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Publications by CTM


Non-invasive imaging techniques and assessment of carotid vasa vasorum neovascularization: Promises and pitfalls

Pereira, T; Betriu, A; Alves, R;

Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine



Analysing the peripheral nerve tissue using distinct discretization techniques

Albuquerque, TM; Belinha, J; Natal Jorge, RMN;


The main purpose of this work is to study the biomechanical behaviour of a peripheral nerve tissue when submitted to mechanical stretching forces. Nerve injury reduces life quality and has a strong impact on the national productivity, so it is essential to study the biomechanical properties of peripheral nerves to improve the repair and regeneration procedure. The study was conducted on a 2D and a 3D model of a sciatic nerve bifurcation in the lower thigh. These models were inspired on a real nerve bifurcation and have been developed using several computational tools. It was used the finite element method (FEM), Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM) and Neighbour Radial Point Interpolation Method (NNRPIM) to perform the analyses in FEMAS (R). The results of the analysis with the three different methods are very similar, the main stress is observed always in the same region in both 2D and 3D models and the displacement results for the selected points in the two models are concordant. The results obtained by the three different analysis methods are very similar which not only allow to conclude that these methods are appropriate numerical tools to analyse the biomechanical behaviour of peripheral nerve tissue but also confirms the robustness of the used methods.


Linking sustainable tourism and electric mobility – Moveletur

Ramos, G; Dionísio, R; Pereira, P;

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

This paper approaches the permanent struggle that less favoured regions must deal with regarding economic opportunities, job creation, income and regional production increase. Since an increased demand for nature and protected areas is taking place in a more and more urban society, some innovation potential is emerging. The study we have developed is focused on sustainable tourism practices in a specific natural area (Malcata Mountain Reserve), using electric mobility, which is known for its zero emission, no polluting and noise-free travelling. The broader study is carried out under the Interreg Funding Program in the Moveletur Project. Our aims are to promote a model of sustainable and clean tourism for visitors of natural areas, to create a network of green tourism itineraries connecting sites of natural and/or cultural value using electric vehicles and to empower tourism sector entrepreneurs with a new added-value service for their activity. Joint work with other natural areas is required to increase results. After the project is finished (by the end of 2018) there will be an improved knowledge about natural and cultural values that natural areas hold and that can be used for visitors’ enjoyment. There will be a more respectful way of ‘doing tourism’ in natural areas and hopefully it will address employment creation and improved territorial competitiveness. Finally, tourism experiences will have more quality and the project will promote smart villages’ further development by using technological components. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.


Industrial IoT devices and cyber-physical production systems: Review and use case

Rúbio, EM; Dionísio, RP; Torres, PMB;

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

The present paper describes the state of the art related to IIoT Devices and Cyber-Physical systems and presents a use case related to predictive maintenance. Industry 4.0 is the boost for smart manufacturing and demands flexibility and adaptability of all devices/machines in the shop floor. The machines must become smart and interact with other machines inside and outside the industries/factories. The predictive maintenance is a key topic in this industrial revolution. The reason is based on the idea that smart machines must be capable to automatically identify and predict possible faults and actuate before they occur. Vibrations can be problematic in electrical motors. For this reason, we address an experimental study associated with an automatic classification procedure, that runs in the smart devices to detect anomalies. The results corroborate the applicability and usefulness of this machine learning algorithm to predict vibration faults. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.


Cyber-Physical Production Systems supported by Intelligent Devices (SmartBoxes) for Industrial Processes Digitalization

Torres, PMB; Dionísio, R; Malhão, S; Neto, L; Ferreira, R; Gouveia, H; Castro, H;

5th IEEE International forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry, RTSI 2019, Florence, Italy, September 9-12, 2019

Industry 4.0 paradigm is a reality in the digitization of industrial processes and physical assets, as well as their integration into digital ecosystems with several suppliers of the value chain. In particular, Industry 4.0 is the technological evolution of embedded systems applied to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). With this, a shift from the current paradigm of centralization to a more decentralized production, supported by Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is implied. The work reported in this paper focuses on the development of smart devices (SmartBoxes), based on low-cost hardware such as Raspberry Pi and also platforms certified for industrial applications, such as NI CompactRIO. Both platforms adopted the OPC-UA architecture to collect data from the shop-floor and convert it into OPC-UA Data Access standard for further integration in the proposed CPPS. Tests were also performed with the MQTT protocol for monitorization. Each SmartBox is capable of real-time applications that run on OPC-UA and MQTT, allowing easy interaction between supervisory systems and physical assets. © 2019 IEEE.


Industrial IoT Smartbox for the Shop Floor

Malhao, S; Dionisio, R; Torres, P;

Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment at International Conference, 2019

Constant search for efficiency and productivity has led to innovation on the factory shop floor, representing an evolution of the current production systems combined with new technologies of industrial automation and information technology. This work presents an experimental demo of a smartbox for Industry 4.0 scenarios, allowing sensing, monitoring and data acquisition. We have tested two different approaches, depending on the communication protocol used for real time applications: OPC UA or MQTT. Raspberry Pi's platform act as an OPC UA server or MQTT broker, respectively. From the measurements, data stored in a cloud server can be accessed remotely with improved security and visualized from a computer dashboard. One of the conclusions that can be drawn is that both protocols allow data from the smartbox to be stored and easily monitored from a smartphone application or a computer web interface. MQTT is a good option in communications requiring very low bandwidth. However, there is a lack of suitable libraries to program alarm features for OPC UA Servers. © 2019 IEEE.

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