat, and PEEP) were relevant and easy to change. Participants suggested the inclusion of patient parameters such as the tidal volume and lung compliance. Participants also suggested improvements, such as the inclusion of pressure alarms and a more user-friendly interface. All participants reported that they would be willing to use the device for emergency use.The reported study resulted in recommendations and ameliorations of the device, before its use in real settings, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of simulation environments for device/systems’ testing provides a timely and standardized approach, enabling a safer clinical practice.


An Autonomous System for Collecting Water Samples from the Surface

Pinto, AF; Cruz, NA; Ferreira, BM; Abreu, NM; Goncalves, CE; Villa, MP; Matos, AC; Honorio, LD; Westin, LG;


This paper describes a system designed to collect water samples, from the surface down to a configurable depth, and with configurable profiles of vertical velocity. The design was intended for the analysis of suspended sediments, therefore the sampling can integrate water flow for a given depth profile, or at a specific depth. The system is based on a catamaran-shaped platform, from which a towfish is lowered to collect the water samples. The use of a surface vehicle ensures a permanent link between the operator and the full system, allowing for a proper mission supervision. All components can be remotely controlled from the control station, or programmed for fully autonomous operation. Although the main intended use is for the analysis of suspended sediments in rivers, it can easily be extended to collect water samples in other water bodies.


Feature-based Underwater Localization using Imaging Sonar in Confined Environments

Oliveira, AJ; Ferreira, BM; Cruz, NA;

OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto



Design and Experimental Tests of a Buoyancy Change Module for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Carneiro, JF; Pinto, JB; de Almeida, FG; Cruz, NA;


Ocean exploration is of major importance for several reasons, including energy and mineral resource retrieval, sovereignty, and environmental concerns. The use of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) has thus been receiving increased attention from the scientific community. In this context, it has been shown that the use of buoyancy change modules (BCMs) can significantly improve the energy efficiency of an AUV. However, the literature regarding the detailed design of these modules is scarce. This paper contributes to this field by describing the development of an electromechanical buoyancy change module prototype to be incorporated into an existing AUV. A detailed description of the constraints and compromises existing in the design of the device components is presented. In addition, the mechanical design of the hull based on FEM simulations is described in detail. The prototype is experimentally tested in a shallow pool where its full functionality is shown. The paper also presents preliminary experimental values of the power consumption of the device and compares them with the ones provided by existing models in the literature.


Genetic Algorithm to Solve Optimal Sensor Placement for Underwater Vehicle Localization with Range Dependent Noises

Villa, M; Ferreira, B; Cruz, N;


In source localization problems, the relative geometry between sensors and source will influence the localization performance. The optimum configuration of sensors depends on the measurements used for the source location estimation, how these measurements are affected by noise, the positions of the source, and the criteria used to evaluate the localization performance. This paper addresses the problem of optimum sensor placement in a plane for the localization of an underwater vehicle moving in 3D. We consider sets of sensors that measure the distance to the vehicle and model the measurement noises with distance dependent covariances. We develop a genetic algorithm and analyze both single and multi-objective problems. In the former, we consider as the evaluation metric the arithmetic average along the vehicle trajectory of the maximum eigenvalue of the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. In the latter, we estimate the Pareto front of pairs of common criteria based on the Fisher information matrix and analyze the evolution of the sensor positioning for the different criteria. To validate the algorithm, we initially compare results with a case with a known optimal solution and constant measurement covariances, obtaining deviations from the optimal less than 0.1%. Posterior, we present results for an underwater vehicle performing a lawn-mower maneuver and a spiral descent maneuver. We also present results restricting the allowed positions for the sensors.

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