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Publications by José Lima


Robot@Factory Lite Competition: A Digital Twin Approach for the AGV

Braun, J; Lima, J; Costa, P; Moreira, A;


Robotics competitions are environments that foster teamwork, AI, and technology development by encouraging students, researchers, and academics to test their solutions against each other. These competitions often challenge the competitors' prototypes with tasks specifically designed to benchmark them with the current optimal solutions. During the prototype stages of a robot, the development costs and time spent are often higher than other stages, as changes in the prototype are frequent. Simulation is often used to reduce these variables as it allows flexibility in all development stages before transitioning to the real scenario. However, a digital twin can be used to increase even further flexibility and effectiveness. Digital twins are virtual representations of real assets, providing replication and prediction of real scenario events, and real-time monitoring of the real object. Thus, this paper presents the development of a digital twin of an automatic guided vehicle (AGV) to the Robot@Factory Lite competition and the tests performed to validate the approach.


A Simulation Tool for Optimizing a 3D Spray Painting System

Casanova J.; Lima J.; Costa P.;

Communications in Computer and Information Science

The lack of general robotics purposed, accurate open source simulators is a major setback that limits the optimized trajectory generation research and general evolution of the robotics field. Spray painting is a particular case that has multiple advantages in using a simulator for exploring new algorithms, mainly the waste of materials and the dangers associated with a robotic manipulator. This paper demonstrates an implementation of spray painting on a previously existing simulator, SimTwo. Several metrics for optimization that evaluate the painted result are also proposed. In order to validate the implementation, we conducted a real world experiment that serves both as proof that the chosen spray distribution model translates to reality and as a way to calibrate the model parameters.


Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Localization Using Extended Kalman Filter, UWB ToF and ArUco Markers

Faria S.; Lima J.; Costa P.;

Communications in Computer and Information Science

The ability to locate a robot is one of the main features to be truly autonomous. Different methodologies can be used to determine robots location as accurately as possible, however these methodologies present several problems in some circumstances. One of these problems is the existence of uncertainty in the sensing of the robot. To solve this problem, it is necessary to combine the uncertain information correctly. In this way, it is possible to have a system that allows a more robust localization of the robot, more tolerant to failures and disturbances. This paper evaluates an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that fuses odometry information with Ultra-WideBand Time-of-Flight (UWB ToF) measurements and camera measurements from the detection of ArUco markers in the environment. The proposed system is validated in a real environment with a differential robot developed for this purpose, and the achieved results are promising.


Using multi-uav for rescue environment mapping: Task planning optimization approach

Rosa, R; Brito, T; Pereira, AI; Lima, J; Wehrmeister, MA;

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Rescuing survivors in unknown environment can be extreme difficulty. The use of UAVs to map the environment and also to obtain remote information can benefit the rescue tasks. This paper proposes an organizational system for multi-UAVs to map indoor environments that have been affected by a natural disaster. The robot’s organization is focused on avoiding possible collisions between swarm’s members, and also to prevent searching in locations that have already discovered. This organizational approach is inspired by bees behavior. Thus, the multi- UAVs must search, in a collaborative way, in order to map the scenario in the shortest possible time and, consequently, to travel the shortest reasonable distance. Therefore, three strategies were evaluated in a simulation scenario created in the V-REP software. The results indicate the feasibility of the proposed approach and compare the three plans based on the number of locations discovered and the path taken by each UAV. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.


Cell-Free layer (CFL) measurements in complex geometries: Contractions and bifurcations

Novais, S; Pinho, D; Bento, D; Pinto, E; Yaginuma, T; Fernandes, CS; Garcia, V; Pereira, AI; Lima, J; Mujika, M; Dias, R; Arana, S; Lima, R;

Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

In this chapter we discuss the cell-free layer (CFL) developed adjacent to the wall of microgeometries containing complex features representative of the microcirculation, such as contractions, expansions, bifurcations and confluences. The microchannels with the different geometries were made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and we use optical techniques to evaluate the cell-free layer for red blood cells (RBCs) suspensions with different hematocrit (Hct). The images are captured using a high-speed video microscopy system and the thickness of the cell-free layer was measured using both manual and automatic image analysis techniques. The results show that in in vitro microcirculation, the hematocrit and the geometrical configuration have a major impact on the CFL thickness. In particular, the thickness of the cell-free layer increases as the fluid flows through a contraction–expansion sequence and that this increase is enhanced for lower hematocrit. In contrast, the flow rates tested in these studies did not show a clear influence on the CFL thickness. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014.


Collective Gas Sensing in a Cyber-Physical System

Rohrich, RF; Teixeira, MAS; Lima, J; de Oliveira, AS;


This paper discusses a novel collective sensing approach using autonomous sensors specially designed to monitor gas leaks and search for gas sources. The proposed collective behavior aims to improve the gas-source search by sharing information between mobile sensors and reducing the risks associated with gas leakage. The group acts as a composite sensor that can move independently to search for an optimal sensing zone. The autonomous searching behavior is bio-inspired by colonies of bacteria that continuously seek energy sources throughout their existence. Each sensor makes its own autonomous search decision, considering the group sense, to move in the direction of a better energy source. The collective approach is based on autonomous agents sharing information to achieve a collective sense of gas perception and utilizes more intelligent searching. The method is evaluated in a cyber-physical system specially developed to safely experiment with gases and mobile sensors while reproducing the realistic dynamic behavior of the gas. Experiments are performed to clarify the collective gas-sensing contributions, and the gas search is compared through multiple mobile sensors with and without collective sensing. The proposed approach is evaluated in an unhealthy environment to elucidate its effectiveness. In addition to presenting the related differences between collective and individual sensory approaches, this work contributes with analyzes of the scalability of mobile gas sensing systems. This work also contributed as a simulated semi-physical experimental system to test algorithms' performance before applying it to practice.

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