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Publications by CTM


Automatic speaker segmentation using multiple features and distance measures: A comparison of three approaches

Kotti, M; Martins, LGPM; Benetos, E; Cardoso, JS; Kotropoulos, C;

2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo - ICME 2006, Vols 1-5, Proceedings

This paper addresses the problem of unsupervised speaker change detection. Three systems based on the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) are tested. The first system investigates the AudioSpectrumCentroid and the AudioWaveformEnvelope features, implements a dynamic thresholding followed by a fusion scheme, and finally applies BIC. The second method is a real-time one that uses a metric-based approach employing the line spectral pairs and the BIC to validate a potential speaker change point. The third method consists of three modules. In the first module, a measure based on second-order statistics is used; in the second module, the Euclidean distance and T-2 Hotelling statistic are applied; and in the third module, the BIC is utilized. The experiments are carried out on a dataset created by concatenating speakers from the TIMIT database, that is referred to as the TIMIT data set. A comparison between the performance of the three systems is made based on t-statistics.


Classification of Ordinal Data

Cardoso, JS;




Interobserver agreement and consensus over the esthetic evaluation of conservative treatment for breast cancer

Cardoso, MJ; Cardoso, J; Santos, AC; Barros, H; de Oliveira, MC;


Twenty-four experts from 13 different countries were asked to evaluate photographs taken of 60 women following conservative breast cancer treatment. The esthetic result of each case was classified as poor, fair, good or excellent. Agreement was evaluated using the kappa (k) and weighted kappa (wk) statistics, for all observers, mate and female participants, those younger and older than 50 years, those seeing more than 250 cases a year, and those with previous publications in this area. Consensus was obtained by way of a modified Delphi approach, when more than 50% of participants provided the same classification. In a second round, consensual cases were disclosed and a revised opinion was asked in non-consensual ones. Agreement between all participants was fair (k = 0.24, wk = 0.37) and remained within the same range (k = 0.20-0.31, wk = 0.31-0.45) in the subgroups analyzed. First round consensus was obtained in 46 out of 60 cases (77%) and in the second round in 59 out of 60 cases (98%). Evaluation of the esthetic results of conservative treatment for breast cancer is only fairly reproducible when performed by experts working in different geographical areas. Consensus is obtainable if a relatively low threshold of agreement is considered acceptable.


Instant management infrastructure: Through network management support systems and software agents coordination

Folha, JA; Marques, BF; Oliveira, JA; Coelho, PM; Oliveira, RF;

ICE-B 2006 - International Conference on e-Business, Proceedings

Enterprises need to automate manual and routine aspects of IT infrastructure management. In this paper a new concept that integrates different autonomous and management level applications through Instant Messaging protocol (XMPP) is introduced. This is achieved by means of a common management information model implemented in LDAP. A content language implemented in XML is also described, allowing autonomous application integration to carry out management tasks dynamically.


A spectral difference approach to downbeat extraction in musical audio

Davies, MEP; Plumbley, MD;

European Signal Processing Conference

We introduce a method for detecting downbeats in musical audio given a sequence of beat times. Using musical knowledge that lower frequency bands are perceptually more important, we find the spectral difference between band-limited beat synchronous analysis frames as a robust downbeat indicator. Initial results are encouraging for this type of system.


GANS: A Signalling Framework for Dynamic Interworking between Heterogeneous Networks

Akhtar, N; Campos, R; Kappler, C; Paakkonen, P; Poyhonen, P; Zhou, D;


There is a growing trend towards convergence of telecommunication and data networks in order to support a richer set of services and applications. At the same time, increasing diversity and density of network access technologies has made the goal of providing connectivity anytime and anywhere a real possibility. Another important development is the emergence of small, low-complexity user owned networks, such as Personal Area Networks and Body Area Networks. Dynamic interworking, also known as network composition, between networks of different types and sizes is essential in the push towards convergence, as well as to realize truly seamless connectivity between heterogeneous access networks. Dynamic interworking requires signalling between different elements of the control planes of the different networks in order to coordinate the control functions and resources of the networks concerned. In this paper, we present the Generic Ambient Network Signalling protocol suite to address the diverse signalling requirements for dynamic interworking of networks.

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