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Publications by Manuel Matos


Assessing the contribution of microgrids to the reliability of distribution networks

Costa, PM; Matos, MA;


The emergence of microgeneration has recently lead to the concept of microgrid, a network of LV consumers and producers able to export electric energy in some circumstances and also to work in an isolated way in emergency situations. Research on the organization of microgrids, control devices, functionalities and other technical aspects is presently being carried out, in order to establish a consistent technical framework to support the concept. The successful development of the microgrid concept implies the definition of a suitable regulation for its integration on distribution systems. In order to define such a regulation, the identification of costs and benefits that microgrids may bring is a crucial task. Actually, this is the basis fora discussion about the way global costs could be divided among the different agents that benefit from the development of microgrids. Among other aspects, the effect of microgrids on the reliability of the distribution network has been pointed out as an important advantage, due to the ability of isolated operation in emergency situations. This paper identifies the situations where the existence of a microgrid may reduce the interruption rate and duration and thus improve the reliability indices of the distribution network. The relevant expressions necessary to quantify the reliability are presented. An illustrative example is included, where the global influence of the microgrid in the reliability is commented.


Design of grounding systems in substations using a mixed-integer linear programming formulation

Khodr, HM; Salloum, GA; Saraiva, JT; Matos, MA;


The main purpose of this paper is the development of an optimization model to design grounding grids in electrical substations. The design of a grounding grid in a substation is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. The developed optimization model incorporates the constructive Characteristics, as well as the technical and security requirements inherent to the construction, installation and operation of these grids. The model includes variables defining the grid characteristics according to the configurations admitted by the designer, which are selected amongst a set of pie-selected grounding designs. The definition of these configurations includes the geometry of the grid, the depth at Which the conductors will be installed and the radius of the conductor. A finite number of configurations can be generated before running the optimization process by considering all the variables in accordance with the IEEE Std 80-2000. The optimization problem also includes safety constraints related with the maximum allowed touching and step voltages, which are defined according to the fibrillation discharge limits. These fibrillation discharge limits are defined by IEEE Std 80-2000 for low frequencies for high frequencies. the limits are not the same as in 50 Hz). The model also includes the equivalent impedance of the transmission line supplying the substation where it will be located the grounding grid to be designed. As a result, the problem outputs define the most adequate grounding grid among the possible pre-selected configurations. This selection is driven by the total investment and installation costs, corresponding to the objective of the optimization model. To illustrate the interest of this research, the paper includes a case study based oil a real Situation, as all example of a potential application of this approach for engineering grounding design. Finally, it should also be referred that the scope of application of this methodology is potentially very wide given that it is in accordance with the specifications defined by the IEEE Std 80-2000.


Fast solutions for UC problems by a new metaheuristic approach

Viana, A; de Sousa, JP; Matos, MA;


Due to its combinatorial nature, the Unit Commitment problem has for long been an important research challenge, with several optimization techniques, from exact to heuristic methods, having been proposed to deal with it. In line with one current trend of research, metaheuristic approaches have been studied and some interesting results have already been achieved and published. However, a successful utilization of these methodologies in practice, when embedded in Energy Management Systems, is still constrained by the reluctance of industrial partners in using techniques whose performance highly depends on a correct parameter tuning. Therefore, the application of metaheuristics to the Unit Commitment problem does still justify further research. In this paper we propose a new search strategy, for Local Search based metaheuristics, that tries to overcome this issue. The approach has been tested in a set of instances, leading to very good results in terms of solution cost, when compared either to the classical Lagrangian Relaxation or to other metaheuristics. It also drastically reduced the computation times. Furthermore, the approach proved to be robust, always leading to good results independently of the metaheuristic parameters used.


Valuation of switchable tariff for wind energy

Yu, W; Sheble, GB; Lopes, JAP; Matos, MA;


The current fixed tariff remuneration for wind energy is not compatible with the deregulation of the electric power industry. The time-varying and location-dependent value of renewable energy is not acknowledged. The newly announced switchable tariff for wind energy in the Spanish electricity market provides a promising solution to compensating renewable energy within the deregulated electric power industry. The new switchable tariff provides wind generators more flexibility in operating wind generation assets. Such flexibilities provide option value in coordinating the seasonality of wind energy, demand on electric power and electricity prices movement. This paper models and valuates the flexibility on switching tariff as real compound options for wind generators. Numerical examples valuate wind generation assets under fixed tariff, spot market price taking, and yearly and monthly switchable tariffs. The optimal switching strategies are identified. The impacts of the switchable tariff on sitting criteria and values of wind generation assets are investigated. An improvement on the yearly switchable tariff is suggested to further reduce the operation risk of wind generators and fully explore the efficiency provided by competitive electricity markets.


Capacity credit of microgeneration and microgrids

Costa, PM; Matos, MA;


The recent development of the concept of microgrid (mu Grid), associated to the emergent interest in microgeneration (mu Gen), has raised a number of challenges regarding the evaluation of the technical, economical and regulatory impacts of a high penetration of this kind of solutions in the power systems. In this paper, the topic of security of supply is addressed, aiming at evaluating the influence of mu Gen and mu Grids in the medium- and long-term availability of generation to serve the forecasted load. A Monte-Carlo based methodology is used to evaluate this influence and to assess the capacity credit of those entities.


Regulation of microgeneration and microgrids

Costa, PM; Matos, MA; Lopes, JAP;


The concept of microgrid (mu Grid) has been emerging as a way to integrate microgeneration (mu G) in low-voltage (LV) networks and simultaneously improve its potential benefits. Technical requirements to connect mu grids to LV networks have been studied in order to make this concept technologically feasible and safe to operate. However, the regulatory framework for economic integration of mu G and mu Grids on distribution systems, despite being crucial, is still an open issue. The main purpose of this paper is to contribute for the development of an appropriate economic regulation framework that removes the barriers to mu G and mu Grid development. To do so, the relevant costs and benefits resulting from the establishment of mu G and mu Grid are identified and a methodology for sharing those costs and benefits among the involved economic agents is presented. The only prerequisite of such a methodology is the existence of a net benefit to all economic agents.

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