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Publications by CTM


Improving the BCCT.core model with lateral information

Oliveira, HP; Magalhaes, A; Cardoso, MJ; Cardoso, JS;

Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Region 8 International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB

Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment (BCCT) is considered the gold standard of breast cancer treatment. However, the aesthetic outcome is diverse and very difficult to evaluate in a consistent way partly due to the weak reproducibility of the subjective methods in use. T his motivated the research on the objective methods. BCCT.core is a very recent software that objectively and automatically evaluates the aesthetic outcome of BCCT. However, as in other approaches, the system only uses frontal patient information, disregarding volumetric perception on lateral measurements. In the current work we investigate the improvement of the BCCT.core model by introducing lateral information extracted from patients images. We compare the performance of the model currently used on BCCT.core with the model developed in this study. Experimental results suggest that with lateral measurements the model presents better performance, however improvements are not significant. We can conclude that is essential to use robust models on the BCCT, and the input of 3D models will probably help to obtain better results. © 2010 IEEE.


Hierarchical medical image annotation using SVM-based approaches

Amaral, IF; Coelho, F; Da Costa, JFP; Cardoso, JS;

Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Region 8 International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB

Automatic image annotation or image classification can be an important step when searching for images from a database. Common approaches to medical image annotation with the Image Retrieval for Medical Applications (IRMA) code make poor or no use of its hierarchical nature, where different dense sampled pixel based information methods outperform global image descriptors. In this work we address the problem of hierarchical medical image annotation by building a Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system aiming to explore the combination of three different methods using Support Vector Machines (SVMs): first we concatenate global image descriptors with an interest points Bag-of-Words (BoW) to build a feature vector; second, we perform an initial annotation of the data using two known methods, disregarding the hierarchy of the IRMA code, and a third that takes the hierarchy into consideration by classifying consecutively its instances; finally, we make use of pairwise majority voting between methods by simply summing strings in order to produce a final annotation. Our results show that although almost all fusion methods result in an improvement over standalone classifications, none clearly outperforms each other. Nevertheless, these are quite competitive when compared with related works using an identical database. © 2010 IEEE.



Silva, V; Cardoso, MJ; Fonseca, J; Cruz Correia, R;


Introduction. The study of the clinical workflows and information flows in healthcare institutions is of vital importance to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. At Hospital Sao Joao, Oporto Portugal, a Diagnostic Breast Unit (DBU) was recently created. The implementation of a new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) called Breast.Care triggered the need to better understand the DBU processes and suggest improvements. Aim. To describe clinical workflows and information flows in DBU, detect problems and propose solutions for better communication among different actors. Methods. The study started with a direct observation period with a total of 24 hours. The observed processes and flows were transcribed into free text and then into structured text, tables and Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams (activity and partition-activity). The structured text and diagrams were analysed to find possible improvements. Results. Seven main processes were identified representing how different actors (humans and computers) work together. Three communication process improvements between humans were detected (e.g. changing timing of patient data insertion to facilitate reading access to others), three human machine improvements (e.g. changing computer medical forms) and one between machines (creating specific links between information systems). Discussion. Analysing workflow and information flow in DBU allowed the detection of communication problems and the improvement of those through changes in EPR and in DBU current processes.


Training in oncoplastic surgery: An international consensus. The 7th Portuguese Senology Congress, Vilamoura, 2009

Cardoso, MJ; Macmillan, RD; Merck, B; Munhoz, AM; Rainsbury, R;


Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (OPBS) is becoming an integral part of breast cancer management, but few surgeons have received formal training in these techniques. An International Symposium has recently debated the key issues which impact on training and specialisation in OPBS, as well as patient access to these procedures. The Symposium concluded that increasing the availability of OPBS is a major challenge, which demands much closer collaboration and cooperation between breast and plastic surgeons, backed up by new training schemes, new curricula and new guidelines.


Reflections on Music Programming for Conferences: The Case of SMC 2009

Guedes, C; Rebelo, P;


The inclusion of the presentation of music in a conference dealing with technical or cultural aspects of that same music has evolved significantly. An important aspect of music presentation is the opportunity it provides for public engagement. Conferences that have a music program often follow two different approaches, or a combination of these that includes the creation of a music committee inways similar to a scientific committee, or the invitation of curators to select the program for one or more concerts in the conference. Models of new music creation have significantly expanded to include close composer-performer collaboration which in some cases results in coauthorship. The conference-plus-festival format needs to be able to expand and refine the process of submitting a work for public presentation in order to adequately exhibit the variety of approaches to music production and dissemination.


Control of complex Ginzburg-Landau equation eruptions using intrapulse Raman scattering and corresponding traveling solutions

Facao, M; Carvalho, MI; Latas, SC; Ferreira, MF;


The eruption solitons that exist under the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) may be eliminated by the introduction of a term that in the optical context represents intrapulse Raman scattering (IRS) The later was observed in direct numerical simulations and here we have obtained the system of ordinary differential equations and the corresponding traveling solitons that replace the eruption solutions In fact we have found traveling solutions for a subset of the eruption CGLE parameter region and a wide range of the IRS parameter However for each set of CGLE parameters they are stable solely above a certain threshold of IRS

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